• 论文生病吃药》,刚最近期刊社会科学医学》上发表,并部分责任归咎于药品工业

    In her paper, A Pill for Every Ill, which is published in the current Social Science & Medicine, Busfield lays part of the blame on the pharmaceutical industry. She finds evidence of


  • 回忆起最近提交给一家期刊出版社的论文期刊一开始接收了这篇论文,但要求大幅编辑修改后来又改弦易辙拒绝了篇论文。

    He recalled a recent paper he submitted to a journal, which accepted it only to request extensive editing, and then reversed course and rejected it.


  • 最近发表意识认知期刊上的项研究发现残疾人在梦里残疾的。

    Recently, two studies published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition have found that people with disabilities still dream as though their impairments don't exist.


  • 最近RSA(The Royal Society of Arts,英国皇家艺术协会——译者注)的期刊碰到一个例子今天我就将大篇幅地博客而言)引用

    Recently I came across an example in the RSA Journal and today I am going to quote it at length (in blog terms).


  • 大气层振动的研究最近发表《地理研究》期刊

    The atmosphere-vibrations study was published recently in the Journal of Geophysical Research.


  • 这项研究里雅斯特大学的临床儿科专业医学小组进行的,并最近被发表“过敏临床免疫学”的期刊上了。

    The study was conducted by the medical team of Pediatric Clinic of the University of Trieste, and was recently published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.


  • 直到最近伊朗人禁止电气电子工程师学会期刊发表文章,学会是这一学科领域重要国际性专业学会

    Until recently, Iranians were banned from publishing in the journals of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the industry's key international professional association.


  • 就像戴维·洛克咨询师期刊策略+生意》中所描述的一样,最近神经系统研究已经发现人类大脑很大可塑性。”

    As consultant David Rock wrote in the journal Strategy + Business, recent neuroscience research has found that "the human brain is highly plastic."


  • 科学家物理评论快报《物理评论d期刊最近发表研究论文详细地介绍了他们的研究成果。

    The scientists detailed their study in two research papers published recently in the journals Physical Review Letters and Physical Review d.


  • 根据BMC生物进化学期刊最近一项研究,长臂猿的叫声,类似于人类的口音,也是地域区别的。

    It turns out that some of those songs might have distinctive characteristics similar to accents, according to a recent study in the journal BMC Evolutionary Biology.


  • 最近美国医学会期刊文章指出了当中原因同时也是一个关于父母对发烧的认知进行已久的讨论我们了解到当中牵涉情绪

    A recent paper in the Journal of the American Medical Association pointed out one reason, and a longstanding discussion about parental perceptions reminds us of the emotional context.


  • 最近,这份分析报告刚刚完成登上了最新一天文物理期刊》。

    That analysis was just completed and the findings were published in the newest edition of Astrophysical Journal Letters.


  • 黑豆最近发行食物农业科学期刊》报导,黑豆降低罹患第二糖尿病风险

    Black soya beans: Recent studies published in the Journal of Science, Food and Agriculture showed results that black soya beans can reduce the risk of Type II diabetes.


  • 经过一些调查,最近卡洛斯(Icarus )期刊上发表篇论文得出实际上,撞击木星小行星而不是彗星

    After some detective work, two papers recently published in the journal Icarus have concluded that Jupiter was actually shot by an asteroid, not a comet.


  • 三次大规模的研究发现每晚7小时左右寿命最长,其中最近次研究结果在二月份的《睡眠期刊发表。

    People who sleep about seven hours a night live the longest, three huge studies have found, the newest out in the February issue of the journal sleep.


  • 最近出版诗集《一束希望之光》,努力提升新的文学期刊LEQuarterly ”的地位。

    She recently published a book of poetry, "a Ray Squeezed Through," in an effort to promote her new literary journal, "LE Quarterly."


  • 最近NutritionJournal(《营养期刊》)发表的一篇文章表明:因为某种“默认偏见”的影响,健康协会收集的蔬果食用量数据并不真实。

    The finding, reported in the current Nutrition Journal, suggests the data the health community has collected on fruit and vegetable consumption are tainted byapproval bias.”


  • 每月收到市场期刊,里面是有关世界销售最近走向信息

    Each month I receive marketing journals full of the latest trends and information about the world of sales.


  • 每月收到市场期刊,里面是相关世界出售最近走向消息

    Each month I receive marketing journals full of the latest trends and information about the world of sales.


  • 最近美国心脏协会期刊刊登研究成果,它我们最爱的零食提供坚实理论依据。

    A new study recently published in the Journal of the American Heart Association has given us another solid reason to support one of our favorite snacks.


  • 实际上美国流行病学期刊最近一项研究发现,在11年里咖啡完全不喝咖啡的死亡风险更低

    In fact, a recent study in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people who drank coffee had a lower risk of death over the course of 11 years compared with those who skipped Joe altogether.


  • 最近,一部医学期刊宣称由公司赞助脊椎注入产品的研发具有误导性的。

    More recently, a medical journal alleged that a company-sponsored study of a spine product, Infuse, was misleading.


  • 研究结果发表最近小儿科》医学期刊

    The study was published in the latest issue of the journal Pediatrics.


  • 最近哈里斯互动华尔街期刊两家媒体美国最佳最差公司的问题作了一个民意调查

    A recent public opinion study by Harris Interactive and the Wall Street Journal asked people what they thought were the best and worst American companies.


  • 最近哈里斯互动华尔街期刊两家媒体美国最佳最差公司的问题作了一个民意调查

    A recent public opinion study by Harris Interactive and the Wall Street Journal asked people what they thought were the best and worst American companies.


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