• 近年来,国外财务学界研究文献大量地关注证券市场各种异常效应处置效应动量效应羊群行为等等。

    All kinds of abnormalities are concerned on stock market in the foreign financial documents these years, such as January effect, disposition effect, momentum effect, herd behavior.


  • 效应是从统计学角度分析股市走势惯常现象回报率往往正数”,而且其他;相反,十二的股市回报率很多时候会呈现负值。

    January effect, a kind of usual phenomenon to statistically analyze the stock market movements, refers to the rate of return in January is often "positive" and is higher than that in other months.


  • 效应缩短植被生长期草原缩短了近1个在牧场则缩短了3

    The net effect was a shortening of the growing season by about one month for steppe plants and three weeks for meadow vegetation.


  • 组织烟草控制框架公约于2004年629停止签署168个国家签署(包括欧洲共同体)23个国家批准(采取具有同等法律效应的行动)。

    The WHO FCTC closed for signature on 29 June 2004 with 168 signatories (including the European Community) and 23 ratifications (or its legal equivalent).


  • 季节性效应(例如股市表现,在夏季表现不良)。

    There are seasonal patterns (stocks tend to do well in January and poorly during the summer).


  • 来自商业部说法,一度被视为消除通胀效应良方消费者支出表现平平,同去年十二相比毫无起色。

    The Commerce Department says consumer spending, once tweaked to take out the effect of inflation, was flat in January — just as it was in December.


  • 2007年2收购好耶广告网络以来,分传媒基本上未能创造出与卖场户外广告网络的协同效应

    Since acquiring Allyes in February 2007, Focus Media had largely failed to create synergies with its advertising network based in shops and outdoors.


  • 为什么到了二〇〇八年负面效应那么明显他们还在坚持劳动法执行呢?

    Why did they insist on pushing the new labor law as late as March 2008, when the negative effects were becoming apparent to all and sundry?


  • 此外2009年7研究人员展开第四调查时询问志愿者如何评价Obama工作表现时,国旗效应似乎还有效果。

    Moreover, when the researchers went back a fourth time, in July 2009, and asked their volunteers to rate Mr. Obama's job performance, the effects of the flag still seemed to be present.


  • 今年2英国医学期刊“柳叶刀”发表了一重要论文回顾了有关安慰剂效应发现,谨慎探索医生利用治愈效力的可能性

    In February, an important paper was published in the British medical journal the Lancet, reviewing the discoveries about the placebo effect and cautiously probing its potential for use by doctors.


  • 地球1接近太阳,而在7远离太阳,尽管这种远近变化影响地轴倾角造成冷暖效应要小多。

    Earth is a bit closer to the sun in early January and farther away in July, although this variation has a much smaller effect than the heating and cooling caused by the tilt of Earth's axis.


  • 1030日尼古拉斯·斯特恩爵士关于气候变化经济效应评论当地媒体外国通讯社广为报道。

    Sir Nicholas Stern's review of the economics of climate change, published on October 30th, was all over the local media and much of the foreign press too.


  • 尽管缺乏效应(long - tailfodder),去年6发布以来Mahalo流量还是在稳步上升。

    Despite its absence of long-tail fodder, Mahalo's traffic has grown steadily since it launched last June.


  • 1998年4加州犯罪学院约翰•哈安(John DeHann)博士做了一个实验首次验证灯芯效应”。

    In April, 1998, John De Hann from California Institute of Criminology conducted an experiment to prove the Wick Effect for the first time.


  • 准确例子质量效应2发布,发行一周销量超200万

    Case in point: Mass Effect 2, which came out in January and sold more than 2 million units in its first week of release.


  • 此项效应20世纪的70年代就被预计到了,可是研究者最后只能2009年722日全食时才能观察到。

    This effect was predicted back in the early 1970s, but researchers were only finally able to observe it during the total solar eclipse of July 22, 2009.


  • 它们地球之间一些特殊在那里,地之间的引力效应一样的。

    They were special points between the earth and the moon where the gravity influence between the earth and the moon were the same.


  • 尺度下,巴马科亚的斯亚贝巴站外温度效应主要分布高纬度

    Temperature effect is mainly distributed in mid-high latitudes under monthly scale except for Bamako and Addisababa stations.


  • 联系武昌上空电离层其它某些参量的共同特点有可能效应其共同的推动

    Judging from these and other ionospheric features over Wuchang, the lunar effect may serve as a common source.


  • 结果关元穴,有效预防更年期体重增长,其效应1214明显

    Results the routine moxibustion on CV4 could prevent effectively the weight increase of climacterium. The effect was more obvious in 12 ~ (th) and 14 ~ (th) months.


  • 多数滞后性响应研究基于尺度季节尺度的ND - VI,容易夸大缩小滞后效应不利于滞后时间确定

    Most of research on temporal lag response based on monthly or seasonal NDVI were easy to either exaggerate or reduce the lag effect and were disadvantage to determine the exact lag time.


  • 负面效应组织收到反馈信息至少以前的,或者早。

    The downside is that by the time the organization receives the feedback, the information is at least six months old and usually much older.


  • 这种效应可能适用于过去12个表现最好股票,对于那些闪耀三五的股票来说,切不可对号入座。

    The effect tends to work for the best performers over the past 12 months, but not for those that have shone for longer periods, say three or five years.


  • 采用动力分析法计算了陡河水库土坝1976年728日唐山地震中的表现

    The effective stress method of dynamic analysis is used to explain the performance of Douhe Earth Dam during Tangshan Earthquake on July 28, 1976.


  • 同一温度下,六斑瓢虫捕食量随着猎物密度的增加而增大寻找效应随着猎物密度的增加降低

    In the same temperature treatment, the higher of prey density was, the larger of predation number was found and the lower of finding efficiency was observed.


  • 结果烧伤眼房水正常免疫抑制效应显著下降即使碱烧伤后2

    ResultsThe immunosuppressive level of aqueous humor was significantly decreased, even up to 2 mon after alkali burn.


  • 方正证券任泽平表示,9企业利润回落主要销售放缓基数效应影响

    FOUNDER SECURITIES Ren Zeping said that the fall of corporate profits in September was mainly due to sales slowing down and the base effect.


  • 女性效应消失饮酒超过3次

    This effect vanished in women who consumed more than three drinks per month.


  • 女性效应消失饮酒超过3次

    This effect vanished in women who consumed more than three drinks per month.


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