• 信用危机第一破产国家冰岛最近提出申请

    Iceland, the first nation to go bankrupt in the credit crunch, recently applied.


  • 分析了债券证券信用市场后,摩根·斯坦利任永力最近认为,经济衰退威胁的可能性一个的19%下降到只有13%。

    After analysing bond, equity and credit markets, Stephen Jen of Morgan Stanley recently argued that the risk of recession was only 13%, down from 19% a month before.


  • 但是最近几年里数百万贫穷有欠款危险或者信用不够个人得到抵押贷款,现在,他们中的许多已经即将无法偿还贷款。

    But recent years have seen mortgage loans made to millions of individuals with poor, risky, or insufficient credit - many of whom have either defaulted on the loans or are at risk of doing so.


  • 银行家们表示最近几个月仅有信用等级最高航空公司可以继续进行套期保值,从油价低迷获利

    Bankers say that only the few airlines with the highest credit ratings have been able to add to their hedge books in recent months to take advantage of lower oil prices.


  • 最近信用危机美国老年人们储蓄受到了损失,这使得他们寿险保单成为了他们手中的“较有价值资产之一

    More recently, the credit crisis has battered the savings of elderly Americans, leaving their life-insurance policies as one of their more valuable assets.


  • 信用过剩不是价值过剩最好的说明泡沫的存在,”他最近CNBC(美国全国广播公司财经频道)

    "Bubbles are best identified by credit excesses, not valuation excesses," he said in a recent appearance on CNBC.


  • 同样值得注意的是评级机构中的其他家并没有降低美国信用评级,虽然他们最近做出了自己的报告。

    It's also worth noting that two of the other big three rating agencies did not downgrade the U.S. 's credit rating when they made their own calls in recent days.


  • 最近麻烦一个被称为信用违约互换领域企业交易借款是否违约上面打赌私人契约

    The latest trouble spot is an area called credit-default swaps, which are private contracts that let firms trade bets on whether a borrower is going to default.


  • 最近这场信用危机开始初期日本金融市场貌似超然于全球动荡之外

    At the start of this latest phase of the credit crisis, Japan's financial markets had seemed to float over the top of the global turmoil.


  • 虽然对于评价当前事物我们必须谨慎,但是仍然对认为银行业放松管制(虽然局部的)是最近信用危机一个原因的看法持怀疑态度。

    Although one must be tentative in evaluating current events, I suspect that the deregulation (though again partial) of banking has been a factor in the current credit crisis.


  • 伯克希尔最近失去了宝贵3a信用评级并且股票在过去12个月里了18%。

    Berkshire recently lost its cherished triple-A credit rating and its shares have slipped by 18% over the last 12 months.


  • 最近几周LIBOR指数(银行借入成本指标)银行债权的CDS(信用违约互换)利差(抵御破产风险所支付的成本)都有所上涨

    In recent weeks there has been a rise in both LIBOR (a gauge of Banks' borrowing costs) and the credit-default-swap spreads on bank bonds (the cost of insuring against default risk).


  • 最近研究发现我们杂货店现金而不是信用的时候,我们的坏习惯在一定程度上被抑制。

    Recent research finds that our vices can be held back when we use cash instead of credit CARDS at the grocery store.


  • 信用评级机构最近印度台湾前景稳定调低至“消极”,因为巨大经济支持方案导致财政恶化”。

    The credit-rating agency recently lowered its outlook fromstable” to “negativefor India and Taiwan because of theirfiscal deteriorationcaused by massive economic support programmes.


  • 解决办法就是接受现金支付或者直到最近上门信用

    The solution was to accept cash, or more recently credit cards, at the doorstep.


  • 就是说一旦法国信用评级下降——市场最近正在担忧——欧洲金融稳定基金(EFSF)放贷能力打折扣(AAA信用评级下降)。

    This means that if France were to lose its top credit rating-the latest fear in the markets-the EFSF would lose a big chunk of its lending capacity (or its AAA rating).


  • 然而最近德国债券广泛蔓延开来。评级机构穆迪二月发出警告,如果不进行盘整越来越债务威胁到法国三A级信用

    Yet the spread over German bonds has widened recently, and in February Moody’s, a rating agency, warned that in the absence of consolidation, rising debt could threaten France’s AAA rating.


  • 最近信用广告节目描述一个父亲一个儿子挪威寻找他们家族起源

    A recent credit card commercial depicts a father and son traveling to Norway to trace their family's origins.


  • 甚至最近信用评级降级福林仍保持平稳

    The forint remains stable, even after a recent credit-rating downgrade.


  • 英国银行最近可能丧失了信用关于闲置生产能力言论虚妄之言。

    The Bank of England may have lost some credibility of late, but it has not lost the argument about spare capacity.


  • 最近项针对6000上班族调查显示,超过80%的上班族拥有信用,使用率高达72.5%。

    More than 80% of office workers have their own credit CARDS, 72.5% of which are in active use, a recent survey on 6000 office workers found.


  • 个例子,直到最近要是信用的鱼芥兰付款送货回到车里手动拉卡机一支圆珠笔。

    For example, until recently, if I wanted to pay for my Yu Hsiang broccoli with a credit card, the delivery guy would have to go back to his car to retrieve a manual imprinter and a ballpoint pen.


  • 英美情况看起来更糟糕,甚至美国的信用评级最近降级了,但他们仍然没有丧失信心

    Neither America—despite the recent downgrade of its debt by a rating agency—nor Britain has been subject to a debilitating loss of confidence.


  • 最近的一波金融危机冲击到欧洲的时候,一些国家,比如希腊匈牙利葡萄牙西班牙它们信用违约交换差额大幅上升但是土耳其的却几乎没有变化

    When the latest crisis hit Europe, credit-default swap spreads rose sharply for countries such as Greece, Hungary, Portugal and Spain, yet they barely budged for Turkey.


  • 最近的一项调查表明消费者更加依赖房产还贷信用单。

    Recent survey evidence also suggests consumers are using more of their home equity to pay off other borrowings, such as credit-card debt.


  • 客户沃克曼承认,“关于信用报道没什么损人的意思。”然而最近得到一项车贷可能又会拉了他的积分

    "There was nothing derogatory on his credit report," Workman said of the customer. He had, however, recently gotten an auto loan, which likely lowered his score.


  • 传闻最近索尼playstation网站受到的攻击就来自亚马逊的云服务服务器,攻击者使用窃取信用租赁了亚马逊的虚拟计算机。不过这个消息还没有完全证实。

    There were certainly rumours that the recent attack on Sony's PlayStation Network was carried out via Amazon servers rented using stolen credit CARDS, but these have not been substantiated.


  • 传闻最近索尼playstation网站受到的攻击就来自亚马逊的云服务服务器,攻击者使用窃取信用租赁了亚马逊的虚拟计算机。不过这个消息还没有完全证实。

    There were certainly rumours that the recent attack on Sony's PlayStation Network was carried out via Amazon servers rented using stolen credit CARDS, but these have not been substantiated.


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