• 我们朋友毕业茶会上闲聊,这时有人了个笑话大家笑得土狗一样

    We're schmoozing at my boyfriend's graduation party when someone cracks a joke so that everyone laughs like a hyena.


  • 我们毕业时候,我们已经多年朋友

    By the time we graduated from our school, we have been close friends for more than ten years.


  • 毕业后,李和一个朋友成立了一个名为“拯救剩菜”的组织。

    After he left university, Lee and a friend set up an organization called Rescuing Leftover Cuisine (RLC).


  • 因为大学毕业陈小姐打算朋友于下个周末大肆狂欢

    Because of graduation from college, Miss Chen is going to paint the town red with her friends next week.


  • 科尔曼19岁就弗吉尼亚理工大学毕业,三年后便学校篮球队打球,不少长得矮朋友,“通常来说,他们容易自卑,总是想着证明什么。”

    He points out that he has many short friends. "Generally speaking, I've found that they are more likely to have a chip on their shoulder, more likely to have something to prove, " Collins says.


  • 这时朋友:“好的现在毕业了。”

    That's when my friend turned to me and said, "Okay, you've graduated now."


  • 毕业朋友圈子里都是女人——我大学的女朋友们,女人一起工作两个室友同居。

    When I graduated, I kept my circle of female friends from college, worked with all women and lived with two female roommates.


  • 高中毕业之后得以寻找共同兴趣志向朋友而不是那些碰巧离我家不远的朋友

    After high school, I was able to seek out friends who had similar interests and ambitions instead of those who happened to live a bikeable distance away.


  • 毕业后过几年,家里朋友一份薪水好处提供了佛吉尼亚的工作。所以搬到离家上百公里的地方一个造船厂工作

    A few years after college, an old family friend offered me an office job in Virginia with a salary and benefits, so I moved hundreds of miles away from my family to work for a shipyard.


  • 高中毕业那个夏天朋友迈克——那个戴着渔网手套,画着眼线的摇滚男生,在正要坐飞机上大学时说出了三个

    The summer after my senior year of high school, Mike, my fishnet glove-wearing, guyliner-rocking boyfriend said those three words to me as I boarded the plane for college.


  • 地理上说,现在这些朋友似乎天涯各方,但是那些毕业散伙校友相比,我们关系好多了。

    The friends I have now might be spread wide, geographically, but I'm closer to them than anyone I went to school with, by about a million miles.


  • 6月6日是母亲生日西德维尔朋友中学切尔西毕业典礼上发表演讲

    On June 6, my mother's birthday, I gave the commencement address at Chelsea's graduation ceremony at Sidwell Friends School.


  • 对于今年学前班毕业朋友们,压力来了。

    For this year's graduates of preschool, the pressure begins.


  • 去年六月朋友描述即将来临的毕业舞会做安排

    Last June, my friend told me about her plans for our upcoming PROM.


  • 中国毕业的大学生大多这样的生活。通常他们朋友合租房子,对开销都小心翼翼

    This is the way most Chinese fresh graduates are living, usually they share apartment with friends, and manage every single expenditure carefully.


  • 26岁作家爱林•杜法儿去年为了毕业学校去了洛杉矶发现电子邮件帮助和一个在纳什维尔的朋友爱什丽•斯科娃桃亲近了。

    After Erin Duvall, a 26-year-old writer, moved to los Angeles last year for grad school, she found that email helped her become closer to a good friend in Nashville, Ashley Schwartau.


  • 大学毕业时说:“许多朋友试图薪酬丰厚公司工作,但对此兴趣。”

    When he finished university, "a lot of my friends were trying to work for a big company that pays well and I wasn't interested in that."


  • 可能因为那已经毕业孩子这么空闲时间朋友在一起,而感到被忽视排斥甚至有些受伤,但是不要那么看重自己

    You may feel neglected, rejected and hurt by your seniors' spending so much of their free time with friends. Don't take it personally.


  • 突然想起了两部有关的电影,电影《哈里遇上萨莉》中,哈里萨莉大学毕业后相识,彼此是一对冤家,多年当再次偶遇,却成为朋友最终相爱了。

    In When Harry Met Sally, Harry and Sally meet after college, hate each other, bump into one another years later, become friends, and then wind up falling in love.


  • 高中毕业进入地方议会作实习议员,结交了新的朋友

    As high school progressed, I became a student council officer and made friends by the score. Jeanine?


  • 赖安瑞在中学就是朋友直到大学毕业他们才产生创办家用护理产品公司想法

    Ryan and Lowry had been friends since high school, but it wasn't until after college that they hit on the idea of a home-care-products company.


  • 但是于沙阿合伙人来自威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校大学朋友布赖恩·比尔曼,以及同样毕业于威斯康辛玛格·巴克斯特来说,事情并非总是如此乐观

    But things weren't always so rosy for Shah and his partners, Brian Beerman, a college friend from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and Margo Baxter, who also graduated from Wisconsin.


  • 丹尼斯普林斯顿大学毕业校友普林斯顿工程院的朋友了。

    Dennis is a Princeton-graduated alumnus and a big friend of Princeton's engineering.


  • 的一常春藤盟校毕业朋友晚上兼职批萨饼,周末还干婚庆典礼而在后院搭帐篷活。(免费的小点心!他吹嘘道。)

    An ivy-league graduate friend of yours is working nights delivering pizzas and weekends helping set up backyard tents for weddings. Free canapes!


  • 不想毕业因为校园生活丰富多彩,我学校很多朋友

    I don't want to leave school, because my old school life was full of fun and I had many good friends in my old school.


  • 祝贺2007届毕业一切顺利记住你们众议院这个朋友

    I want to extend my congratulations to the class of 2007, wish you well and let you know you have a friend in the Speaker's office.


  • 祝贺2007届毕业一切顺利记住你们众议院这个朋友

    I want to extend my congratulations to the class of 2007, wish you well and let you know you have a friend in the Speaker's office.


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