• 为了确保您的有限状态可以连接到所有流行的浏览器中的鼠标事件需要实现三个不同事件模型

    To ensure that oyur finite state machine hooks cursor events in all popular browsers, you'll need to implement three different event models.


  • 并且又一次这个简单模型起作用原因虽然真正的液体当然液体有限存在大量无序状态这种无序。

    And again, the reason this simple model works is because although a real liquid, certainly a pure liquid has a finite entropy, a substantial amount of disorder, that's present, that kind of disorder.


  • 使用模型编程状态间隔探测思想对于以软件黑盒测试技术为基础有限状态一种自然扩充

    The idea of using of model programs and state space exploration is a natural extension of finite state machine based techniques that fits well with black-box testing of software.


  • 有限状态行为建模,在该模型中,对将来事件响应取决于先前的事件。

    Finite state machines model behavior where responses to future events depend upon previous events.


  • 不严格地模型检查有限状态机器(程序)检验一个有限状态机器(清单)存在性一个方法

    Loosely speaking, model checking is a way to check for the existence of a finite state machine (specification) in another finite state machine (program).


  • 规划求解选项对话中的采用线性模型复选处于选中状态时,约束条件数量

    When the Assume Linear Model check box in the Solver Options dialog box is selected, there is no limit on the number of constraints.


  • 文章提出了一种基于通信端口有限状态模型协议互操作性测试生成方法

    This paper presents an interoperability test generation method based on the formal model, Communicating Multiport Finite State Machines.


  • 设计了巡检机器人有限状态模型,实现了机器人遥控局部自主控制的有机结合。

    A finite state machine model is developed for the robot to integrate remote-control and local autonomous control.


  • 本文详细讨论了一种基于RS- 485总线通信协议并用有限状态模型可靠性定性分析

    In this paper, a communication protocol based on RS-485 bus is discussed in detail, and the qualitative analysis of its reliability using the finite state machine model is given.


  • 有限尺寸介质基片共面波导一种非常接近工程应用状态物理模型

    The coplanar waveguide on the substrate with finite dimensions is a physical model which is very closed to the engineering situation.


  • 基于不变形张力基本概念,建立斜拉桥成桥状态的多目标、多约束优化模型,并通过有限程序求解成桥索力

    Based on the basic concept of the un-deformed pretension of cable, the optimization model of finished state with multi-objective and multi-constraint is used.


  • 模型检验一种针对有限状态系统形式化验证技术简洁明了自动化程度而引人注目。

    Model Checking is a formal verification technology for finite-state system, which is famous for its concise and highly automatic.


  • 给出软件设计中的一些关键技术事件驱动模型有限状态模型内存分配技术等。

    And some key technologies of the software design were discussed, such as event-driven model, finite state machine model and memory pool allocation.


  • 根据PCI总线操作时序提出了从设备接口控制器有限状态模型

    The FSM model of target PCI bus interface controller is then provided based on PCI bus operation timing.


  • 根据正交切削特点建立有限模型应用塑性力学讨论了切削变形区的、塑性阶段应力、应变状态

    Establish finite element model, and use elastic - plastic mechanics to discuss stress-stain state of elastic and plastic deformation in cutting zone.


  • 应用基于理想气体状态方程的压力有限模型模型气幕的隔震效果进行了研究

    The FEM air isolation model based on the state equation of ideal gas is used to study the effects of air isolation.


  • 构建了基于ISODATA算法有限记忆关联模型利用有限步的历史航迹状态数据,有效地解决目标密集环境下关联问题

    To solve the problem of false association in the presence of multiple targets, historical track data are utilized, and a limited memory association model with ISODATA algorithm is built.


  • 修正结果表明这种联合动力模型修正方法物理概念清楚充分利用静动力测试数据,经过修正后的有限模型能够反映该桥的实际工作状态

    The updating result indicates that the physical conception of this combined static and dynamic model updating method is definite and can fully use the static and dynamic testing data.


  • 详细分析试验有限计算结果基础上,提出了复杂应力状态疲劳寿命模型

    Based on experimental data and finite element analysis results, a low-cycle fatigue life model is proposed for the powder metallurgy superalloys under multiaxial stress states.


  • 引入有限状态自动机模型模拟退火算法问题进行求解

    The model of finite state automaton and the algorithm of simulated annealing are introduced to solve this problem.


  • 并以简说明有限马尔可夫参数实现状态模型差分模型统一方法

    Simple examples for explaining the unifying realization methods of state space and difference equation model using finite markov parameters are also presented in this paper.


  • 方法基础建立了扩展厢式车厢展开状态有限模型对其进行强度分析

    On the basis of the method, the FEA (finite element analysis) model of the van body in extendable work condition is established and the structure strength analysis of the van body is proceeded.


  • 本文采用相对论流体力学模型有限密度下的状态方程考察在另一种情形,即有限密度下q GP相变的演化图像,并对结果进行了分析和讨论。

    We will use the relevant hydrodynamics model and the state equations at finite densities to investigate the QGP phase transition in the zero temperature and finite density.


  • 模型检验自动检验有限状态并发系统技术

    Model checking is a technique for automatically verifying finite-state concurrent systems.


  • 基于青岛丹山水库混凝土斜拉桥,建立了斜拉桥有限数值分析模型,确定桥梁受损后各子结构权重选择典型斜拉索,对桥梁结构健康状态进行分析。

    In this model, the impact weights of every sub-structure in damaged bridge are calculated, the typical cables are selected, and bridge structure health condition is analyzed.


  • 系统研究系统模型离散化描述方法采用有限状态自主机方式建立系统模型

    This thesis makes a systematic study on the discrete method describing system models and adopts the form of automaton to construct system models.


  • 使用参数化建模方法,建立钢板弹簧自由状态有限模型

    FEA model of its free status has been built using ANSYS APDL.


  • 本文利用排队有限状态自动机原理以及自动机模型排队系统进行建模。

    The paper models queue system using queuing theory, finite state machine principle, and cellular automata model.


  • 本文利用排队有限状态自动机原理以及自动机模型排队系统进行建模。

    The paper models queue system using queuing theory, finite state machine principle, and cellular automata model.


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