• 最终GREAT开发电脑程序用于揭开暗物质黑暗能量面纱,帮助科学家明白构成宇宙95%以上物质的真实面目。

    Ultimately, the computer programs developed for the GREAT challenge will be used to help unmask dark matter and dark energy, the mysterious stuff that makes up 95 percent of the universe.


  • 证明基因能够使遗传产生突变,工作最终赢得1983年的诺贝尔

    Finally, her work proving that genes can make sudden changes in heredity won her the Nobel Prize in 1983.


  • 居里夫妇希望因获得诺贝尔最终法国科学院得到个职位给他们一个实验室

    The Curies had hoped that the Nobel Prize would finally bring the opportunity for a chair at the French Academy and the laboratory that went with it.


  • 但是最终假期结束前的宴会得了“最佳进步”,仅仅因为第一次参赛成绩最后一次成绩时间上相差分钟。

    But I did end up winning "Most Improved" at the awards banquet at the end of the summer. That's only because there was a ten-minute difference between my first race and my last one.


  • 2007年,美国摄影杂志授予摄影英雄”称号;2008年,获得了(美国)“国家杂志”的最终提名

    He also was named a 2007 "Hero of Photography" by American Photo magazine, and was a 2008 National magazine Award finalist.


  • 本次评期间,意见相左的评委们最终把2006年布克授予基兰•德赛遗失继承》。奇怪米斯的出版商甚至著作送审

    In the week that a divided jury awarded the 2006 prize to Kiran Desai's "the Inheritance of Loss", what is astonishing is that Mr Amis's publishers did not even submit his book for consideration.


  • 如果最终成为第一获得奥斯卡最佳导演女性(并击败前夫詹姆斯·卡梅隆),也是一件挺美好的事。

    If theshower of prizes ends with her becoming the first woman to win an Oscar as bestdirector (over her ex-husband, James Cameron), that'd be OK too.


  • 母亲人世,同样到场艾米仪式。关键性地保证格兰受到早期教育最终帮助她克服孤独症

    Her mother - still alive and also at the Emmys - played a crucial role in ensuring she received the early educational intervention that Grandin believes is key to tackling autism.


  • 这部根据克拉克短篇故事改变的电影最终荣膺了奥斯卡最佳视觉效果

    The film, based on a short story by Arthur C. Clarke, won an Oscar for visual effects.


  • 由此,这位ac米兰中场球员最终排在了法国齐丹·齐达内队友法比奥·卡纳瓦罗之后,获得阿迪达斯

    As a result of these accolades the ac Milan midfielder picked up the tournament's adidas Bronze Ball award, behind France's Zinedine Zidane and Azzurri team-mate Fabio Cannavaro.


  • 弗兰最终获得本届世界杯金靴,他成为了第四个荣膺世界杯金靴拉美球员

    Forlan is the fourth Latin American player that receives the Golden Ball in FIFA World Cup tournament.


  • 2011年前诗歌最终候选人名单揭晓

    The 2011 Forward prize shortlist has been announced.


  • 这部电影本来是归电影节亚洲之风单元的影片,最终挑出来参与竞选获得了“最佳艺术贡献”。

    The movie, which was originally in the festival unit of "Winds of Asia, " was selected for the competition unit in the final stage and received the award for "Best Artistic Contribution."


  • 这部电影本来是归电影节亚洲之风单元的影片,最终挑出来参与竞选获得了“最佳艺术贡献”。

    The movie, which was originally in the festival unit of "Winds of Asia," was selected for the competition unit in the final stage and received the award for "Best Artistic Contribution."


  • 经过专家评审团评审,最终确定47个项目获得“激励”,每个项目团队获得一万资金支持

    47 projects were selected through two rounds of assessments by panels of experts and received funding support of RMB 10,000 yuan per grant.


  • 创新我们年度创新获得者评审最终评选出了七个领域的成功创新者

    Innovation Awards: Our annual prizes recognise successful innovators in seven categories. Here are this year's winners.


  • 奥斯卡影帝贝瑞.莱文今年率领新加坡国际电影节评委会参与上海电影节评审出金杯最终归属,并且主办方声称将有102国家的1519部电影参与角逐。

    Oscar-winner Barry Levinson ( Rain Man) will this year lead the jury for the SIFF's main award - the Golden Goblet - which organizers claim will be contested by 1, 519 films from 102 countries.


  • 用户打手街机风格确定最终接收只手-单手诺基亚6133,启动按钮

    Users fight hand-on-hand, arcade-style, to determine which hand receives the ultimate prize - the Nokia 6133 with its one-handed, push to start button.


  • 世界所有电影而言,奥斯卡并不意味着获得最终认可仅仅电影典礼而已

    The Oscars are not the ultimate and final recognition for every film made in the world; it is just a film award ceremony.


  • 最后,大概也是3月13日最终授权支付这些年终原因

    That may also be why you authorized the balance of the payments on March 13.


  • 他们19部提名电影投票其中包括罗曼·波兰斯基科恩兄弟史蒂文·索德伯格作品,并决定最终金棕榈得主

    They will all vote on the 19 nominated films, which include works by Roman Polanski, the Coen Brothers and Steven Soderbergh, to decide the winner of the coveted Palmed 'or.


  • 把《大侦探布鲁姆克维斯特》拿去参赛,最终获得一等

    I entered with a book called "Master Detective Blomkvist" and managed to share first prize.


  • 大赛最终评选了“大神剪”、传承创新创意项。

    Competition will eventually be selected out of the "Top Ten God scissors", transmission award, Innovation award, Creative award and other awards.


  • 所评选出来最佳影片当中40%最终夺得奥斯卡最佳影片

    More than 40 percent of the film critics' choices for best picture have gone on to win the Oscars in the same category.


  • 无法找到这个最终放弃搜索

    She couldn't find this prize flower and finally gave up the search.


  • 发现1897年公开,在科学界引发了很大的震动,最终他凭借这一理论获得了1906年的诺贝尔

    His discovery was made known in 1897, and caused a sensation in scientific circles, eventually resulting in his being awarded a Nobel prize (1906).


  • 是中国第一位自然科学方面获得者。寻找疟疾治疗方法之路上她尝试了很多,也失败了很多词,但是一些来科学家指引下,她最终发现了治疗的药物并且拯救了百万记生命

    On the road to discover a cure for malaria, she has tried and failed countless times, but with the guidance of many senior scientists, she finally found the medicine and saved millions of lives.


  • 最终一次公司比赛中赢得最低分数

    He ended up winning a trophy at a company tournament for the worst score.


  • 背山》认为崇儿,而这部影片最终赢得了包括最佳导演(李安)在内的其他几个大

    "Brokeback Mountain" was thought to be the favorite going into the ceremony. It won other major awards, including one for its director, Ang Lee.


  • 背山》认为崇儿,而这部影片最终赢得了包括最佳导演(李安)在内的其他几个大

    "Brokeback Mountain" was thought to be the favorite going into the ceremony. It won other major awards, including one for its director, Ang Lee.


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