• 相对其他激励手段股票期权高科技企业一种有效激励机制

    Compared with other motivation measures, stock option is an effective motivation mechanism in hi-tech enterprises.


  • 目前,高职院校专业教学团队建设面临缺乏明确定位共同愿景有效激励机制困境

    At present, the construction of professional teaching team faces with some difficulties, such as the lack of clear positioning, common vision, effective stimulating mechanism etc.


  • 此外,文章还对建立有效激励机制的重要的支撑体系——薪酬管理体系绩效管理体系的设计进行了具体阐述。

    In addition, it is discussed how salary and performance management systems can be enhanced to support effective motivation mechanism.


  • 分散式供应链由于各个成员企业之间信息对称问题,在缺乏有效激励机制的情况下难以达到集中式供应链中的整体绩效最优化

    Without efficient incentive mechanism, decentralized supply chain could hardly archive the whole optimum as central supply chain because of information asymmetry.


  • 然而我国零售企业目前普遍缺乏有效激励机制

    However, China's retail enterprises currently generally lack of effective incentive mechanism.


  • 公司离职人才缺乏员工积极性不高,究其原因缺乏一套有效激励机制

    The reason why company a has a high quit rate, lacks of talents and low activity of employees is that it doesn't have an effective incentive mechanism.


  • 一直以来按照科学合理管理模式进行生产拥有一套有效激励机制

    Has been managed in accordance with scientific and rational mode of production, and has an effective incentive mechanism.


  • 第三有效激励机制

    Third, designing an effective incentive mechanism.


  • 股票期权激励机制一种有效所有权文化,曾世人推崇,称为是20世纪制度安排中的创举

    Stock option encouragement mechanism is an effective culture of ownership, which is called pioneering work of the 20th century system arrangement.


  • 阐述了如何利用有效激励机制约束机制提高教学质量和办学效益

    The paper also presents the author's views of utilizing the effective incentive mechanisms and limiting mechanism to improve the teaching quality and financial output.


  • 通过建立有效激励机制成功地组织管理销售队伍

    Organizing and managing sales team successfully by setting up effective stimulating system.


  • 一个有效激励机制可以提高企业竞争力

    An effective incentive mechanism can improve the competitiveness of enterprises.


  • 建立有效激励机制人力资源管理重要手段之一

    Establishing effective incentive mechanism is one of the main measures of human resources management.


  • 论文最后实施薪资方案配套措施进行了研究,从而保证科技人员激励机制有效

    Finally, this paper has also studied necessary measures to carry out the plan of salary and reward, so as to ensure a more scientific and more effective incentive mechanism to skilled personnel.


  • 激励机制则是要求建立一合理有效激励办法使达到激发鼓励效果

    But the incentive mechanism is the request establishes set of reasonable effective drive means that enables it to achieve the effect which the stimulation encourages.


  • 分析发现缺乏有效技术创新激励机制导致我国企业技术创新水平大多数企业的产品没有国际竞争力

    Analysis shows that shortage of technology innovation incentive mechanism results in low level of technology innovation of enterprises of China and many products do not have international competence.


  • 合理激励机制引导卫生服务人员行为促进投入有效服务提供成功转化

    Reasonable incentives can guide the behavior of health service staff, and promote effective health service delivery from the input to the success of transformation.


  • 如何建立有效激励机制,充分发挥他们积极性创造性一直以来许多学者所探讨重要问题

    How set up effective encouragement mechanism to motivate their enthusiasm or creativity, for the purpose of take effective measurements. Many scholars always discuss the topic.


  • 本文研究信息对称条件自来水行业管制部门如何设计激励机制实现有效管制问题。

    The thesis studies how should the regulation sector of water industry design incentive mechanism in order to maximize social welfare under information asymmetry.


  • 企业内部有一套有效监督激励机制无法真正调动职工劳动积极性

    Enterprise interior does not have a set of effective supervision and incentive mechanism, can't really transfer the worker's labor enthusiasm, etc.


  • 实行股权激励有效解决公司委托代理问题有利于公司内部形成长期激励机制

    The implementation of this system can effectively deal with the problem of commission and agency and can do good to the formation of long-term stimulation system in the internal company.


  • 有效报酬激励机制协调经理股东目标使经理努力实现企业价值最大化

    An effective remunerative impellent mechanism can harmonize the target of managers with that of stock holders and make managers realize the enterprises maximized value.


  • 解决财务代理问题,需要建立有效激励机制市场机制、财务契约信息显示监督机制等。

    To solve the problem, we should strike up incentive system, market system, contract design, information disclosure, and supervision system and so on.


  • 方法通过加强服务培训、开展系列活动运用激励机制、加强监督检查有效管理手段增强实施满意工程效果

    Methods By a series of means, such as developing a catena activity, using inspire mechanism, reinforcing the supervision and inspection to intensify the effect of the project.


  • 解决两大问题的方法,不仅需要职业经理人实行激励机制而且需要有效监督约束机制

    The proper solution lies in not only motivation but also efficient supervision and constraint mechanism for professional manager.


  • 建立班级管理激励机制开展积极有效班级工作对于班集体健康成长至关重要。

    It is vital for the healthy development of the class itself to establish inspiration system for the management of the class and to spread out activity and efficiency work of the class.


  • 由于道德风险逆向选择问题广泛地存在于人才作用机制之中,这种调整需要一种有效激励机制与之适应。

    But because of problems such as the moral risk and contrary choice broadly exist in the talented person's function mechanism, this kind of adjustment needs an effectively mechanism.


  • 文章研究思路首先委托—代理角度分析经理人激励机制建设降低代理成本有效提升证券公司核心竞争力

    Research of article thinking at first from principal-agent analyses that manager incentive mechanism construction can reduce the agent cost, promote the competitiveness of securities broker companies.


  • 文章研究思路首先委托—代理角度分析经理人激励机制建设降低代理成本有效提升证券公司核心竞争力

    Research of article thinking at first from principal-agent analyses that manager incentive mechanism construction can reduce the agent cost, promote the competitiveness of securities broker companies.


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