• 1942年6第8全线撤退。

    In June 1942, the British 8th Army was in full retreat.


  • 2011年55日,以色列南部城市水牛城附近基地废品场内整齐地摆放着数报废坦克

    On May 5, 2011, several Israeli scrap tanks were neatly placed in a scrapyard of an army base near the southern Israeli city of Buffalo.


  • 然后招募人员告诉可以一周之内进入新兵训练营,告诉我需要一个的时间,就选择陆吧。

    The Army recruiter said I could be on my way to boot camp in a week, the Air Force said a month. The Army it was.


  • 周日,“红杉流血结束之后卷土重来。

    On Sunday, four months after that episode ended in bloodshed, the "red shirts" were back.


  • 今年七刚果抓获了名乌干达士兵据称,这些士兵非法跨越分开阿尔伯特大湖国界

    At the end of July, Congo's army captured four Ugandan soldiers who it claimed had illegally strayed across the border that divides Lake Albert.


  • 以色列进行大规模许多理解伊朗设施发动攻击之前的彩排

    Israel's air force carried out a large-scale exercise in June that was interpreted by many as a rehearsal for a possible attack on Iran \ 's nuclear facilities.


  • 泰国与之对峙之后开始了清剿行动,有50一系列冲突丧生

    After a two-month stand-off the army moved in to clear the streets;50 people were killed in the resulting clashes.


  • 2009年9份时只有800名年轻人参加阿富汗国民

    In September 2009, only 800 young men joined the Afghan National Army.


  • 过去我们销售50汽车,现在一个只能10辆,”陈小销售的是国产车,大多数是海马

    "In the past, we sold 50 cars a month. Now we can probably only sell 10," says Chen Xiaojun, who sells Chinese-made cars - mostly a minor brand called Haima.


  • 1809年921日英国大臣外交大臣伦敦附近普特尼西斯相逢,展开决斗

    On SEPTEMBER 21st 1809, the British secretary of state for war and the secretary of state for foreign affairs met on Putney Heath near London to fight a duel.


  • 这些评估支持生产决策这一决策预计2008年9开始

    These evaluations will support the Army's production decision, which is expected in September 2008.


  • 2006年11房子陈勇一家搬到了只有十几平方米出租屋

    In November, 2006, after selling his house, Chen rented another small house of some 10 square meters.


  • 另外一个战斗随后1前往阿富汗。

    They will be followed in January by an Army combat brigade.


  • 火力侦察兵无人机于2003年8美国未来作战系统4级无人机系统。

    In August 2003, the Fire Scout was selected as the Class IV UAS for the Army's Future Combat Systems.


  • 1862年2上尉托马斯·弗朗西斯·米格尔(ThomasFrancis Meagher)成为爱尔兰(初期)准将

    In February 1862, an Army captain named Thomas Francis Meagher became the Brigadier General of the nascent Irish Brigade.


  • 630日,南北底士堡一地集结,而这场最终成为美国内战转折点战斗因此一触即发

    By June 30, both armies were converging upon Gettysburg and the battle, which would be the turning point of the war, was set to commence.


  • 1935年1030日美国航空队举办了一场竞赛确定哪家公司打造美国下一代远程轰炸机

    ON OCTOBER 30th 1935, the US Army Air Corps held a competition to see which company would build the country's next-generation of long-range bombers.


  • 肮脏竹栏围成营地红衫放映410日安全部队发生冲突时的影片当时造成25人丧失,800多人受伤

    Inside the red shirts' squalid bamboo-fenced encampment, televisions screen bloody footage of the April 10th clashes with security forces that left 25 dead and over 800 injured.


  • 昂山1943年10开始英国(Lord Mountbatten)谈判于1945年3带着重新命名缅甸国家正式加入联盟国。

    Aung San began negotiations with British (Lord Mountbatten) in October 1943 and officially joined the Allies with his renamed Burma National Army (BNA) in March 1945.


  • 1022日一名准将在自家住宅遭到伏击,名骑摩托的枪手射杀身亡。

    On October 22nd an army brigadier was ambushed outside his house and killed by two gunmen on a motorcycle.


  • 美国可能准备尽快(预期12)在阿富汗部署Triclops系统如果效果显著,美计划其他架陆无人机上安装系统。

    The Army could have the Triclops ready for deployment in Afghanistan as soon as December, and if it is effective there, the plan is to install the system on three other Army UAVs.


  • 去年,有位首席中尉和多田(Ehren Watada)成为第一拒绝伊服役的现役官。

    Last June Ehren Watada, an army first lieutenant, became the first commissioned officer to refuse to serve in Iraq.


  • 曾于上一年的3支持过伊拉克,那时,伊拉克马赫迪出了巴士拉,当时伊拉克求得城市相对安全才采取这次行动的。

    They supported the Iraqi army last March as it drove the Mahdi army out of Basra in an operation that ushered in relative safety to the city.


  • 曾于上一年的3支持过伊拉克,那时,伊拉克马赫迪出了巴士拉,当时伊拉克求得城市相对安全才采取这次行动的。

    They supported the Iraqi army last March as it drove the Mahdi army out of Basra in an operation that ushered in relative safety to the city.


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