• 沿着通往天线导线功率传输着。

    Power is being delivered along the wires which lead into the antenna.


  • 电阻器当然也功率之分。

    Different power is different resistance.


  • 功率功能集成电路功率电平随意定义的。

    Integrated circuit that contains power functions. Often the power level is defined arbitrarily.


  • 系统功率与同轴控制器多个端口相连。

    The system has a power meter coupled tone or more ports of the coax controller apparatus.


  • 半导体激光器较之其他类型激光器功率汽化效果好、操作简单优点。

    It was pointed out that semiconductor laser has advantages such as high power, effective vaporization and simple usage than other types of lasers.


  • 功率范围大、传动效率高传动比准确、使用寿命工作安全可靠特点

    It has the advantages of wide range power, high transmission efficiency, accurate drive ratio, long life and safety.


  • 嵌入式系统往往工作频率高、环境恶劣功率器件电磁兼容问题处理尤其重要

    Embedded system usually has high work frequency in the foul environment, contains the power parts of an apparatus, so the disposal of electromagnetic compatibility problems are very important.


  • 拓扑具功率开关均为开关输出二极管电压应力输入输出滤波器的特点。

    There are soft switching conditions of all switches, low voltage stresses on the output diodes, and smaller input and output filters in this topology.


  • 卫星通信信道功率受限带宽充足特点,要求采用强大纠错能力的信道纠错技术。

    Satellite communication channel has the characteristic of power limited, band abundance, and powerful error correcting ability FEC scheme is needed.


  • 激光其它相比功率发散小、单色性输出脉冲窄输出光谱连续调谐特点

    Laser compared to other lights has the characteristics of higher power, less divergence Angle, better monochromaticity, shorter light pulse and continuously tunable spectrum output.


  • 功率范围传动效率高传动比正确使用寿命等特点零件失效情况来看,齿轮也是容易故障零件之一。

    It has big power range, high transmission efficiency and transmission ratio correctly, long using life, etc, but from the failure parts, gear is the most vulnerable parts of the fault.


  • 电液位置伺服系统控制领域一个重要组成部分功率、响应、精度高等特点国民经济的各个领域得到了广泛的应用。

    As an important component of control field, hydraulic serve position control system with big power, rapid reflection and high accuracy characteristics, is being used widely in many industrial fields.


  • 输电成本分摊方面,本文首先指出建立功率无功功率追踪的基础传统潮流追踪方法合理性

    As the traditional power flow tracing method is based on the active and reactive power decoupled method, the results obtained by this method is not precision.


  • 如此电压当中,直流电压功率分别整流器相器所控制

    Thus, in the voltage margin method, the dc voltage and the active power are separately controlled by the rectifier and the inverter, respectively.


  • 此外这些电厂所发出功率决定天气的亮暗度,而其白天变化很大的。

    Besides, active power generation of these plans depends on the luminosity, which is very variable during day time.


  • 电抗约束型炉子采用使功率功率最大方式运行

    The reactance restraint type of furnace should take method of operation to make molten pool power and active power maximum.


  • 从电工学基本原理出发,详细讨论变压器功率差动保护原理如何实现的问题。

    According to the principle of electrotechnics, how to carry out power differential theory of power transformer is discussed.


  • 电力系统功率控制对于电力系统的安全稳定运行重要意义。

    The active power control is of great importance for the safe and stable operation of power systems.


  • 本文提出非正弦网络功率分析方法视在功率分解四个分量功率分散功率无功功率、外加视在功率

    An analytic method of power in nonsinusoidal networks is suggested for the apparent power decomposition into four components, active power, scattered power, reactive power, and forced apparent power.


  • 采用集成电路实现舰船电站自动调节,从理论上分析了并联运行机组功率分配以及调节原理

    In this paper, we theoretically analyses the distribution of the active power and the regulation principle of the frequency differences between the parallel operating generators.


  • 高压输电线路输送负荷功率同时自身也消耗功率吸收输出功率,线路无功会对功率因数产生很大影响

    While transmitting the load power, the high-voltage transmission line consumes the active power of its own, and absorbs or outputs the reactive power, which affects the power factor significantly.


  • 电力系统中常测量电压电流功率因数功率、无功功率视在功率等参数

    In an electric power system, the following parameters often need measuring: voltage, current, power factor, power, reactive power and apparent power.


  • 自动功率分配机组同时工作时,系统自动调频调载,保证两台机组功率分配误差不大于10%。

    Automatic power distribution: When two units at work, system can automatically mixed FM, ensure the two units of the active power distribution error less than 10%.


  • 自动发电控制(agc)调整电网频率功率保证电网安全经济运行重要措施之一

    Automatic generation control (AGC) is one of the important measures to regulate the frequency and active power of power grid and ensure its security and economic operation.


  • 通过理论分析推导得出不计网任意多个水、火电厂之间功率经济分配计算公式

    Through theoretical analysis and derivation, a formula for calculating active power economic distribution among any number of hydro and thermal power units was obtained under ignoring system losses.


  • 交流系统受到扰动通过跟踪交流系统某些参数变化调节直流输送功率从而达到阻尼整个系统功率振荡的目的。

    Following up the change of some parameters in ac systems, it can regulate the active power transmitted by DC link and damp power oscillation in systems.


  • 电力交换控制已经应用于终端控制器直流电压控制部分功率控制部分。

    The voltage margin method for interchange power control was applied to the dc voltage control block (DC-AVR) and the active power control block (APR) in the terminal controller.


  • 主要快速傅变换算法、全波傅氏算法以及功率、无功功率计算滤波参数选取、谐波的计算进行了讨论

    Mainly, FFT algorithm and full-wave Fourier algorithm are discussed. Calculation of active power and imaginary power is researched. Parameter selection of filtration and calculation of are attained.


  • 提出种能效地抑制非同步采样引起功率功率因数的测量误差加权算法

    A weighted algorithm is proposed for reducing effectively the error caused by non-synchronous sampling in active power and power factor measurement.


  • 应用态能量函数分析给出了注入空间实用动态安全判据,以此来量化暂态稳定性指标,从而实现事故后系统功率小扰动分析。

    The method performs active power perturbation analysis respectively on the stable equilibrium point of pre-fault system, the trajectory of fault-on system and transient stability of post-fault system.


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