• 第一冲动促使我们需要家庭提供住房食品医疗现金津贴

    The first impulse leads us to provide housing, food stamps, medical care and a cash stipend for families in need.


  • 如果健康问题需要即时的医疗帮助个人建议医生护士可以提供帮助。

    A doctor and nurse is available if you have health questions or need immediate medical help or personal advice.


  • 工作第一带薪假期可以享受医疗牙科保险不过这件需要我们人事部门商量一下

    Two weeks of paid vacation in your first year employment, you are also been entitled to medical and dental insurance, but this is something you should discuss with our Personnel Department.


  • 工作第一带薪假期可以享受医疗牙科保险不过这件需要我们人事部门商量一下

    Two weeks of paid vacation in your first-year employment, you are also been entitled to medical and dental insurance, but this is something you should discuss with our Personnel Department.


  • 监狱诊所那些需要更先进治疗条件的人会转送更大型医疗病房的地方,其中一间就设在广岛。

    The prison has a small clinic, but those who need advanced treatment are transferred to facilities with bigger medical wards, such as the one in Hiroshima.


  • 针对资金不够笔者一个想法就是国家强制车辆需要支付一定数额保险金这些保险金可用支付受害者医疗费用一部分

    In terms of lack of funds, I also have another idea. That is to require every vehicle owner to pay a certain amount of premium that will be used as part of the victims' medical treatment expenses.


  • 我们需要派遣医疗小组最好可以地区共同语言俄罗斯人,他们可以乌兹·别克提供治疗——这些乌兹·别克人甚至拒绝接受吉尔吉斯医生任何接触。

    We need medical teams, ideally Russians, who speak the region's common language and who can treat Uzbeks who now refuse to have anything to do even with Kyrgyz doctors.


  • 医疗保健效性决定用于找出诊断那些可能危害病人健康的疾病需要多长时间

    The effectiveness of healthcare is critically linked to the time it takes to identify and diagnose conditions that are likely to adversely affect a patient's health.


  • 公司的商人如果一直他的耳朵的话,可能感到压力的以及可能瑜伽装备兴趣的,或者说需要酒店枕头单上得到一个医疗效果的枕头的。

    A corporate trekker constantly tugging on an ear is probably stressed and may be interested in a yoga kit — or perhaps a therapeutic pillow from the hotel's pillow menu.


  • 经过了13以及数以亿计英镑(资金投入),尽管经济方面英国选民大的事情需要担忧,医疗保健质量一个问题

    Thirteen years and many billions of pounds later, there are still big concerns about the quality of health care in Britain, though the economy has given voters something even bigger to worry about.


  • 大量产品需要成熟模特代言,比如旅游业医疗保健药品甚至高级时装

    There is a wide range of products for which mature models are needed such as the travel industry, health care, pharmaceuticals, and even high fashion.


  • 如果病情延续以上,那么需要雇主合约关系的公认的医疗机构或官方医学权威撰写的医疗报告

    A medical report drawn up by an approved medical service under contract with the employer or by an official medical authority is required if the sickness continues for two days or more.


  • 由于这些婴儿很多需要多种学科医疗护理,护理协调家庭医生另一个重要作用

    Because many of these infants require care from multiple medical disciplines, coordination of care is another important role for the family physician.


  • 奥巴马签署成为法律专业工作者,礼来公司莱德贝特公平医疗保健扩展需要数百万儿童立法

    Obama has already signed into law pro-worker legislation like the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and an expansion of health care to millions of children in need.


  • 䐜--大凡时候幸福就是能力购买生活需要很多东西诸如住行,还医疗等等,简直想什么什么。

    More often than not, happy are those who can afford to purchase many good things in life, such as food, clothing, housing, cars, education, pleasure, health care, etc. --you name it.


  • 我们展现了我们通过一些影响广泛项目,如需要人们捐赠提供我们产品扩大医疗途径决心

    We also demonstrate our commitment to increasing access to health care through far-reaching programs that donate and deliver our products to the people who need them.


  • 关注质量——关于一些需要识别的与医疗器械相关质量量度类似物。

    Focus on quality - concerning this point, there are parallels to medicinal products. (quality) metrics - relevant for medical devices - should be identified.


  • 富裕的老年美国人能力补充代金券得到需要医疗服务

    Wealthy older Americans would be able to supplement their vouchers, and get the care they need;


  • 这些类型医院医疗管理特殊需要需要一个高度可配置软件丰富临床能力结合

    These types of hospitals have specific medication management needs that require a combination of highly configurable software and rich clinical capabilities.


  • 这些类型医院医疗管理特殊需要需要一个高度可配置软件丰富临床能力结合

    These types of hospitals have specific medication management needs that require a combination of highly configurable software and rich clinical capabilities.


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