• 要歌词是“我一个梦想,我有一首歌要唱”。

    The key lyrics (歌词) are "I have a dream, a song to sing."


  • 一首歌,歌并不,我只想你说

    I've got a song, it won't take long, I just wanted to say.


  • 曾经一首歌名字就叫《》。

    There is a song, its name is - Life Likes Summer Flowers.


  • 一首歌符合现状就会单曲循环

    When there's a song that's in line with the status quo, I'll let it cycle.


  • 这里一首歌

    There is song.


  • 一首歌不再了,可偶然听见不经意的掉下了眼泪

    There is a song that I haven't listen to any more. But I casual to tear when I heard it by chance.


  • 一首歌叫《一切极好的》,反过来就是《一切都是可怕的》。

    You know that song "Everything is awesome?" This is the flip: "Everything is awful."


  • 而且为了什么东西而活也是为了一首歌不是《为爱》?

    But what many things to live, but also to love, it is not a song called "love and Health"?


  • 一首歌长大后,就成了》:小时候以为美丽领着小鸟飞来飞去

    There is a song called "when they grow up, I became you" : a child I thought you were very beautiful, led a group of birds flying.


  • 一首歌喜欢只是知道歌名是什么,今晚无意中电视中知道首歌的名字立刻去下载一直听着,真高兴

    I like a song very much but did not its name. This evening I happen to learn its name on TV. I immediately downloaded it and have been listening to it. I am so happy.


  • 虽然已经甘德山服刑年之久,他的脑海总是一首歌特别是他自称从来这儿就开始在脑子里构思的这支曲子。

    Although he had been an inmate at Gander Hill for over a decade, he always had a song in his head, in particular one that he said he had been writing in his mind since his arrival.


  • 一首歌叫《明天更好》,很喜欢每次我听到首歌的时候,我感受到希望即使不开心但是也会乐观对待生活

    There is a song Tomorrow Will be Better, I like to hear it so much, every time when I listen to it, I can feel the hope, even though I am unhappy, I will be positive to life.


  • 一首歌叫《明天更好》,很喜欢每次我听到首歌的时候,我感受到希望即使开心但是也会乐观对待生活

    There is a song Tomorrow will be Better, I like to hear it so much, every time when I listen to it, I can feel the hope, even though I don't feel happy, I will be positive to life.


  • 一首歌叫《明天更好》,很喜欢每次我听到首歌的时候,我感受到希望即使开心但是也会乐观对待生活

    There is a song "Tomorrow will be Better", I like to hear it so much, every time when I listen to it, I can feel the hope, even though I don't feel happy, I will be positive to life.


  • 一首歌叫《明天更好》,很喜欢每次我听到首歌的时候,我能感受到希望即使我不开心但是也会乐观对待生活

    There is a song 'Tomorrow Will be Better', I like to hear it so much, every time when I listen to it, I can feel the hope, even though I don't feel happy, I will be positive to life.


  • 一首歌其中一句歌词这样的“如果感到幸福拍拍”,这样就正是鼓舞自己奋发向上追求幸福生活表现吗?

    There is a song, including a sing lyrics like this "if you're happy clap his hands," this is not exactly encouraged her to strive to excel, to pursue a happy life ACTS?


  • 我们播放起音乐,一直陪在西身边卢宾一首歌——《一天赞不绝口

    We had some music, and Lupin, who never left Daisy's side for a moment, raved over her singing of a song, called "some Day."


  • 98%99%人时常会一首歌感染”的情况——他们的脑海中总是无法摆脱那首歌的旋律。

    ScienceDaily (May 27, 2010) — Some 98 to 99 percent of the population has, at some point, been "infected" with a song they just can't seem to shake off.


  • 大约三分之一爵士乐采用蓝调形式一首歌12小节,使用”,即第三音阶降半音(如c大调的E、G、B)。

    About one third of jazz is in blues form with twelve measures4 in a song and USESblue notes, "the flatted third, fifth, and seventh notes of the musical scale."


  • 如果你一首歌问题只要起来大声说出来虽然不要是否穿着女士内衣的问题。我们现在最初时开始。

    You've got a question about a song, just stand up and shout it out. Nothing about me wearing ladies' underwear, though. Let's start at the beginning now.


  • 媒体总是报道泰勒很多段关系写了一首歌叫《空格反击

    As the media always reported Taylor had many relationships, she wrote a song called Blank Space to fight back.


  • 创作一首歌也许发现自己艺术天分

    Try to write a poem or create a son. You'll be surpirsed to find your inner artist.


  • 创作一首歌也许发现自己艺术天分

    Try to write a poem or create a son. You'll be surpirsed to find your inner artist.


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