• 在10初,苏联时期水翼船震颤着穿过大片荒地,河岸上成排的白桦只被偶尔出现的露营地打断,成群的水鸭像乌云般像南飞去,几个星期过后的痕迹第一次出现,水翼船也停止服务一直到翌年的,才能在伊古拉耶夫斯克(Nikolaevsk)再次看到其他的身影。

    Clouds of teal barrel southwards. A couple of weeks later the first ice appears, the hydrofoil service is suspended and Nikolaevsk will not see another boat until early June.


  • 西伯利亚这里依旧很多但是一些湖面已经融化了

    In April in Siberia there is still a lot of snow, but ice on some lakes already melted.


  • 228日卫星图像显示面积为414平方公里(160平方英里)巨出现破碎

    Satellite images starting Feb. 28 show the runaway disintegration of a chunk covering 414 square kilometers, or 160 square miles.


  • 持续风暴多云相对凉爽天气减缓损失程度

    Stormy, cloudy, and relatively cool weather persisted through the month, which helped slow the rate of ice loss.


  • 一次事故就是渔船被困到了

    An incident in January saw several fishing boats trapped in the ice.


  • 艘NASA无人驾驶飞船于1998年17发射使命围绕飞行并两极永远阴影中的火山口里寻找以及其它物质存在迹象

    This NASA unmanned spacecraft launched Jan. 7, 1998 on a mission to orbit the moon in search of signs of water ice and other minerals in permanently shaded craters at the lunar poles.


  • 再也不到那个芳香,那时年轻,我上跳进了挪威峡湾融水里。

    There is no road back to the scent of the Julys when I was young and leapt from a boulder into the ice-cold meltwater of a Norwegian fjord.


  • 底的一个午夜零下几度,结了

    It was midnight, late January, a few degrees below freezing.


  • 被认为干燥而后又有迹象显示极地坑有

    The Moon was once thought to be dry. Then came hints of ice in the polar craters.


  • 图为因纽特渔民格陵兰伊卢利萨湾垂钓。

    This May picture shows shows Inuit fishermen in Ilulissat Icefjord, Greenland.


  • 2010年3研究人员的北极发现了尽管确认多少

    In March 2010, researchers discovered ice on the North Pole, though researchers were not sure how much.


  • 去年103日,星巴克英国市场销售额同比上升了5%。顾客推出的会员卡产品的反映较好,双倍浓缩咖啡

    UK like-for-like sales rose by 5% in the year to 3 October 2010, as customers responded to a new loyalty card and products such as "Doubleshot" chilled coffees.


  • 尽管石油贮藏浅水区域,但是89海面上都结着

    Although the oil is in shallow waters, the sea ices over for eight or nine months a year.


  • 去年11研究小组发现撞击所产生至少26加仑,撞击出的陨石坑充分证明了的说法。

    Last November, the team reported that the impact had kicked up at least 26 gallons of water, confirming suspicions of ice in the craters.


  • 去年2,有164平方一大块层断裂漂走了接着去年5另一块62平方倒下了。

    In February last year a 164 - square-mile chunk broke off. Then in May another slab of ice, this time measuring 62 square miles, fell away.


  • 相反喜欢日本卡通电视动画片有水这类卡通人物的连环画

    Instead, she became obsessed with Japanese anime cartoons on television and comics like "Sailor Moon."


  • 根据2010年428日宣布科学家利用美国宇航局红外望远镜设备检测到小行星表面有水--基有机化合物

    Announced on April 28, 2010, scientists using NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility have detected water-ice and carbon-based organic compounds on the surface of an asteroid.


  • 4就已发现这些南向西涌特海楚科奇海。

    The ice was flushed southwards and westward into the Beaufort and Chukchi seas, as noted in April.


  • 卫星显示,2007年9某个地区覆盖面积已经很小——很大的部分夏季消融了。

    It was satellites that revealed in September 2007 a record minimum ice coverage in the region - the result of a massive summer melt.


  • 英国《每日邮报》925日报道,加拿大北部野地里且距离湖有段距离的北极熊该怎么解决洗澡问题呢?

    According to Daily Mail September 25: when living in the wilds of northern Canada, miles from the nearest icy pool, what's a bear to do when he wants to have a wash?


  • 上图拍摄于拉尔森B崩解大约之后的2002年46日。

    The top image was captured on April 6, 2002, about two months after the dramatic collapse.


  • 那是1879年,美国船只吉内特西伯利亚上方棚里,并在洋里漂浮21最后由于受不住压力破裂于1881年6沉没

    Jeannette became locked in the ice pack above Siberia. It drifted in the Arctic for 21 months, but was eventually crushed by the pressure, and sank on June 13, 1881.


  • 消退速率任何一个6快,5同样如此。

    The rate ice has been receding is also faster than any other June on record, she said, as was May.


  • 上面图片,是NASAMODIS卫星传感器123号拍摄,图片显示正处于半坍塌状态,数以千计威德尔漂流

    This image, captured by NASA's MODIS satellite sensor on February 23, shows the shelf mid-disintegration, spewing a cloud of icebergs adrift in the Weddell Sea.


  • 条裂纹最初NASA的“行动”组10中发现照片上周发布

    The rift (pictured, around 80 metres wide and 50 metres deep) was first seen in mid-October by NASA's Operation IceBridge project, which released images last week.


  • 英国《地铁报》网站1125日报道,一家荷兰酿酒目前已经进行生产一种可以喝的啤酒,以后人们可以他们最好朋友一起享用的啤酒了。

    According to the Metro.co.uk on November 25, a Dutch brewer has started producing beer for the dogs and man's best friend can now join man in an ice-cold brew.


  • 根据近年观测损失可能导致9出现最少的情况。

    The loss of thick ice has been implicated as a major cause of the very low September sea ice minima observed in recent years.


  • 这张拍摄于2010年12照片中,立方传感器正在被放入好的洞中,这样的洞共有86个。

    An IceCube sensor is dropped into 1 of 86 holes drilled into the Antarctic ice in a December 2010 picture.


  • 张图片NASAAqua(译注:拉丁文“水”的意思)卫星上中分辨率成像光谱仪MODIS)于117拍摄的,展示了圣劳伦斯河口(的情现状)。

    This image, taken by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite on January 17, shows the mouth of the river.


  • 张图片NASAAqua(译注:拉丁文“水”的意思)卫星上中分辨率成像光谱仪MODIS)于117拍摄的,展示了圣劳伦斯河口(的情现状)。

    This image, taken by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite on January 17, shows the mouth of the river.


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