• 穆萨一直朋友谈论巴马总统如何改变了他们日常生活希望其中一些想法全球视野她的文章中

    Amusa has ongoing conversations with her friends about how the Obama presidency has changed their daily lives and hopes to put some of those ideas, along with her global perspective, into her posts.


  • 朋友作为一个美国全球大事都有着重要影响女性而被人们铭记

    Her friends said she would be remembered as a woman who had an important influence on events in the United States and the world.


  • 全球清谈俱乐部全部意义在于它们包括每一个人而非仅有朋友

    The whole point of global talking-shops is that they include everybody, not just your friends.


  • 统治缅甸将军确保没有能够剥夺他们他们朋友全球市场上利益

    The generals who run Burma will make sure that no one save themselves and their friends benefits from global markets.


  • 那么我们开始玩一个游戏吧,就是莫西兰软件公司朋友正在开发的那种游戏,这个游戏暂名为“新的全球混乱”。

    So let's play a game like the one my friends at the Muzzy Lane software company are currently designing, which has the working title “New World Disorder.


  • 既然希拉里切尔西朋友上百万美国人民乃至全球民众给予宽恕,我至少应该做到有一颗宽恕心。

    After all the forgiveness I've been given from Hillary, Chelsea, my friends, and millions of people in America and across the world, it's the least I can do.


  • 这种企业颠覆了家长带领一国际朋友的模式,将战略管理运营作为一个全球化的整体来操作。

    Rather than have a parent with lots of Mini-Mes around the world, such a firm shapes its strategy, management and operations as a single global entity.


  • 只要沃氏或者替代者能够他们朋友争取的那样为IDA一个甜美的筹款结果,那么全球穷人总数可能会进一步下降一点。

    If only Mr Wolfowitz, or his replacement, could win as sweet a settlement for IDA as he got for his friend, that total might fall a bit further.


  • 由于没有全球定位系统,我们迷路了,等到达聚会地点,卡桑德拉的朋友已经走了

    We got lost without the GPS, and by the time we got there, Cassandra’s friends had already left.


  • 遍布全球当地人成为朋友

    She has becomes good friends with local villagers all over the world.


  • 我们会不懈努力朋友以及昔日对手合作减轻核威胁,击退导致全球幽灵

    With old friends and former foes, we’ll work tirelessly to lessen the nuclear threat and roll back the specter of a warming planet.


  • 我们不懈努力朋友以及昔日对手合作减轻核威胁,击退导致全球幽灵

    With old friends and former foes, we'll work tirelessly to lessen the nuclear threat and roll back the specter of a warming planet.


  • 尤为关键是,浏览器3D带来了web应用种种好处:能够遍及全球朋友一道分享协作个性化最新应用。

    Most importantly, 3D in the browser comeswith all the goodness of web apps: you can share, collaborate, and personalizethe latest apps with friends all over the world.


  • 气候改变问题作为娱乐产品开发灵感反应出议题已经渗透全球文化中,无疑好事,地球朋友(Friendsof Earth)组织的气候问题负责人MikeChilds认为。

    Using climate change as inspiration for entertainment shows the issue has permeated global culture, which can only be a good thing, Friends of the Earth's head of climate Mike Childs said.


  • 09月12月8日,英国在线旅行社OnTheBeach以下简称OTB)声称他们在全球首次通过Facebook推出了一项新功能,使得用户可以朋友预订团队旅行。

    UK online travel agency OnTheBeach claims a world first today with the launch of a Facebook application to allow a customer to organise bookings for friends.


  • 全球有两亿多人使用windows即时朋友家人还有同事聊天

    More than 200 million people use Windows Live Messenger to chat with friends, family members and colleagues.


  • 免费电子邮件我们朋友家庭成员来自全球各地

    Email for FREE membership in our family of friends from all around the globe.


  • 全球情报公司STRATFOR(斯特拉福)ScottStewart提到案例,一位海关人员贩毒团伙那里收取贿赂朋友礼物而后者本身就是出美人计。

    Scott Stewart of STRATFOR, a global intelligence company, recalls a case in which an agent was taking bribes from the drugs people to buy gifts for his girlfriend, who was herself a honey trap.


  • 公司Facebook用户提供朋友数量一千至一万名不等的各档套餐价格则从177美元至1167美元不等。 Facebook是全球第一社交网站

    The company offers packages for Facebook, the world's number one social networking site, that start at 1, 000 friends up to 10, 000 friends at costs ranging from $177 to $1, 167.


  • 公司Facebook用户提供朋友数量一千至一万名不等的各档套餐价格则从177美元至1167美元不等。 Facebook是全球第一社交网站

    The company offers packages for Facebook, the world's number one social networking site, that start at 1,000 friends up to 10,000 friends at costs ranging from $177 to $1,167.


  • 大杨全球营销总监大卫·玛格里特的一位朋友Iscar的管理层工作。

    David Margalit, Dayang's global marketing director, had a friend who was an executive at Iscar.


  • 亲戚朋友了解到全球房地产公司仲量联行当地办事处有一租赁专员的空缺,就立即通知凯默若前去面试

    A friend of a relative knew of an opening for a leasing associate at the local office of global real estate firm Jones Lang Lasalle and referred Kammerer for an interview.


  • 位挪威人全球最出色女子越野滑雪选手,是彼此强有力的竞争对手她们没有成为势不两立对手,反倒成了最好朋友

    The two Norwegians are the top two female cross-country skiers in the world and fierce competitors. Instead of being bitter rivals, they are best friends.


  • 我们多年朋友昔日对手一道不懈地努力,减轻核威胁,扭转全球的厄运。

    With old friends and former foes, we will work tirelessly to lessen the nuclear threat, and roll back the specter of a warming planet.


  • 现在起,世界各地青少年朋友机会参与到这项全球的集体育教育文化于一身的盛会当中。

    From this moment on, young people around the world have a chance to participate in a global forum that combines sport, education and culture.


  • 在接受朋友邀请基瓦尼俱乐部每周会议上讲话打破了沉默俱乐部是位于美国的全球自愿组织

    He broke his silence after accepting a friend's invitation to speak at the weekly meeting of the Kiwanis Club, a US-based global voluntary organisation.


  • 写下这些文字你们告诉你们,你们的朋友遍及全球,而他们现在注视着你们,钦佩着你们,并祝福着你们。

    I write to you to tell you that you have friends all over the world who are watching you, who are admiring you and who are truly wishing you well.


  • 快乐分享给来自全球朋友

    Share your happiness with friends all around the world.


  • 朋友打电话股票有什么看法横穿全球引起了我的注意

    A friend drew my attention to GX when she called to ask my opinion on a handful of stocks that she liked.


  • 朋友打电话股票有什么看法横穿全球引起了我的注意

    A friend drew my attention to GX when she called to ask my opinion on a handful of stocks that she liked.


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