• 社区服务社会和谐具有内在的一致性,且目标相同。

    There has been a consistency between community service and society harmony.


  • 内容主要包括信息技术教育研究性学习社区服务社会实践以及劳动技术教育。

    Its contents mainly include: information technology education, inquiry learning, community service and social practice as well as Labour and technique education.


  • 双向转诊社区卫生服务社会大型医疗机构联系的枢纽,是整个卫生服务网络重要环节。

    Two-way referral is the contact between community health services and major medical institutions, the essential in the entire health service network.


  • 问题只是团队如何有效地工作而是团队如何整个组织整个理应服务社会进行融合

    The issue is not just how the team can function more effectively, but how it integrates with the overall organization, all society that it supposedly serves.


  • 目前发展服务解决环境社会平衡成为中国十二五”规划主要问题

    For now, to develop the service industry and to solve the imbalance between environment and society have become the main issues of the twelfth five-year-plan in China.


  • 正如大家知道的,经济学生产分配交换消费物品服务相关社会科学

    Economics, as we know it, is the social science concerned with the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services.


  • 反之有效紧急应对正常卫生服务可以增强社会稳定和谐

    Conversely, an effective emergency response and functional health service can reinforce social stability and cohesion.


  • 没有监管社会服务令,没有体现出它们价值;令人失望是,累犯概率似乎那些坐过牢的人有关。

    Non-custodial community sentences have yet to prove their worth; the rate of recidivism seems disappointingly close to that of people who serve prison terms.


  • 同样服务行业进化自然一步——从实体虚拟——与社会进展的特色极其相似。

    It is also a natural step in the evolution of services-from the physical to the virtual-that has characterised much of society's progress.


  • 最终社会服务合作父母经常面临一些境遇无法做到有条理

    And the parents who end up working with social services are often facing circumstances that make being organized nearly impossible.


  • 制定一项纳入有关流行病学社会科学方法通用方案明确结核病规划范围影响获得服务治疗障碍以及性别有关的问题

    Develop a generic protocol incorporating appropriate epidemiological and social science methods to identify barriers and to confront gender-related problems of access to and care within TB programmes.


  • 律师像是苹果Facetime一样,这个词将会被限制使用其它社会网络服务上。

    It could limit the use of the word in other social networks and services, such as Apple's Facetime, lawyers said.


  • 依法监管从事检验检疫通关业务有关社会服务机构

    To supervise social service agencies dealing with businesses related to entry-exit inspection and quarantine according to the law.


  • 社会应用沟通协作上的快速成长,越来越多人能够透过创意生态系统,不同服务导出内容

    The rapid emergence of social applications that can communicate and cooperate are allowing more and more people to output content from one service to another in a creative ecosystem.


  • 大学只有社会紧密互动,才能彰显自身价值真正服务社会引领社会

    A university can let its value shine through, truly put itself at society's service, and become a leader only when it can interact intimately with society.


  • 资本积累所引起增长不是免费午餐要求社会牺牲现期物品服务消费,以便未来享有更多的消费。

    The growth that arises from capital accumulation is not a free lunch: It requires that society sacrifice consumption of goods and services in the present to enjoy higher consumption in the future.


  • 然而承认服务们语举止依然粗鲁,总是爱板着脸,即使是在后苏联时代的私有化社会成长起来的男服务服务之间也是如此。

    But he concedes that surliness endures, even among waiters and waitresses who grew up in the privatized, post-Soviet years.


  • 然而技术联系一起全球化带来了一定的限制,如就业市场混乱社会服务压力以及更为不平均趋势

    But, allied with technology, globalisation has also brought strains, through dislocations in the job market, pressures on social services and a trend towards greater inequality.


  • 我们广大行业同仁共同研发、设计趋完美食品机械回报广大客户更好地服务社会

    Our wish industry colleagues co-development, design more perfect Food Machinery, return customers and better serve the community.


  • 保护家庭成员伤害的情况下,坚持不懈的服务国家社会

    While preventing family members from being harmed in any way, serve the country and society with a persevere effort.


  • 论文介绍了美国社区图书馆特点服务延伸服务基本模式美国社区图书馆现代社会中的作用

    This paper introduces the characteristics, service and extending services of basic mode of American community library, as well as the effect of American community library in modern society.


  • 隶属大学研究中心享有国际声誉优质教学服务社会的精神在国内倍受瞩目。

    It has research centres of international repute and has been recognised nationally for the quality of its teaching and community service.


  • 分析物质生产劳动精神生产劳动、服务劳动、社会公务劳动价值关系

    Analyses the relations among material production labor, spirit production labor, service labor, social public affair labor and value.


  • 提供质量健康安全环境社会责任领域检验测试认证服务

    Provide inspection, testing and certification services in the areas of Quality, Health & Safety, Environment and Social Accountability.


  • 研究使用问卷调查了339名青少年人格特征社会支持社交焦虑互联网服务使用偏好之间的关系

    This study explores the relationships of personality, social support, social anxiety, and the use preference for internet services by surveying a sample of 339 adolescents through questionnaires.


  • 人才培养科学研究社会服务称为现代高等学校职能

    Personnel training, scientific research and social service are called the three major functions of modern colleges.


  • 本文通过一个现实个案分析论述了文化敏感社会工作服务价值意义

    The paper, through an analysis of a realistic case, expounds the value and significance of cultural sensitivity to the social work service.


  • 我们成立安老事务委员会”,广泛吸纳社会各阶层人士叁制订安老政策统筹有关服务

    We will set up a "Commission for the Elderly" with wide community representation to formulate policies and co-ordinate the delivery of services.


  • 我们成立安老事务委员会”,广泛吸纳社会各阶层人士叁制订安老政策统筹有关服务

    We will set up a "Commission for the Elderly" with wide community representation to formulate policies and co-ordinate the delivery of services.


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