• 因为有机交易组织的工作这些主办人不得不合作竞争中进行平衡

    For Organic Exchange to work, its sponsors have to balance their will to compete with their need to cooperate.


  • 经过紧张讨论关系建立Nordstrom成为了有机交易组织的主办人

    After an intense period of discussion and relationship building, Nordstrom became an Organic Exchange sponsor.


  • 有机交易组织通过基于市场调研证明对于公司来说有机如何带来战略优势

    Organic Exchange also made a well-researched case for how organic cotton could be a strategic advantage for the firm.


  • 2001年,根据有机交易协会的统计,有机全球棉花产品市场百分之0.03。

    In 2001, organic cotton made up only 0.03 percent of global cotton production, according to the Organic Trade Association.


  • 但是有机交易组织需要更大主流合作伙伴形成推动力,所以他们寻找到了TimberlandREI

    But Organic Exchange needed larger, more mainstream partners to build momentum in the space, so it sought out and won sponsorships from Timberland and REI.


  • 但是这个交易已经完成,或许阿桑以后还有机会得到部分的电子书

    But the deal is done, and perhaps it doesn't completely bilk Mr Assange out of electronic rights.


  • (他们猜测兴趣)有些旅游的时候带一小包公平交易得来的遮荫种植有机咖啡

    (They deduce my interests.) Some of them have appeared at tour events bearing small packages of organic shade-grown fair-trade coffee.


  • 有意思高盛曾将此举描述一个多赢格局但是我们看到一幕,因为后来双方谈判破裂交易未能达成

    It would have been amusing to see Goldman spin that one as a win-win for everyone, though we never got the chance because talks broke down before a deal could be reached.


  • 如果韦斯科金融公司完成此次交易投资者很难单独倾听格的教诲。

    If the Wesco deal goes through, it may become harder for investors to find a chance to hear Munger alone.


  • 今年上海推出股指期货不但让交易有机股市下跌时获利有助于遏制上海股市的泡沫化倾向

    The introduction of stock index futures in Shanghai this year, giving traders the opportunity to profit on market falls, also is helping to cap Shanghai's tendency to bubble.


  • 报道披露会谈细节,不过援引长安汽车一不具名经理话说达成交易

    The report did not provide details of the talks, but quoted an unidentified Changan executive as saying there was a chance for a deal.


  • 今天银行业者因为持有更多证券,所以资产贷款率比较低,而且交易纳入影子银行系统

    Banks have fewer loans as a percentage of total assets nowadays (because they hold more securities) and they also have the chance to gain business that had been going to the shadow-banking system.


  • 如果是个艺术家,你将五月二十七日木星09年初遇海王星天为作品定下一笔很重要交易

    If you are artistic, you may make an important sale of your work on May 27 when Jupiter makes the first of three meetings with Neptune in 2009.


  • 虽然产量不大,有机种植,圣美西方消费者进行的交易也是公平友好的。

    São Tomé and Príncipe does not produce huge quantities of cocoa but what it does grow is organic and Fair trade which goes down well with wealthy Western consumers.


  • 股市收盘时才公布结果可以让投资者消化新闻内容,思考思考第二开始交易

    Announcing results after the markets close gives investors a chance to digest the news, sleep on it, and then start trading again the next day.


  • 格吉相信手中球员未来会加盟国米但是依靠其他转会交易了。

    Vagheggi believes his client's future could be with Inter, but that will probably depend on their other market moves.


  • 接下来几年,偶尔演讲教授期货交易方面课程

    Over the ensuing years, I've occasionally had the opportunity lecture or teach a course on futures trading.


  • 经济法调整长期交易形成有机经济组织角色组织协调关系角色相互之间的协调关系。

    What the economic law regulates is the coordinated relationships of each role and its organization inside and among these roles, which has been formed by long term transaction.


  • 他们迷恋市场分析,那个市场会,会——即使这些分析他们交易决定没有任何关系

    They obsess about analysis about what the markets have done or are going to do - even if it has no direct connection to their trading decisions.


  • 能够成功闯过一道难关的系统交易,就有机成为市场大鳄。

    The best Forex traders are the ones that know survival is the key to becoming successful.


  • 10月18新月制定一项金融交易细节或者重新查看投资是否得到预期投资回报。

    On the new moon, October 18, you will have an opportunity to work out the details of a financial deal or to revisit your investments to see if you are getting the earnings you expected to earn.


  • 活动期间每个账户有机会得到两次金,所得赠金资金的方式注入客户交易账户中。

    Each new account can only get two refunds during promotion period. Funds will be refunded into client's new trading account.


  • 比赛期间我们估计不同专家顾问成功看看有什么进展自动化交易限额今天

    During the contest, we'll have the chance to estimate success of different Expert Advisors and to see what are limits of the automated trading progress today.


  • 比赛期间我们估计不同专家顾问成功看看有什么进展自动化交易限额今天

    During the contest, we'll have the chance to estimate success of different Expert Advisors and to see what are limits of the automated trading progress today.


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