• 医生们发现血压,同时剖腹产切口处液体潴留。

    Fluid had gathered around her C-section and her blood pressure was very low.


  • 液体晶体两种,用户可以根据自身需要选择。

    The user can change liquid one or solid one to their needment.


  • 急性缺氧组织液体渗出及微血管内血球淤积现象;

    There was leakage of fluid in lung tissue of acute hypoxia group.


  • 公司主要产品液体固体植酸和各种植酸盐类

    Main products of the company includes liquid Phytic acid, solid Phytic acid and kinds of Technetium.


  • 地球其他行星独特的因为液体这样大量那个

    The Earth is unique from the other planets, because it is the only one which has liquid water in such large quantities.


  • 肥料中,液体固体品种之分,也专门用于的肥料区别

    Fertilizer, there are varieties of liquid and solid divided, there is some specific fertilizer for the water to keep the difference.


  • 请勿使机器沾被雨淋请勿任何液体容器放在机上,例如花瓶

    Prevent the device from being damped by water or rained. Don't place any container with liquid inside on the cover of device, such as a flower flask.


  • 尽管刚性并且因而固体原子分布却是随意混乱方式液体特性

    Although it is rigid, and thus like a solid, the atoms are arranged in a random disordered fashion, characteristic of a liquid.


  • 由于压缩过程影响空气露点压缩空气管线运行温度逐渐降低所以压缩空气系统中总是液体存在。

    Due to compression process influence the air dew point of compressed air in the pipeline, run it will gradually decrease temperature, so the compressed air system always have liquid water.


  • 事实上视网膜剥离不是视网膜与脉络膜分离了,而是视网膜的“色素感觉层”之间分离液体层之间。

    In fact, the retina and retinal detachment is not isolated choroid, but the retina, "pigment layer" and "feeling of" separation between, in this liquid between the two.


  • 它的运行轨道近似的圆形,以229为周期,围绕着两个恒星作轨道运行,这个行星位于这个系统居住区之外——所谓可居住区,那里液体正像我们所知道的那样,那里可能会生命的存在。

    Traveling on a nearly circular, 229-day orbit around both host stars, the planet lies outside the system's habitable zone—the region where liquid water, and thus life as we know it, could exist.


  • 的婴儿先天性阻止这种液体肺部流出阻塞他们时常畸形肺部的。

    Babies with congenital blockages that prevent this fluid from escaping from their lungs are sometimes born with deformed lungs.


  • 内耳,充满液体和覆盖着绒毛的器官。

    In the inner ear, there are organs that are filled with liquid and covered with small hairs.


  • 在内华达沙漠建造仓库尝试已经失败了30年之久了因此用完了燃料储存在全国104个反应堆的液体

    Attempts to build a single repository in the Nevada desert have failed over the past 30 years, so spent fuel rods are stored in liquid pools at each of the 104 reactors across the country.


  • 这种新的方法中,结核菌液体培养的,它们在其中形成特点缠结,在显微镜下容易识别

    Using the new method, TB bacteria are grown in a liquid, where they form characteristic tangles that are easily recognised under a microscope.


  • 韧性还算不了什么,这种天线室温之下其实液体所以在变了形的时候流动不会折断

    Indeed, it was more than just flexible. At room temperature it was actually liquid, and thus flowed when deformed, rather than breaking.


  • 关于哪些人清理监狱警车里的液体严格法律规定

    There are really strict laws about who can clean up fluids in a prison or a police car.


  • 在2009年6月至2010年4之间FDA报告说46位患者投诉液体药品中发现了不明黑色污染物。

    There were 46 consumer complaints about dark material in the liquid products between June 2009 and April 2010, according to the FDA report.


  • 由于导致液体沸腾的原因种:一种是通过加热破坏分子链;

    This is because there are two ways of boiling liquids: one is to heat them up, breaking the weak bonds between the molecules inside.


  • 我们开始四个变量:,温度压强,某个组分液体中的比例,它在气体中的比例。

    We started out with four variables; the temperature, the pressure, and the components in the composition in the liquid phase and the composition in the gas phase.


  • 假设这里一些液体,里面许多微小的颗粒-,它们很小,所以不会到底部。

    Suppose I have a liquid - which has very, very fine, small particles in it — extremely small, so small and so light that they will not sink to the bottom.


  • 蓄电池阴阳两极导电材料——通常一种叫做电解质液体连接

    They have two electrodes, an anode and a cathode, that are connected by an electrically conductive materialgenerally a liquid—called an electrolyte.


  • 我们一些固体液体,不环境相溶。

    I've got some solids or some pure liquids that are refusing to share their environment.


  • 古代以来,医生赞同健康病症之间液体人体直接影响。

    Since Antiquity, medical practitioners had subscribed to the idea that health and ill-health were a direct reflection of the fluids, or "humors," in the body.


  • 之后只是起作用,我们再来看个熵驱动的问题这些一点不同,让我们看看液体中的熵的混合。

    It's only entropy that's going to contribute. Ok, let's look at just one more entropy driven problem. And that is, it's a little bit different from these let's look at the entropy mixing in a liquid.


  • 实际上种植者通常他们的南瓜喷洒混合肥料“brew”,这种肥料混合蠕虫蜕下的皮,糖浆液体的褐,而喷洒了该肥料的南瓜一天可以50

    In fact, growers typically feed their pumpkins a compost "brew" so rich - the water is mixed with worm castings, molasses and liquid kelp - that the fruits can gain as much as 50 pounds a day.


  • 实际上种植者通常他们的南瓜喷洒混合肥料“brew”,这种肥料混合蠕虫蜕下的皮,糖浆液体的褐,而喷洒了该肥料的南瓜一天可以50

    In fact, growers typically feed their pumpkins a compost "brew" so rich - the water is mixed with worm castings, molasses and liquid kelp - that the fruits can gain as much as 50 pounds a day.


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