• 不过也许金对这一发现所有反应有趣几乎立刻就意识这种染料具有商业价值

    But perhaps the most fascinating of all Perkin's reactions to his find was his nearly instant recognition that the new dye had commercial possibilities.


  • 视频剪辑中婴儿现实生活中的事件做出各种各样面部反应包括有趣互动痛苦的经历。

    In the video clips, the babies made various facial expressions in response to real life events including playful interactions and painful ones.


  • 这个有趣实验表明植物不仅探测特定波长产生反应能探测不同波长比率变化其做出反应

    This fascinating experiment showed that plants not only detect and react to specific wavelengths of light, plants can also detect and react to changes in the ratio of one wavelength to another.


  • 乘客这个通知反应有趣

    The passengers' reactions that announcement led to were interesting.


  • 完全无意而为的人工智能反应不过发现有这效果以后我们决定了,实在有趣了。

    This is a completely unintentional AI reaction, but upon discovering the effect we decided it was just too funny to change.


  • 这么变化同时发生,不妨观察下社区对2008敏捷年会流程事件反应一定有趣

    With so many changes happening at once, it will be interesting to see how the community responds to the process and events of Agile2008.


  • 告诉他人是个素食主义者往往招来各种有趣反应

    Just telling people I'm vegan will cause all kinds of interesting reactions.


  • 有些他们没有产生错觉所以决定把这一效应再拿出来,炒一次冷饭,看看在不同的情况之下,人们对错觉的反应,我应该会很有趣

    Some people said they couldn't see the illusion, so I thought it might be interesting to play around with the effect and see if people can see it under different circumstances.


  • 把握时机:时机把握出其不意同样重要因为大脑如果很多时间一个情景或者笑话做出反应有趣瞬间就会溜走

    Timing: Apt timing is as important as surprise, because if you give the brain too much time to work out a situation or joke, the funny moment will pass by.


  • 女性有趣笑话反应时间男性能更快识破冷笑话。

    The women took slightly longer than the men to react to jokes that were funny - but were quicker to spot duds.


  • 测试的过程中我们碰到过次程序崩溃,而且模拟器总是有点反应迟钝。不过总的来说,在花钱新手机之前先体验一下新的手机操作系统一件很有趣的事情。

    We did experience a few crashes in our tests, and the emulator felt somewhat sluggish, but in all, it's fun to try out a new mobile OS before spending money on a new phone.


  • 迄今为止,日本央行做出了有趣反应

    By far the most interesting response, however, has been the Bank of Japan's.


  • 如果没有获得任何反应或者对方只是客气地说”有趣“,我就不会接着第二部分

    I know that if I don’t get any kind of reaction, or if it’s just a politeoh that’s interesting, ’ then I’ll leave out the second part of the presentation.


  • 有趣的说法年轻人认为喝酒上脸就化装一样对抗组胺剂的反应然后继续狂饮。

    There is some anecdotal evidence that young people treat the flushing as a cosmetic response to be countered with antihistamines while continuing to drink.


  • 昨天面书网站上读到一个有趣问题是否孩子参加“聚会日”生日派对,他们不想去的时候。 我对大部分妈妈们的反应很吃惊。

    I read an interesting question on Facebook yesterday: Do you make your kids go to playdates and birthday parties when they don't want to go?


  • 观察波兰斯基事件造成反应当然有意思;把人们对梅尔·吉布森“醉酒反犹”事件反应比较一下,就更有趣

    It is certainly interesting to see the reaction to Polanski's case and compare it with the reaction to Mel Gibson, when he was caught mouthing drunken anti-Semitic abuse.


  • 非常有趣——这种方法可适应性系统可以根据具体情况作出反应,”密西根大学安娜分校的机械工程师盖博。奥罗兹(gabor Orosz)这样说到

    "It's very interestingthe approach is adaptive and the system can react," says mechanical engineer gabor Orosz of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.


  • 这些就是所谓的还原性意味着它们——“有趣尾巴Corriher女士这样形容——羰基基团可以参与Maillard反应

    These are so-called reducing sugars, which means they have a structure - "a funny tail," Ms. Corriher called it - known as a carbonyl group that takes part in the Maillard reaction.


  • 我回答道。 他们对此的反应有趣

    The reaction was interesting.


  • 不过,上车后你会发现司机几乎不知自己该哪儿走,当你他说“跟上”时,他的反应不怎么机灵,这不那么有趣了(编者注:一般在美剧中,当剧中人物上车后对司机说“跟上辆车”,司机就会心领神会。 而现实不同于演戏,作者就难免失望了) 。

    The fact that they rarely ever know where they’re going and don’t react terribly well to the phrase “follow that car!”, however, is less enjoyable.


  • 如果的确一则抨击性的消息反应非常有趣的。

    It would be interesting to see his reaction if it is indeed an abusive message.


  • 频繁游戏孩子们在任务时的大脑扫描显示了一个有趣反应他们因失败而无法得到奖励快乐中枢激活

    Brains scans of the frequent video gamers doing this task showed a very interesting response: their pleasure centres were active when they failed to get the reward.


  • 格兰特拉森的研究基因学环境反应互动效应”注入了有趣观点

    The results provide an interesting view into "the interaction between genetics and reactions to environmental circumstances, " Galanter said.


  • 一个有趣应该反应很快并且足够古怪心血管活动增加思维敏锐性

    A funny man is considered to be 'quick', and strangely enough, cardiovascular activity increases the 'sharpness' of the mind.


  • 只差一步就登上领奖台结果有趣美国国内反应

    More interesting than the run to the brink of a medal ceremony was the reaction back home in the US.


  • 已经通过观察而判断出来,触摸屏幕出现有趣反应

    She had figured out from watching me that touching the screen made things happen.


  • 尤其有趣游戏玩家更加迅速反应可以通过超过50个小时训练得。

    What was particularly interesting was that the faster reaction times of the video gamers could be acquired by non-video gamers in 50 hours of training over a few weeks.


  • 这样颗行星处于所谓的“适居”(不会也不会),在那里有趣化学反应有可能会出现

    Such a planet would fall into the so-called "Goldilocks zone" (neither too hot nor too cold) where the interesting chemistry should happen.


  • 这样颗行星处于所谓的“适居”(不会也不会),在那里有趣化学反应有可能会出现

    Such a planet would fall into the so-called "Goldilocks zone" (neither too hot nor too cold) where the interesting chemistry should happen.


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