• 是因为当时他们坚信天体太阳月亮星星行星都是完美的没有任何缺陷瑕疵

    That's because of their belief at the time that the heavenly bodies, the Sun, Moon, Stars, and Planets, were perfect, without any flaws or blemishes.


  • 人类诞生之起,人们仰望星星月亮行星

    Since the earliest times, people have looked up at the stars, the moon and the planets.


  • 太阳月亮其他行星某种精准的模式围绕地球转动。

    The sun, moon and other planets circled the Earth in a regular, perfect pattern.


  • 这些巨大碎石不断的挤压碰撞合并,最后形成地球月亮其它行星

    Swarms of giant chunks of debris form within the disc, collide and merge - forming the Earth, moon and other planets.


  • 就解释行星月亮运行都是以漩涡为依据的,一切都变得那么简单明了。

    So the explanation of orbiting of the planets, orbiting of the moon and so on in is terms of these vortices, all seem very neat.


  • 梅西教授,这位宇宙学解释说,月亮几乎地球一样古老,失去这样奇妙行星历史一个耻辱

    Professor Massey, a cosmologist, explained that the moon was almost as old as the earth, and it would be a shame to lose such a marvelous piece of planetary history.


  • 黄道天穹中太阳月亮行星运行的轨迹

    The zodiac is the band around the sky where the sun, moon and planets move through.


  • 只能如果问题恒星行星行星一个月亮两个机构中的恒星前方交叉

    It only works if the star in question has a planet, and that planet has a moon, and both bodies cross in front of the star.


  • 更高放大率通常用于月亮行星子星的观察。

    The higher powers are mainly used for lunar, planetary, and binary star observations.


  • 一系列天体景观530结束月亮加入四个行星五大天光”将一同早晨天空出现

    The show will end on May 30th, when the moon will join the four planets, and five "heavenly lights" will be seen at once in the morning sky.


  • 观察太阳系行星凌日技术Palle同事的技术近似,那就是利用月亮作为镜子地球相对于太阳凌日

    Looking for transiting extrasolar planets is analogous to palle and colleagues' technique - using the Moon as a mirror to watch Earth transit the Sun.


  • 没有付诸实施方法不过因为没有已知恒星行星月亮过境

    Kipping hasn't put his method into practice yet, since no star is known to have both a planet and moon that transit.


  • 那么行星呢,太阳月亮怎么样呢?

    What about the planets? What about the sun? What about the moon?


  • 个头并不大的月亮自己引来损害可能不会大,因为它地球了,于是,原本飞向地球的行星砸向月亮

    On its own, the tiny moon might have escaped with less damage, but it was too close to the Earth. So, asteroids heading for impact with Earth, hit the moon instead.


  • 牛顿微积分演算出苹果如何地上的地球如何月亮,让月亮着轨道跑;太阳如何用这种方式各个行星

    Then Newton used his calculus to show how an apple is pulled to the earth and how the earth pulls the moon into an orbit, and how these pulls are the same as the sun’s on the planets.


  • 这些物质,包括二氧化碳一氧化碳钠时,让人吃惊的是,,可能来自地球月亮内部,还是来自彗星行星

    The compounds, which include ammonia, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sodium and, surprisingly, silver, could have come from the Earth, from the moon's interior, or from comets and asteroids.


  • 月亮观察地球重新建立外星行星凌日基本几何学原理,同时平衡穿过整个大气层影响

    Using the Moon to view Earth recreates the basic geometry of exoplanet searches, as well as averaging the effect across the entire atmosphere.


  • 月亮反射太阳光形成一个地球大气层的“指纹”,可以帮助天文学家断定他们发现那些太阳系之外的行星上是否孕育着生命

    Sunlight that bounced back from the Moon carried a fingerprint of the Earth's atmosphere that could help astronomers determine if the extrasolar planets they're finding harbour life.


  • 一个月亮可能帮助稳定火星轨道但是它也两个卫星,很可能是被捕获行星,他们根本没有足够的引力能束缚。

    A big moon likely could have helped stabilize Mars' orbit, but the planet has just two small moons, most likely captured asteroids, that don't have much gravitational muscle.


  • 天文学家工作涉及观察分析以及研究各种各样的天文现象比如月亮行星恒星银河天体运动

    Astronomers % are involved in the observation, analysis and research of various astronomical phenomena, such as the movements of celestial bodies like moons, planets, stars and galaxies.


  • Lan这个月亮在一起看上去是如此完美以致所有别的行星一些忌妒了但是Yee却毫不在意

    LAN looked so perfect with the new moon that all the other planets were a little jealous, and Yee didn't mind giving up that moon at all.


  • 占星使人们相信他们的命运恒星行星太阳月亮动转支配的。

    An astrologer would have people believe that their lives are regulated by the movements of the stars, planets, sun and moon.


  • 大约44亿之前地球个有火星大小的行星撞击撞击后果一个是地球融化,另外一个就是月亮的形成。

    About 4.4 billion years ago, a Mars-sized planet crashed into Earth. This cataclysmic event actually made Earth melt, and the fallout from the collision became the Moon.


  • 是因为经常月亮以及夜晚苍穹其它行星结成一对。

    That's because Regulus routinely pairs up with the moon and planets on the dome of night.


  • 金星的第二颗亮的行星,同时也是天空第四两的物体,位于太阳月亮、金星之后

    It is the second-brightest planet, after Venus, and it is the fourth-brightest object in the sky, after the sun, moon and Venus.


  • 上千年以前,对于时间季节测量是从星星行星、还有月亮周期观察总结出来的。

    Thousands of years ago, time and the seasons were measured by observations of the stars and the planets and the cycles of the moon.


  • 意味着'非常接近以至于行星可能潮汐锁住就像月亮对于地球一样。

    That means its Goldilocks zone is so close to it that the planet may be tidally locked, as the moon is to the Earth.


  • 于是太阳月亮行星恒星穿过天空时向西运动

    Therefore, the sun, moon, planets and stars appear to move westward across the sky.


  • 于是太阳月亮行星恒星穿过天空时向西运动

    Therefore, the sun, moon, planets and stars appear to move westward across the sky.


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