• 有子,“作用,处事和谐为贵。

    Master You said, "In the application of the rituals, harmony is most valuable."


  • 后来岁月曾经过,1936年她一下岁,件事华丽斯永远不会原谅温莎公爵就是决定放弃王位

    She used to say, in later life, that she aged ten years in 1936 and the one thing for which Wallis never forgave the Duke of Windsor was his decision to renounce his throne.


  • 众议长南希·洛西措施及时针对性临时的”—也是经济刺激一揽政策的三个目标

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the measures are "timely, targeted and temporary" — the three goals for an economic stimulus package.


  • 去年,近井(现在日本国家天文台工作)及其同事报告银河系边远地区(太阳两倍以上)111颗新生恒星

    Last year Chikako Yasui, now at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, and her colleagues reported on 111 newborn stars in a Milky Way exurb, over twice as far out as the sun.


  • 个狱卒(男装女性)一封信中监狱里其他三位,其中一个北方的少校。

    In the letter of one [female disguised as a male] prison guard, it said that there were three [other] women in the prison, one of whom was a major in the Union Army.


  • 他们路上风声传到大卫那里押沙龙了,留下一个

    And it came to pass, while they were in the way, that tidings came to David, saying, Absalom hath slain all the king's sons, and there is not one of them left.


  • Schultz警长与其女友目前不在埃尔博·克奇生活,警长还会把孩送交相关机构照管

    Schultz said the gunman and his girlfriend had children who live outside Albuquerque, adding that the children were taken into custody by "another agency."


  • 玛丽亚10参加考试了,一下没法适应

    Maria: he said he hadn't taken any exams for ten years, and couldn't get used to it immediately.


  • 一次母亲参加聚会需要礼服一下便买来了

    Once my mother told him I needed a new party dress, he brought a dozen.


  • 等于上帝本质比父更少的上帝的属性

    Eternal generation does not make the Son have less divine substance, or less attributes, than the Father.


  • 如果6的话剧本真的伤心

    I'm so sad for the 6 boys if they have to say as scripted.


  • 忽然一天发现自己一辈真话之时,件可怕

    It is a terrible thing for a man to find out suddenly that all his life he have is speaking nothing but the truth.


  • 日常生活中我们这样证据信任感区分的,那么为什么民意调查我们一下糊涂了,信任感想得更概念化了呢?

    So if we've got those evidence in our ordinary lives of the way that trust is differentiated, why do we sort of drop all that intelligence when we think about trust more abstractly?


  • 也曾亲自:教会一张装鱼的鱼网,也是一块长和莠田地

    We know this and the Lord himself told us so: it is a net with good fish and bad fish, a field with wheat and darnel.


  • 事业成功的商人女婿后对他:“很爱女儿,欢迎成为家族一分。”

    A very successful businessman had a meeting with his new son-in-law. "I love my daughter, and now I welcome you into the family," remarked the guy.


  • 格兰特博士舒服,不放太太来,漂亮小姨不相信他什么病。

    Dr. Grant, professing an indisposition, for which he had little credit with his fair sister-in-law, could not spare his wife.


  • 不言做儿父亲名字不过问到了父亲叫什么什么名字,一套

    You should say, "the son cannot say his father's name, but since you asked, I will tell you what my father's name is." There are rules of etiquette for all of this.


  • 把这件事告诉维斯教练的时候,果然就像预料中的那样非常生气,“一辈的时间工作,”他,“棒球的却是非常限的。

    When I told Coach Jarvis, he was as mad as I expected him to be. "You have your whole life to work, " he said. "Your playing days are limited.


  • 我们知道由于工作方式转变,在选择一种职业我们往往不会从一而终干一辈。可对那些刚参加工作这么什么帮助呢?

    Because of changing work patterns, we now get it that when you choose a career, it most likely won't end up being exactly that job or even that career for life.


  • 地方过,但是记忆开始无论是老家还是在学校外其它理发店,我都没遇到开始多少实际要的

    You said I have no place to shear off, but I have the memories, whether in the home or in other schools, barber shop, I have not encountered that began to want more than the actual number of stores.


  • 白宫位副手预算出来时候,很多人表示,“哎哟他们打算一下事都了。”

    'When the budget came out, there was a lot of,' Oh, they're trying to do everything all at once, 'says one White House aide.


  • 闫父此人年来一直女儿。

    Yan said the father, who has a wife has a son, a couple of years has been "playing" with his daughter.


  • 根据老爷这个球员往往是投篮专家嘛,很大几率扔进去也就是犯规就是送分嘛。

    According to Naismith's book, "this player soon became so expert that he could throw the ball into the basket a large percentage of the time; this meant that a foul was practically as good as a goal."


  • 根据老爷这个球员往往是投篮专家嘛,很大几率扔进去也就是犯规就是送分嘛。

    According to Naismith's book, "this player soon became so expert that he could throw the ball into the basket a large percentage of the time; this meant that a foul was practically as good as a goal."


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