• 专业工程组织很多行为准则时,专门软件工程设计的那提供的是一详细条款不仅仅抽象规程

    While there are several codes of conduct for professional engineering organizations, the one designed for software engineering provides a detailed set of clauses, rather than just abstract principles.


  • 麻省理工学院工程设计同事共同努力储能装置整合各种系统之中,他希望这样发电装置能为家庭汽车不分昼夜地提供电力。

    And he is going to work with his engineering colleagues at MIT to try to integrate his storage device into systems that he hopes one day will power homes and cars all day and all night.


  • 工程设计阶段埋设仪器选型布置设计监测设计中的一项重要工作,仪器选型是否正确对后续工作成败很大影响

    In the design phase of a project, the type selection and collocation of embedded instruments is an important job, which influences to a large extent the follow-up work.


  • 公司完整生产工艺生产设备雄厚的工程设计能力

    My company have full production technology and production equipment, with strong engineering design capabilities.


  • 因此工程人员工程设计一些工作重复烦琐的,所以工程技术的效率难以提高

    Therefore, engineering personnel when the engineering designs, have the some work is repeated and trivial, the efficiency of engineering design is hard to increase.


  • 研究成果可以用于其他工程设计项目提高我国通风除尘系统设计质量一定的现实意义。

    The result of this project may be a good reference for other projects and on the other hand it will probably be beneficial to promoting design quality in ventilating systems.


  • 国外水利水电工程设计中地震动参数(地震加速度)同样重要资料,取值方法原则与中国内地很大不同

    The seismic dynamic parameter (seismic acceleration) is similarly an important one in design of the foreign hydro projects but the method and principle of selecting its value are quite different.


  • 阻火器选用石油化工厂、石油和天然气工厂可燃性气体工厂生产安全保护工程设计中常遇到并需解决问题

    The selection of the fire protector is the problem faced in engineering design and production safety in the plants dealing with petrochemical material, petroleum, natural gas and combustible gas.


  • 为了满足工程设计需要必要对桩基往复荷载作用的工作性状计算方法进行研究

    To satisfy the needs of project design, it is necessary to study for calculation method and the working properties of pile foundation under reciprocating load role.


  • 满足工程设计需要必要支座的受力特性计算方法进行研究

    To satisfy the need of engineering design, it is necessary to study on the loading characteristic and calculation method about wide bearing continuous beam.


  • 能力较清晰沟通工程设计概念想法

    Able to communicate engineering concepts and ideas clearly.


  • 这个附加力矩到底多大,工程设计能否忽略不计?

    What is the magnitude of this additional moment can be neglected or not?


  • 优化计算结果显示技术性能原常用机构明显提高几何参数工程设计一定参考价值

    The optimization calculation shows that the technical property of this mechanism is distinctly improved. The resulted geometric parameters are useful as reference value for some engineering designs.


  • 本文工程设计角度,提出机电一体化自动机设计概念论述设计方法内容传统机械自动机设计相比特点

    This article suggested a conception of mechatronics automatics design and discussed the characteristics of design method and content, which are different from the design of traditional automatics.


  • 方法用于土建工程设计各个阶段强的实用性,其应用利于提高设计工作的精度效率

    It can be used in every phase of civil engineering design with better practical applicability and is beneficial to improve the precision of design, efficiency would be promoted thereby.


  • 因此必要工程设计项目知识管理影响因素研究初步尝试努力

    Therefore, it is of considerable necessity to make preliminary attempts and efforts on the research of the influence factors of knowledge management in engineering design projects.


  • 经验证,一般制冷空调工程实用工作温度压力范围内,该组参数方程良好的计算精度,可应用于工程设计

    Under the common working conditions of refrigeration and air-conditioning, those parameter equations can be applied to the engineering designs.


  • 通过将本文建模计算所得结果厦门海沧大桥实际工程设计数据的比较,证明本文的方法对于悬索桥缆索体系分析较好的精度可操作性。

    Comparisons with the actual design data of the Xiamen Haicang suspension bridge, the method of this paper is indicated to be precise and efficient for analysis on cable systems of suspension Bridges.


  • 工程设计实践中将无粘结预应力混凝土安全贮备比粘结预应力的计算结果提高15%一定合理性

    It seems reasonable in practice to increase the safety margin of unbonded members by 15% in comparison with the bonded prestressed concrete bending members.


  • 系统、齐全工程设计档案可以充分发挥凭证、查考、科技储备作用,必要制度、人员、方法几个环节努力提高工程设计文件材料的归档完整率

    It is necessary to raise with an effort the filing integrity of engineering design documents from the aspects of system, personnel, and method.


  • 至少相关经验技术方案工程设计阶段),在工业咨询公司设计经验加分项;

    At least 8 years working experience in technical proposal, or engineering sections, experience in engineering consulting firm or design institute will be a plus.


  • 本文针对后梁系统自由度运动方程非线性振动分析工程设计织造工艺改善一定理论意义;

    The nonlinear dynamic analysis to SDOF function of the back-rest system can be benefit for engineering design and improvement of weaving technology.


  • 本文方法波纹设计计算实用价值压缩特征关系影响讨论助于工程设计

    To bellow design, the method given in this on paper is of practical value and the discussion of the influence of compressed angle characteristic relation is helpful.


  • 生物安全3控制要求特殊工程设计以及强化安全标准操作

    Biosafety level 3 containment requires special engineering and design features as well as heightened safety standards and practices.


  • 高速公路设计路桥主体工程设计交通工程机电土建设施设计组成复杂系统工程后者前者相当大的影响

    The expressway design is formed by the main road-bridge design and traffic engineering and road facilities as a multi-system construction. The latter would give a great influence to the former.


  • 由于系统统一国家标准因此必要推出体现系统优越性设计方案,供工程设计参考。

    Since there is no unified national standard for the system, it is necessary to put forward a set of design scheme to represent its advantages f


  • 候选人必须主动积极热情地投入工程设计团队能力承担高效率高压力工作技术设计领导职位需要全权负责项目的进展指导激发团队能进度出产品质设计

    This is a technical leadership position that requires the candidate to take ownership of projects and be able to guide and motivate development team engineers to produce quality designs on schedule.


  • 候选人必须主动积极热情地投入工程设计团队能力承担高效率高压力工作技术设计领导职位需要全权负责项目的进展指导激发团队能进度出产品质设计

    This is a technical leadership position that requires the candidate to take ownership of projects and be able to guide and motivate development team engineers to produce quality designs on schedule.


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