• 对于去哪个采集区但是不管是什么颜色的,每次只要出来必须交到屋子里的聚集点处。

    There were no restrictions on which patches to visit, but each time a card was plucked it had to be returned to the home base, irrespective of colour.


  • 部分参议员众议院特别情报委员会成员认为阅读过这些报告

    Some members of the Senate and Houseintelligence-oversight committees are also believed to have had limited accessto the report.


  • 民族想像,是因为甚至最大的民族,容纳了十亿人类的生命个体,也还是有限制的,即使边界可变,但边界的那边仍是一个民族

    The nation is imagined as limited because even the largest of them encompassing perhaps a billion living human beings, has finite, if elastic boundaries, beyond which lie other nations.


  • 收集公开用户信息类型是否

    Should there be limits placed on the type of information that is collected and made available to users?


  • Stude说,“这个技术Boxee机顶盒或是AppleTV更加灵活,你不会限制有限的内容或是放在一个封闭的范围内。”

    “It’s more flexible than a Boxee box or Apple TV,” says Stude. “You are not limited to just a few types of content and put in a walled garden.”


  • 复杂企业组织形式有限公司有限公司设计拥有限制寿命

    The most complex kind of business organization is the corporation. Corporations are designed to have an unlimited lifetime.


  • 这种方法以前曾用于研究治疗不管是精神分裂症还是极度消沉引起的神经混乱证明棍棒击打后的治疗恢复上有限制功效。

    It has been used in the past to study and treat mental disorders from schizophrenia to depression, and has also proven an effective therapy for rehabilitating stroke victims.


  • 物理限制方面想象一个家里外界主人只有有限数据沟通。

    For the case of physical confinement: Imagine yourself locked in your home with only limited data access to the outside, to your masters.


  • 最后适用原则较为有限大陆法系国家实践进行了介绍评说分析了该原则大陆国家限制适用的几点原因

    It also analyzes the similarities and differences of them. Finally, it focuses on the limited practice of the doctrine and the reasons for the restricted application in the civil law countries.


  • 开关用作互相联络装置时,本地网络地理范围理论上来说,的。

    When switches are used as interconnection devices, there is no theoretical limit to the geographical reach of a LAN.


  • 没有等待必须所以可以拥有无限数量镜像备份。 也没镜像备份离线多长时间。

    No queueing is required so there is no limit to the number of mirrors or backups you can have and no limit to how long any given mirror or backup can be taken offline.


  • 公司名字必须包括词尾限制有限公司表示有限责任

    Name of the company must include the suffix limited or Ltd to denote limited liability.


  • 那么对于判断部分其中确定位置句子制,那些从来没有听说过参与者评为通常

    Then for judgments parts, sentences which have wrong positions for determiner are hated by all, and those participants never heard are rated lower than the less usually ones.


  • 根据这项研究,肿瘤发病率心血管疾病中的猴子饮食一半看到动物允许自由进食

    According to the study, the incidence of cancerous tumors and cardiovascular disease in the monkeys on a restricted diet was half that seen in the animals that were allowed to eat freely.


  • 股份有限责任公司成员个人责任允许股份目数限制

    An unlimited company, where there is no limit to the members' liability.


  • 重要商业酵素有可接受历史食物饮料生产者微生物数字生产

    Most important commercial enzymes are produced from a limited number of microorganisms which have a long history of acceptability as food and beverage producers.


  • 单元区域内检测尺寸形状合适代码或者供应商和客户的协议确定

    The limiting size and shape of the unit area to be examined shall be established by the applicable code or by mutual agreement of the manufacturer and purchaser.


  • 单元区域内检测尺寸形状合适代码或者供应商和客户的协议确定

    The limiting size and shape of the unit area to be examined shall be established by the applicable code or by mutual agreement of the manufacturer and purchaser.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定