• 明渠水流具有自由表面水流有限尺度固体边界约束流动现象一种概化。

    Open channel flow is a sort of generalize for water flow phenomenon, which water stream with free surface be leashed by solid boundary with finity scale.


  • 有限空间中,合理家具尺度选择合理的功能布局就显得非常重要

    In a limited space, a reasonable measure of choice and reasonable furniture, functional layout is very important.


  • 为了画出这个边界物理学家数学家利用类似于艾雪所用的扭曲尺度,将无穷大距离压缩有限长度

    To draw this boundary, physicists and mathematicians use a distorted length scale similar to escher 's, squeezing an infinite distance into a finite one.


  • 针对预测多种尺度颗粒随机分布复合材料等效热传导参数难点,提出种多尺度有限方法

    A finite element (fe) method for the prediction of the equivalent heat transfer parameters of the composite material with random multi-scale grains was presented.


  • 采用基于应变梯度理论假设应变有限方法研究尺度弯曲尺寸效应

    An assumed strain finite element method based on the theory of strain gradient was proposed to explore the size effect that frequently exhibited in micro-beam bending.


  • 变分尺度有限方法中的尺度数值有着重要影响通过分析方法数值方法求得。

    The fine scales solution in the variational multiscale finite element method, which can be acquired by analytical or numerical technique, has an important impact on the final numerical solution.


  • 文中详细介绍了如何建立用于求解小尺度封闭空间低频传递函数的三有限元素模型

    This paper introduces how to establish Three-dimension finite element model to solute low frequency sound transfer function in small-enclosed room.


  • 艺术尺度的,不是的。

    Art is measured, is not without limits.


  • 分析家认为尽管上涨刺激了大众心理,但对于股票市场而言,大多数股票指数只能反应有限尺度

    Although the gains provide a psychological boost analysts say the index of major stocks is a narrow gauge of the stock market.


  • 由于裂缝尺度地震资料分辨率有限,使得利用地震资料识别检测致密储层裂缝系统变得困难。

    It is difficult to use seismic data to identify and detect the fractures system in dense reservoir because of multi-scale of fracture and limitation of resolution of seismic data.


  • 然后利用正交多分辨率分析给出尺度函数构造一类频带有限的M进制正交小波函数的必要条件

    Next, by the orthogonal multiresolution analysis, the necessary conditions of a kind of M-band band-limited orthogonal wavelet function constructed by the scaling function are proposed.


  • 小波理论有限方法提供了许多不同函数尺度分析方法需要根据具体分析问题进行选择

    Wavelet theory provides various basis functions and multi-resolution methods for finite element method, which will be selected in solving different problems.


  • 为了有效地模拟跨越多个尺度均质多孔介质中的非饱和水流问题,本文提出一种自适应多尺度有限方法

    The purpose of this method is to obtain the large-scale solution of unsaturated water flow equation with heterogeneous coefficients accurately and efficiently in a coarse-scale mesh.


  • 本文采用新的弹性约束项,得到优化方程不但容易计算而且有明确的物理意义,本文讨论了用有限差分这个方程的方法,对于复杂形状的轮廓匹配可以用多尺度解决。

    The solution method is based on a finite difference approach, for which we present convergence characteristics. A multi-smoothing scheme is proposed to improve the convergence of the matching process.


  • 巨观微米奈米尺度技术依赖于特定尺度性能模型设计方法用于有限范围大小工程机械制造过程

    Macro, micro and nano-scale technologies rely on scale-specific performance models, design methods and fabrication processes which may be used to engineer machines within a limited range of size.


  • 本文对已有的“协因子”算法进行了改进,构造了二阶有限正交尺度函数。

    So, this method is modified in the article, and the finite element biorthogonal multiwavelets are constructed.


  • 法律移植成本衡量法律移植是否有效尺度法律移植成本分析制度是以有限的法律资源,进行有效的法律移植,实现法律移植本土化的保证

    The cost of law transplantation determines whether the transplantation is successful or not, while the cost analytical system of law transplantation is a guarantee for the effective transplantation.


  • 举例给出有限湍流尺度情况下平面波球面闪烁指数通用表达式。

    Plane and spherical waves in the cases of zero and non-zero turbulence inner scale are given as examples for illustration of the general behaviors of scintillation indices.


  • 将二尺度展开推广力-耦合问题得到它们有限形式,编写有限元程序。

    Two-scale expansion method has been extended to the electromechanical coupling problem, the fe program is coded and the effective properties of piezoelectric materials with defects are predicted.


  • 第五章讨论蜂窝结构方程边值问题,给出一个多尺度渐近展开式和有限计算格式。

    In Chapter 5, we study the multi-scale finite element method for the heat equation of composite materials with honeycomb structure in two dimension domain.


  • 为求解二的奇异摄动反应扩散边界层问题,研究了新的多尺度有限

    The multi-scale finite element method is applied in the 3-D groundwater flow simulation problems in heterogeneous porous media.


  • 由于可信软件评估需求的动态多变以及专家主观决策的有限理性,多维多尺度可信软件评估问题是重要困难的研究课题

    So this paper presents an initial research on software creditability evaluation based on grey system theory, trusted computing and Chinese major research plan of trusted software.


  • 尺度有限计算可以数值模拟出编织复合材料整体力学性能从而为材料的研发提供指导

    By the numerical analysis on the basic cell models of 3d braided composites with TSA, we can obtain the preview of their macroscopic mechanical behaviors.


  • 尺度有限计算可以数值模拟出编织复合材料整体力学性能从而为材料的研发提供指导

    By the numerical analysis on the basic cell models of 3d braided composites with TSA, we can obtain the preview of their macroscopic mechanical behaviors.


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