• 紫外线照射之前之后图像显示,在防晒霜渗透至皮下皮肤有害氧化反应增加了

    Images taken before and after exposure to UV radiation showed ROS generation in the skin increased after sunscreen penetration.


  • 如今科学家发现污染几乎氧化污染一样有害

    Nowadays scientists are finding light pollution can be almost as bad as carbon dioxide pollution.


  • 因为红中的蛋白质减轻红酒中单宁酸作用,红酒对抗红肉消化可能产生有害物质——一种叫做丙醛MDA氧化脂肪

    Protein softens the wine's tannins, and red wine also helps counteract potentially harmful substances - oxidized fats called malonaldehydes, or MDA - released when meat is digested.


  • 每天腐烂中的垃圾都释放出大量对气候有害的混合气体其中超过一半均为与氧化相比能使气候变速度加快20沼气

    Everyday, the decaying trash releases large quantities of a climate-harming gas cocktail.More than half of the landfill gas is methane, which warms the planet 20 times faster than carbon dioxide.


  • 每天腐烂垃圾释放出大量对气候有害的混合气体,而多半甲烷使地球速度氧化20倍。

    Everyday, the decaying trash releases large quantities of a climate-harming gas cocktail. More than half of the landfill gas is methane, which warms the planet 20 times faster than carbon dioxide.


  • 不过这种干净燃料一直没能投入生产,直到决策者们决定限制氧化灰尘微粒的排放量(它们是有害烟雾的主要来源煤尘微粒则肺癌联系)。

    But the new cleaner fuel has come on stream just as regulators are clamping down on emissions of smog-causing nitrous oxides and soot-like particulates, which have been linked to lung cancer.


  • 黑色素同时也是氧化保护身体对抗活性氧簇,一种可以损害dna有害成分

    Melanin is also an antioxidant that can protect the body against reactive oxygen species, harmful compounds that can damage DNA.


  • 许多有害或者有争议污染物计算在内——比如说氧化颗粒排放,或者污染数据公之于众——比如说臭氧层的破坏程度。

    Many harmful or controversial forms of pollution are either not measured - as is the case for carbon dioxide and small particle emissions - or the data is not made public, as is the case for ozone.


  • 火葬向大气排放的有害物质有:二恶英水银蒸汽(如果死者有假牙的话)、盐酸氧化氧化

    Cremation puts harmful gasses into the air including dioxins, mercury vapor from dental fillings, hydrochloric acid, carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide.


  • 相反燃烧轮胎会产生有害污染物氧化

    Burning a tyre, by contrast, produces sulphur dioxide, a noxious pollutant.


  • 石蜡一种已知致癌物氧化氢则消化系统有害。随意丢弃木筷则可能污染土壤质量

    Paraffin is a known carcinogen, and hydrogen peroxide can harm the digestive system. Chopsticks irresponsibly disposed of can contaminate water and soil quality.


  • 除了氧化飞机还释放出另外一种有害气体——一氧化碳。

    As well as carbon dioxide, planes emit nitrogen oxide, another nasty gas.


  • 研究人员认为归功于蜂蜜氧化防止有害物质破坏人体细胞

    The researchers propose that honey may boost memory due to its antioxidant properties, which helps to prevent free radicals damaging cells in the body.


  • 维生素a一种可以分解皮肤有害不稳定氧分子氧化

    Choose a moisturizing eye cream that contains vitamins a, k, and C. vitamin a is an antioxidant that breaks down unstable oxygen molecules that would otherwise harm your skin.


  • 最近伦敦大学学院一项研究发现氧化身体里中和有害分子任何分子)无法对抗老化

    Recently a study at University College London found that antioxidants (any molecule that neutralises harmful molecules in the body) don’t combat ageing.


  • 认为包括黄酮类烟酸维生素e复合物通过有破坏性氧化过程降低有害炎症反应阻止血管老化

    She credits compounds, including flavonoids, magnesium, potassium, niacin, and vitamin e, for combating blood vessel aging by blocking the damaging oxidation process and reducing harmful inflammation.


  • 他们已经证明出活性氧化1prx1),一种能够细胞内有害氧化氢分解的酶类正是此正面效应的所需酶类。

    They are able to show that active peroxiredoxin 1, Prx1, an enzyme that breaks down harmful hydrogen peroxide in the cells, is required for caloric restriction to work effectively.


  • 应当用感激心回报答自然的恩赐,遵守大自然规律维护生态平衡,禁止燃烧任何有害物质, 严禁烟囱释放氧化碳。

    All of us should be grateful to what nature offers us, obey the natural laws, maintain the balance of nature and ban burning any harmful l substance and giving off carbon dioxide through the chimneys.


  • 黄腐酚含有维生素e强的氧化一些研究发现能够减少有害胆固醇氧化

    Xanthohumol contains more powerful antioxidants than vitamin e, and some studies indicate it helps reduce oxidation of bad cholesterol.


  • 在今天这个概念十分重大的意义的,因为氧化酸雨的成因,环境管理有害的。

    This concept is particularly relevant today because sulfur dioxide, a contributor to acid rain, is subject to environmental regulations.


  • 个研究表明许多健康问题自由基氧化可以有助于防止有害影响

    Studies have shown that many health problems are associated with free radicals, and antioxidants can help to protect against their harmful effects.


  • 他们具有较高催化氧化潜力SO2SO3可以极为有害的,因为酸性属性

    They also have a high catalyzing potential to oxidize so 2 into so 3, which can be extremely damaging due to its acidic properties.


  • 柴油污染十分严重,其有害氧化细微污染颗粒排放量汽油大,可能导致癌症心脏病

    Diesel is highly polluting, emitting far greater amounts of dangerous nitrogen dioxide and tiny pollution particles than petrol, and can cause cancer to heart attacks.


  • 去年丹麦研究人员报道说补充氧化的维生素可能对自身有害

    Researchers in Denmark reported last year that people who take antioxidant vitamin supplements may be harming themselves.


  • 氧化人人有害尤其心脏病肺病患者有害

    While carbon monoxide is harmful to everyone, it is especially damaging to people with heart or lung disease.


  • 氧化人人有害尤其心脏病肺病患者有害

    While carbon monoxide is harmful to everyone, it is especially damaging to people with heart or lung disease.


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