• 按摩知道你的背部肌肉女高音克里里琴弦;你的心理医生会说你的紧张一半来自于压力

    Your massage therapist knows that your back muscles are tighter than the strings on a ukulele; your shrink knows that half your tension comes from stress.


  • 贝迪特认为原因可能经常吵架人际关系历来压力逐渐紧张情况没那么大反应了。

    This might be because "people who have lots of arguments and chronic stresses in their relationships are less reactive to tension over time," Birditt said.


  • 在这项新的研究中,三岁儿童处于对他们几种对他们无害但是一定压力环境使得他们产生轻微的紧张沮丧

    The new study included 3-year-old children who were subjected to different harmless, but stress-inducing, situations, such as causing them to become slightly nervous or frustrated.


  • 时候开始不舒适生活面临压力了(顺便说一下,“好”的压力和来自无益紧张压力区别的)。

    It was time for me to start living with discomfort and be under pressure (by the way there is a difference between GOOD pressure and the pressure from useless stress).


  • 不管感觉良好还是紧张有压力,让这些艺术家作画庆祝是值得的。

    Whether you feel stunning or stressed, surrounding yourself with artists who want to celebrate your form can be empowering.


  • 患了紧张性头痛感觉脑袋周围无法放松,压力着似的。

    Tension headaches tend to feel like a pressure or tightness around the head.


  • 最重要不要紧张有压力

    Most of all Don't Stress.


  • 最重要不要紧张有压力

    Most of all, Don't Stress.


  • 此后双方关系出现压力紧张状态可惜双方争执首先削减的是双方的军事交流

    There have been stresses and strains in America’s relationship with China since then, and the pity is that the first thing to get curtailed when we have a spat is the military exchanges.


  • 长期从事有压力工作,情绪无常老板心力交瘁至少让局势紧张

    I remember a job where I worked long, stressful hours and often labored for a boss who had mood swings like a freaking roller coaster. It made for a tense situation, to say the least.


  • 哪些习惯减轻每天压力紧张

    Q: What are some habits that will help me release the stress and tension that builds up in my busy day?


  • 渐进式肌肉放松可以减少焦虑压力降低肌肉紧张并且如果睡眠问题,可以起到帮助

    Progressive muscle relaxation can reduce anxiety, stress, and muscle tension, and it may help if you have trouble falling asleep.


  • 发问者专业人士曾经告诉做梦白天思考行为一样至关重要如果我不做梦,就会发现自己日常生活处于巨大的压力紧张之中。

    Questioner: I have been told by professionals that dreaming is as vital as daytime thinking and activity, and that I would find my daily living under great stress and strain if I did not dream.


  • 保证季度盈利,管理团队肩负的压力非常大,所以还是一些紧张的。

    Well, the management team is under a lot of pressure to get our numbers up this quarter, so it is a bit stressful.


  • 工作面试可怕了,在他们面前总是感到紧张有压力

    Job interviews are so scary - I always get really nervous and stressed out before them.


  • 这些社会支持助于解释为什么许多女性男性较好的处理紧张压力能力

    These social supports may help explain why many women seem to be better able to deal with stress than men are.


  • 其次这个高度压力又令人高度紧张现代世界中,太多的“理由可以使我们

    Secondly, in this high pressure, high tension modern world, there are not many reasons that makes us laugh.


  • 酒精压力存在相互依存。压力喝酒延长和增加压力紧张感。

    Alcohol and stress are found to feed off each other. Drinking when you're stressed out can prolong and increase the tension you feel from the stressor.


  • 头痛几种类型头痛肯定和压力关。如果经常头痛,或是紧张性头痛,那么压力可能就是罪魁祸首。

    Headaches: Certain types of headaches can be related to stress. If you're experiencing more headaches, especially tension headaches, stress could be the culprit.


  • 不仅压力紧张明显的治疗效果,而且止痛的的特性甘菊萃取液同样抑制炎症促进新陈代谢方面明显的效果。

    It not only has a calming effect on stress and tension but also had analgesic qualities. Camomile is also effective in inhibiting inflammations and activating the metabolism.


  • 专家们许多办法可以对付紧张压力这些办法包括深呼吸一种引导性思维方法叫做冥想

    Experts say there are several ways to deal with stress. They include deep breathing and a method of guided thought called meditation.


  • 压力时候,你外在一切都让人满意,实际上内心却焦虑紧张控制

    When you get stressed, you can keep the façade of everything being hunky dory, when in fact you are bottling up underneath with anxiety and tension.


  • 领先公司更大的呼吸空档开发新的意念创造并且最不紧张最少压力的情况下把任务完成

    It allows the leading company to have sufficient breathing space to develop new ideas and innovations, and accomplish them with minimal tension and stress.


  • 目前师范大学面临挑战办学经费紧张学生就业压力教师教育市场竞争激烈等。

    The challenges which normal universities currently facing are tight outlay for running school, students great employment pressure and huge competition among teacher education.


  • 如果开始感到紧张压力了,这时你也不要伸手香烟。

    If you start to feel nervous or stressed, don't reach for a cigarette.


  • 感觉到紧张的糘压力一些乐趣的事。你会发现压力在渐渐消逝想法渐渐明朗了。

    When you feel tension building, find something fun to do. You'll find that the stress you feel will dissipate and your thoughts will become clearer.


  • 感觉到紧张压力一些乐趣的事。你会发现压力在渐渐消逝想法渐渐明朗了

    When you feel tension building, find something fun to do. You'll find that the stress you feel will dissipate and your thoughts will become clearer.


  • 压力喝酒延长增加压力紧张

    Drinking when you're stressed out can prolong and increase the tension you feel from the stressor.


  • 压力喝酒延长增加压力紧张

    Drinking when you're stressed out can prolong and increase the tension you feel from the stressor.


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