• 月亮构成的数据,比如它含有多少冰和其他宝藏,有助于中国决定未来的月球基地计划是否可行。

    Data about the moon's composition, such as how much ice and other treasures it contains, could help China decide whether its plans for a future lunar base are practical.


  • 月球探测器嫦娥四号上周在南极艾特肯盆地着陆,其名字的灵感来源于中国古代月亮女神。

    The unmanned Chang'e-4 probe—the name was inspired by an ancient Chinese moon goddess—touched down last week in the South Pole-Aitken basin.


  • 月亮正好阻挡住太阳中心一部分,人们太阳像燃烧的圆环环绕在月球周边就是日环食

    As the Moon blocked just the central portion of the Sun, people looking skyward would have seen a fiery ring around the Moon's perimeter, what is known as an annular eclipse.


  • 是因为只有一天月亮出现太阳地球之间连线上,这样可能使月球挡住太阳而形成日食

    This is because only in that day, the moon will appear in the sun and the connection between the Earth, so will it be possible to block the sun and the moon formed the solar eclipse.


  • 如果看看月亮上方什么样子,请旋转月球北极LRO图像准备

    And if you want to see what the top of the moon looks like, be prepared for a headspin with this mosaic of LRO images of the moon's North Pole.


  • 给宇航局明天月亮,连同所有将人和材料送上月球所需要的那些新的华而不实硬件以换目前的飞船退休计划一个很聪明手段

    Offering the agency the moon tomorrow—complete with all the flashy new hardware required to get people and materials up there—in exchange for a shuttle-retirement plan today would be a clever ploy.


  • 看见群山月亮投下影子,于是才意识到月球正如地球一般,也是一个地形复杂世界

    He saw mountains casting shadows on the moon and realised this body was a world, like the Earth, endowed with complicated terrain.


  • 全市发生太阳地球月球连成一线地球夜晚一侧观察者可以看到暗了的月亮

    During an eclipse, the sun, Earth and moon line up, leaving a darkened moon visible to observers on the night side of the planet.


  • 然而月亮不会完全消失因为我们大气层空气可以折射一部分被挡住光线把太阳光光谱中的红色光折射月球上。

    However, the moon doesn't completely disappear since the gasses in our atmosphere act to bend some of the blocked sunlight, directing the red part of the solar spectrum back to the moon.


  • 科学家可能解开了一个存在多时关于月亮谜团为什么月亮没有全球性磁场,而月球表面还会有磁石的存在。

    Lunar dynamo Scientists may have solved one of the Moon's enduring mysteries: why there are magnetised rocks on the lunar surface, when the Moon has no global magnetic field.


  • 结果导致了比起运行到远地点(椭圆形月球轨道最远端)时的满月,那天的月亮面积增大14%,亮度增加30%。

    As a result it appeared some 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than a Full Moon near apogee, the most distant point in the elliptical lunar orbit.


  • 月球亮度随着轨道位置的变化而变化,北半球深冬月亮更亮,因为在天空更高

    The Moon's brightness varies throughout its annual cycle, during the mid-winter in the northern hemisphere it can appear brighter simply because it is higher in the sky.


  • 3月19日那天月亮圆的相位发生月球运行近地点(月球轨道距离地球最近)附近一个小时以内的时间内。

    Rising on March 19, its exact full phase occurred within an hour of perigee, the closest point in the Moon's orbit to Earth.


  • 进一步声称,她月球上的一个巨大的月亮蛋下来掉进幼发拉底河

    She further claimed that she came down from the moon in a giant moon egg that fell into the Euphrates River.


  • 透过飞船玻璃窗他们看到眼前月球冰冷洁白美丽月亮下面,他们看到月亮部族

    And through the window of the spaceship they saw the Moon before them, cold, white and beautiful; and under the Moon, there was the Moon colony!


  • 此外,在今夏早些时候日本月亮女神号(kaguya)”卫星年后月球

    Earlier this summer, meanwhile, the Japanese Kaguya satellite was purposely crashed into the moon after having spent a year orbiting it.


  • 天空中,月亮太阳看起来一样因为月球(离我们)近些。

    In the sky, the moon and the sun have the same size because the moon is much nearer.


  • 由于月球表面地球平均近地点距离364,397KM(26 432)。19晚的超级月亮距地球的距离在此平均值的基础上又缩短了近7820 KM(4860米)。

    Since the average lunar perigee is 364,397 km (226,432 mi), on March 19 the moon was about 7,820 km (4,860 mi) closer to the earth.


  • 月食发生月亮地球背后经过这样就阻止太阳光线照月球上。

    A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes behind the earth, which blocks the sun's rays from striking the moon.


  • 尽管宇航员不断宣称月球本身令人失望,但是我们任何人,如果有机会的话,谁想到月亮上去呢?

    Yet despite the astronaut's protestations that the Moon itself was a letdown which of us given the chance wouldn't want to go there?


  • 部分月食发生太阳月亮完全一致月球只有部分掩盖太阳。

    A partial eclipse occurs when the Sun and Moon are not exactly in line and the Moon only partially obscures the Sun.


  • 太阳不同的是无论哪个方向,月亮可以北方5(10月球半径)南方5度与偏离氐宿一

    Unlike the sun, the moon can swing anywhere from 5 degrees (10 moon diameters) north to 5 degrees south of this star.


  • 美国诞生之时,人们来说南极洲就像月球一样遥远-从某种角度说,甚至更远,因为月亮清楚可见南极大陆是否真实存在无法确定

    When the United States was born, the continent of Antarctica was as remote as the moon-more so, in a way, because the moon was clearly visible and the very existence of Antarctica was uncertain.


  • 美国诞生之时,人们来说南极洲就像月球一样遥远-从某种角度说,甚至更远,因为月亮清楚可见南极大陆是否真实存在无法确定

    When the United States was born, the continent of Antarctica was as remote as the moon-more so, in a way, because the moon was clearly visible and the very existence of Antarctica was uncertain.


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