• 最高允许也是避免环境噪声对人健康危害而定的一个安全界限

    This level is also a safety limit to avoid health harm of environmental noise.


  • 火力发电厂输煤栈桥供暖热最高允许温度值防火防爆安全有关

    The maximum acceptable temperature of heating media of the coal conveyer house in power stations is restricted by fire and explosion safety requirements.


  • 根据专家意见,确定沿线各自来水厂进水挥发酚最高允许浓度0.005mg/L差于三类)。

    Experts suggest that the maximum density of volatile phenol in the water will not exceed 0.005mg/L before it is pumped into water factories.


  • 达到国家污水综合排放标准GB8978-1996)》中第一类污染物最高允许排放浓度。

    L-1. The result can meet the national standard for wastewater discharge guideline(GB8978-1996).


  • 排放限值包括气筒最高允许排放浓度,排气筒单位产品排放量组织排放最高允许排放浓度。

    The emission limits should include the upper limit for emission concentration, the limit of unit product emission at exhaust funnels and the upper concentration limit for unorganized emission.


  • 对于不能隔离的系统,在线容器阀门等,测试压力应大于系统组件最高允许测试压力。

    In this case, the test pressure shall not exceed the maximum allowable test pressure for non-isolated components, such as in-line vessels, pumps, and valves.


  • 标准分年限规定了锅炉烟气烟尘二氧化硫氮氧化物最高允许排放浓度和烟气排放限值

    This Standard specifies the supreme permissible effluent concentration of flue dust, SO2 and nitrogen oxides as well as the emission limits of flue gas blackness by age limits.


  • 选择R6阻值确保负载电流最高允许值的条件下,Q2基极-发射极电压大约低于0.5V

    When choosing a value for R6, ensure that Q2's base-emitter voltage is less than approximately 0.5V at the maximum permissible value of the load current.


  • 结果散装生油合格食用植物油的理化指标国家规定食用油标准进行比对,部分散装油及煎炸老油的感观异常,特别是高于国家家庭食用油最高允许值。

    Results: By contrast with national standard, some hogwash fat in bulk and Fried oil are abnormal on sense, and that acid value is higher than the maximum value of nation standard.


  • 提高许可车辆重量最高标准因此这些规定导致高速公路卡车目前允许的卡车造成大的破坏

    New regulations increase the maximum permitted vehicle weight; these regulations will therefore allow onto the highway trucks capable of doing even more damage than those currently permitted.


  • 现在IDS支持这个特性允许轻松执行数据加载卸载操作,从而获取最高性能和最大的灵活性

    Now, IDS also supports this feature to allow you to easily perform your data load and unload operations with highest performance and flexibility.


  • 数据联合模式允许实时集成方式访问具有最高的数据并发级别

    The data federation pattern allows for real-time, integrated access to sources with the highest level of data currency.


  • 地球时间飞船正在允许我们连接最高美丽最具有治疗效果振动

    TimeShip Earth is allowing us to connect with her Highest and most Beautiful and Healing Frequencies!


  • 上帝允许我们快速到达亲密最高层次

    God allowed us to fast-track to that highest level of intimacy.


  • 通过指定SSL ”,我们允许jsse缺省支持最高级别

    By specifying "SSL" we allow JSSE to default to the highest level it can support.


  • 对于不会滋生的某些食品制定最高限量,对于产单核细胞李斯特可能滋生的即食食品,则允许含有这种细菌。

    A maximum level was set for certain food products where the bacteria cannot grow, while in ready-to-eat products where growth is possible, no Listeria monocytogenes will be allowed.


  • 通过建立定制的触发器允许知道风险事件(例如没有满足遵从法规的需求)什么时候发生了,您可以确定减轻最高影响风险

    You can identify and mitigate the highest impact risks by establishing a custom trigger to let you know when a risk event, such as failure to meet a compliance requirement, has occurred.


  • 还有一个电力封顶模式,这允许用户系统配置最高电力水平

    Among other features, it has a power-capping mode, allowing users to actually configure maximum levels of power access across systems.


  • 允许团队讨论哪个故事最有价值的将其与所需实现成本最高的故事相比较

    This allows the team to discuss which stories are the most valuable and compare this to which stories are the most costly to implement.


  • 很多大型公司担忧如果最高法院此次允许集体诉讼开启很多类似大规模歧视案件先河。

    Many big businesses fear that if the Supreme Court does allow a class action lawsuit to go ahead, it could open the floodgates to many similar large-scale discrimination cases.


  • 实际上shell允许基数最高为 64(使用 base#value标记),所以可以输入中加入 _ @合法地使用任何字母表字符

    In fact, the shell allows bases up to 64 (using base#value notation), so you could legitimately use any alphabetic character, plus _ and @ in your input.


  • 当地媒体29报道,瑞典最高法院近日放宽规定,允许男性公民使用女性名字

    The Supreme Administrative Court of Sweden recently ruled that men have the right to use female names, local media reported Tuesday.


  • 条例允许求助提供最高该国额度5的贷款。而每个国家的额度取决于其国内存款总量

    Its rules allow it to lend up to five times a country's quota: the amount deposited when a member state joins.


  • 经济萧条使很多美国银行退出允许没有美国担保人情况下国际留学生获得最高15万美元贷款方案

    The recession has caused many American banks to withdraw from a scheme that allowed international students to obtain a financing loan of up to $150,000 without having an American guarantor.


  • 然而在室外时,如果曝光要求更快快门速度,只有高速快门同步允许使用高速快门拍摄最高可达1/8000s

    However, whether indoors or out, if your exposures require a higher shutter speed, high-speed sync will allow you to shoot at virtually any shutter speed, generally up to 1/8000 sec.


  • 消息发送级别最高一个多个队列因此这个细粒度允许对队列排序,表明应用程序可用性等级

    Messages are sent to the highest ranked queue or queues, and so this granularity allows queues to be ordered to indicate grades of application availability.


  • 允许团队公司最高提出自己观点,要他们知道他们高层陈述自己的观点,并且要对这么做后果负责

    Allow the team visibility at the highest levels of the organization and make them aware that they will present their ideas to senior staff and that they are responsible for the outcome.


  • 职员可以的。我们这里支付商业银行允许最高利率

    C: Yes, we pay the highest interest rate permitted for commercial Banks.


  • 职员可以的。我们这里支付商业银行允许最高利率

    C: Yes, we pay the highest interest rate permitted for commercial Banks.


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