• 巧妙的照明会让人屋子空间增大感觉

    Clever lighting creates an impression of space in a room.


  • 煤气可与烟雾缭绕的油灯摇曳不定蜡烛相媲美,新世纪富裕伦敦人逐渐习惯煤气照明的房子甚至街道

    Coal gas rivaled smoky oil lamps and flickering candles, and early in the new century, well-to-do Londoners grew accustomed to gaslit houses and even streets.


  • 光圈非常重要因为决定相机不同照明条件下拍摄速度多快,以及拍摄时的感光度(iso)为多少

    This is extremely important, because it determines how fast and at what light sensitivity (ISO) your camera can shoot in different lighting conditions.


  • 如果发现自己照明设计和装修经费出入的话,那些专业灯具逛逛吧。

    If your research shows that your design style doesn't match your budget, visit specialty lighting stores.


  • 这个建筑于1917年建造时,一个很大庭院工作在里面照明通风而设计的。

    Its large internal courtyards were designed to provide natural lighting and ventilation for those working inside when the structure was built in 1917.


  • 好的,想知道这里,我们教室里这套新的照明装置,是否一些紫外光出来

    I wonder if there's some UV light out of this new lighting set up in our classroom here.


  • 他们看着无休无止的房产类电视节目幻想自己室内设计师能力靠一张沙发艺术照明提升自家房屋价格

    They watch endless TV shows about houses and fancy themselves as interior designers, able to raise the price of their home with a new sofa and artful lighting.


  • 自从托小姐建起了这套装置,学习用的照明十多孩子的学习成绩提高了。

    Since Ms.Ruto hooked up the system, her teenagers' grades have improved because they have light for studying.


  • 挂放国旗规定确保美国国旗得到恰当的尊重,国旗只能日出日落期间悬挂,除非夜晚聚光灯照明

    Guidelines for displaying the U.S. flag help make sure the flag is given proper respect. The flag should only be displayed from sunrise to sunset, unless it is lit by a spotlight at night.


  • 分钟我们便在杜布罗夫尼克高大城墙的塔形墙基前停车,城墙泛光照明

    Within a few minutes' drive, we are parked at the towering base of Dubrovnik's mammoth and floodlit walls.


  • 灯火通明纽约时代广场令人炫目但是研究指出城市照明增加了城市的空气污染

    The lights of New York's Time Square may dazzle, but research shows city lights are tied to an increase in air pollution. Click to enlarge this image.


  • 仿佛看见我自己迷迷糊糊地在一座相同周围绕圈子,四周全是在之前来的人们鬼魂但是充足的准备,当然暖烘烘衣服食物照明睡袋

    I saw myself wandering the same foggy hills, surrounded by the ghosts of those before me - but outfitted, of course, with warm clothes, food, water, headlamp and sleeping bag.


  • 并且照明你们心中眼睛使你们知道他的恩何等指望。他圣徒中得的基业,何等丰盛的荣耀。

    The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.


  • 如果一切顺利明年夏天6000辆内置照明系统的深蓝色折叠式自行车呼啸伦敦大街小巷。

    If all goes well, 6, 000 navy blue, three-speed, sit-up-and-beg bikes with an inbuilt lighting system will be whizzing around the capital's streets next summer.


  • 然后我们一些较小更新改进了树叶照明

    Then we have some smaller additions, like improved lighting on tree leaves for example.


  • 这里一个787梦想飞机内饰样机夜间照明显示

    Here's a mockup of the 787 Dreamliner's interior, as show in nighttime lighting.


  • 办公室,办公室通往暖房暖房地砖,采用可调节照明采暖一个传感器驱动的通风系统,配备花盆置物架。

    The first floor also has an office that opens to a greenhouse with brick floors, adjustable lighting, heating and a sensor-driven venting system, as well as benches and potting tables.


  • 就是为什么我们室外照明以及设置白色板的原因,就是为了可以更好地反射阳光

    That's why we added accent exterior lighting as well as white panes to better reflect the light.


  • 两种设计方案结合创造个不均匀照明空间更多的“戏剧”性,营造出商品展示强光区,而同时商店中间又是比较轻松状态

    The combination of these two solutions, create an unevenly lit space, with a more "theatrical" and strong lighting for the display of the items and a more relaxing condition in the middle.


  • 在内部会堂一个点——天花板照明橘红色墙面然而展览空间特点是光滑白色地面屋顶,成角度玻璃窗

    Inside, the auditorium has a dark spot-lit ceiling and orange walls, while the exhibition space features glossy white floors and a roof that angles up to a wall of glazing.


  • 这里各种方法可以使用景观照明以及照明住宅使用一些不同类型

    Here are various ways you can use landscape lighting as well as some different types of lighting that are available for residential use.


  • 野外的篝火上我们早餐、午餐、晚餐我们在冰柜里牛奶汽水蜡烛照明

    We had milk and soda in our ice chest and we used candles to see by. ?


  • 这里照明通过彩色玻璃制作的落地窗来实现,彩色玻璃不同形状,让人想起玫瑰花

    The lighting there is achieved by a picture window, done as well with stained glass, which, although having a different shape, reminds to a rose window.


  • 此外除非他们装饰主题内容照明装置应当回避尽可能直接查看

    In addition, that unless they have a decorative theme, lighting elements and fixtures should be concealed from direct view whenever possible.


  • 适当的照明技术可以从字面上粉刷美化

    With proper lighting techniques, you can literally paint your landscaping.


  • 可以破旧的车辆里拆取风叶蓄电池,再铅笔芯制造弧光照明灯获取人工照明可能的。

    Windmills from old car parts and car batteries and artificial sunlight from carbon arc lamps using pencil leads is possible, however.


  • 可以破旧的车辆里拆取风叶蓄电池,再铅笔芯制造弧光照明灯获取人工照明可能的。

    Windmills from old car parts and car batteries and artificial sunlight from carbon arc lamps using pencil leads is possible, however.


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