• 有关机关组织必须研究处理负责答复

    The State organs or institutions concerned must make study and disposition thereof and be responsible for giving a reply.


  • 有关机关组织必须研究处理负责答复

    State organs or institutions concerned must make study and disposition thereof and be responsible for giving a reply.


  • 前项排放标准,由中央主管机关会商有关机关定之。

    The central competent authority in consultation with the relevant agencies shall determine the emissions standards in the foregoing paragraph.


  • 第24调处委员会请求有关机关协助调查证据

    Article 24 a mediation committee may request assistance from relevant agencies to investigate evidence.


  • 前项空气品质标准中央主管机关会商有关机关定之。

    The central competent authority in consultation with the relevant agencies shall determine the air quality standards in the foregoing paragraph.


  • 有关机关专门委员会汇报改进执法措施效果

    The organs concerned shall report to the Special Committees on the measures for improvement of law enforcement and the results achieved.


  • 有关机关应当在规定期限内向常务委员会报告办理情况

    Related organs shall report the situations of handling to the Standing Committee within a fixed time limit limit.


  • 汽车之召回改正办法,由中央主管机关会商有关机关定之。

    The central competent authority in consultation with the relevant agencies shall determine regulations for motor vehicle recall and correction.


  • 办理文化艺术事业奖励补助有关机关相互知会

    When undertaking the awarding and subsidization of cultural and arts-related enterprises, relevant authorities shall notify one another of such matters.


  • 前项空气污染物质,由中央主管机关会商有关机关公告之。

    The central competent authority in consultation with the relevant agencies shall officially announce the substances that are prone to cause air pollution in the foregoing paragraph.


  • 成心或者重大差错滴义务人员有关机关应当依法给予行政处罚

    The competent authorities shall, in accordance with law, impose administrative sanctions on those responsible persons who have committed intentional or grave mistakes in the case;


  • 本法规定事项,涉及其他机关之职掌者,由主管机关会商有关机关办理之。

    Where provisions set forth in this Act involve other government agencies, the competent authority shall consult and coordinate with the concerned government agencies.


  • 对于前项请求其他法律有特别规定者外,有关机关团体不得拒绝

    Related authorities or organizations shall not refuse the above request except those prescribed in other regulations.


  • 第6条植物防疫检疫人员施行防治措施时,有关机关人员应予协助配合。

    Article 6 Government authorities concerned shall render the necessary assistance and support to the plant protection or quarantine officers in implementing control measures.


  • 前项空气品质严重恶化之紧急防制办法,由中央主管机关会同有关机关定之。

    The central competent authority in conjunction with the relevant agencies shall determine the emergency control regulations for the serious deterioration of air quality in the foregoing paragraph.


  • 仙台市有关机关发布的信息翻译成中文,通过因特网收音机通知给大家。

    We will provide information from Sendai City and other related organizations via Internet and radio broadcasts.


  • 使用中汽车排放空气污染物不定期检验办法,由中央主管机关会商有关机关定之。

    The central competent authority in consultation with the relevant agencies shall determine regulations for the irregular air pollutant emissions testing of in-use motor vehicles.


  • 军事参谋团,安全理事会授权区域有关机关商议后、得设立区域分团

    The Military Staff Committee, with the authorization of the Security Council and after consultation with appropriate regional agencies, may establish regional sub-committees.


  • 军事参谋团,安全理事会授权区域有关机关商议后,得设立区域分团

    The Military Staff committee, with the authorization of the Security Council and after consultation with appropriate regional agencies, may establish regional sub-committees.


  • 军事参谋团,安全理事会之授权,并区域内有关机关商议后、得设立区域分团

    Plans for the application of armed force shall be made by the Security Council with the assistance of the Military Staff Committee.


  • 电信事业处理有关机关(构)查询通信纪录使用者资料作业程序电信总局订定之。

    The DGT shall promulgate rules governing operational procedures for telecommunications enterprises to handle inquiries for communications records and users' data by relevant institutions.


  • 常务委员会分组会议审议法律案时,根据小组要求有关机关组织应当介绍情况

    In the course of deliberation by the subgroups of the Standing Committee, if requested by a subgroup, the relevant agency or organization shall send representatives to brief the subgroup.


  • 第三汽车进出国境时间海关会同有关机关批准以外应当限于日出后日没前。

    Article 3. The Times for a motor vehicle to pass the border shall be restricted to the period between sunrise and sunset unless otherwise approved by Customs in conjunction with concerned organs.


  • 如果法院选择援引理论中止考虑争议问题问题提交有关机关作出初步裁定

    If the court chooses to invoke the doctrine, it will suspend consideration of the disputed issue and refer the matter to the agency for an initial determination.


  • 按照是否委托外国有关机关代为送达,可以将域外送达的各种方式类,即直接送达间接送达。

    The thesis divides methods of service abroad in civil and commercial cases into two kinds: direct one and indirect one.


  • 第十二领事官员人身不受侵犯中国有关机关应当采取适当措施防止领事官员的人身自由尊严受到侵犯

    Article 12. The person of a consular officer shall be inviolable. The Chinese authorities concerned shall take appropriate measures to prevent any attack on his personal freedom and dignity.


  • 第四十条国家工作人员或者其他公民发现国家秘密已经泄露或者可能泄露时,应当立即采取补救措施及时报告有关机关单位

    Article 40 Where a state functionary or any other citizen finds that a state secret has been or may be divulged, he shall immediately take repair measures and report to the relevant organ or entity.


  • 第四十条国家工作人员或者其他公民发现国家秘密已经泄露或者可能泄露时,应当立即采取补救措施及时报告有关机关单位

    Article 40 Where a state functionary or any other citizen finds that a state secret has been or may be divulged, he shall immediately take repair measures and report to the relevant organ or entity.


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