• 控制喜欢的球队并引导他们通过预选阶段的淘汰赛一直最终决赛

    Take control of your favourite team, guide them through the qualifying groups and knockout stages and all the way to the Actua Cup Final.


  • 创普没有低估这场秀的严重性,这位47岁摇滚明星麦克斯是不是违背医生的嘱咐生命危险来到最终决赛现场。

    Trump didn't downplay the drama involving Michaels' health, asking the 47-year-old rock star of Poison fame if he was risking his life by coming on the finale against his doctors' advice.


  • 5月28号温布利球场将要举行欧洲冠军杯足球联赛最终决赛的时候,球迷以及负责接待工作的诸多公司接管这座城镇。

    But on May 28, the final of the European Champions League soccer competition will be played at Wembley Stadium, and fans - and corporate hospitality departments - are taking over the town.


  • 规则没有最终完成进入决赛车辆必须小时内完成60英里长的模拟城市环境的赛程。

    The rules have yet to be finalised, but the vehicles which make it to the final event will be required to complete a 60-mile run through a mock urban environment in less than six hours.


  • 16个参加最终决赛人员在月初的时候抵达了汉密尔顿(也是岛人最后地方),进行为期深入面试

    Earlier this month, 16 finalists arrived on Hamilton Island, where the caretaker will be based, for a four day extended interview.


  • 在现场直播决赛后,超过100万名观众投票选出冠军,最终输给了一个名年轻舞者组成的“万象”组合。

    More than a million viewers cast their vote following the live performances, and in the end, Boyle lost out to a group of ten young dancers, named Diversity.


  • 秘鲁,利马:当地时间7月19日,第43届美洲杯赛将进入首场半决赛争夺最终乌拉圭队2:0击败秘鲁队进入本届美洲杯赛的决赛,图为秘鲁的球迷们正在酒吧观赛。

    Lima, Peru: Football fans in a bar watch Uruguay beat Peru in the Copa America semi-final.


  • 北京时间8月14上午11时,体操男子全能决赛国家体育馆进行,最终经过六轮角逐,全能王杨威凭借94.575分战胜了所有对手,近乎完美的发挥毫无悬念夺得冠军,继两次夺得世锦赛全能冠军后,杨威终于得到了期待已久的奥运会全能冠军。 值得注意的是,这也是本届北京奥运会第一个夺得两枚金牌的运动员。

    Chinese gymnast Yang Wei won the gold medal in the Men's Individual All-Around in Beijing on August 14, scoring a total of 94.575


  • 尽管第二比赛没有出现个非受迫性失误的纳达尔世界第一的头衔也有可能诺瓦克·德约科维奇夺去,不管周日他们最终决赛会有什么结果

    Nadal, who will be overtaken by Novak Djokovic as the number one player in the world regardless of the outcome of their final on Sunday, did not make a single unforced error in that second set.


  • 德国赢得了这场比赛,最终进入决赛

    Germany won the match and eventually advanced to the semifinals.


  • 期待赛季,”,“尽管上赛季冠军联赛决赛令人失望(0比2败给巴塞罗那),但是最终我们夺得了一个重要的锦标。”

    "I'm looking forward to the new season," he said. "Despite the Champions League final disappointment [losing 2-0 to Barcelona], we still had a great campaign last time."


  • 他克服这次伤痛重新返回球场的行动激发了凯尔特人球员足够能量激情他们最终98:88的比分战胜了湖人队并在决赛取得了1:0的领先

    The captain’s return from that third quarter injury provided all the energy and emotion the Celtics needed in their 98-88 win over the Lakers last night for a 1-0 series lead in the NBA Finals.


  • 承认,她唱歌跳舞方面具天赋她在比赛中一路学习最终决赛中占领一席之地

    She admits that she was not talented in singing or dancing, but she has been learning all the way in the competition and have sealed a place in the finals.


  • 参加比赛的原因是为年终决赛做准备,当然我也赢得最终的胜利,因为无论参加什么比赛,我都会尽力做到最好。

    I came here to get matches before Istanbul and of course win the tournament - everywhere I enter, I try to be the best.


  • 就精神而言最终出现7月11号世界杯决赛场上的话,完全恢复,可能要等到8月底了。

    And mentally, when you play in the World Cup final on 11 July, it is difficult to come back with complete recovery before the end of August.


  • 最近,阿罗还代表阿根廷国家队征战美洲杯有3入帐。但是阿根廷队四分之一决赛最终被美洲杯后来的卫冕冠军乌拉圭队给淘汰出局了。

    Aguero recently played in the Copa America for Argentina and scored three goals as his side were knocked out in the quarterfinals by eventual winners Uruguay.


  • 第58世界小姐中国区决赛,昨晚广州落幕。 来自大连悉尼大学研究生梅妍凌(封面图)最终夺冠,赢得代表中国参加10月于乌克兰举行的世界小姐总决赛的殊荣。

    Mei Yanling (see cover), a Liaoning native and a graduate student at the University of Sydney, won the Chinese final of the 58th Miss World contest in Guangzhou Thursday.


  • 最终拿下比赛。麦肯罗一年后卷土重来决赛击败伯格,复仇成功,并终结了伯格在温网的统治地位。

    McEnroe gained his revenge by beating Borg in 1981, ending his reign at the All England Club.


  • 首先海选700多名来自世界各地的哈佛新生中公开投票选出80名入围选手,然后再全校学生网络公投,选出30名进入决赛,一番PK后留下13名男生,在接受各方面人士的严格考核和网络投票后,最终诞生位“哈佛男生”。

    Out of over 700 freshmen from all over the world, 80 are chosen to take part in the contest. A second vote by students picks 30 to go on to the next round.


  • 雅典奥运会上我国名将程菲获得项目决赛权,让国人眼前一亮,最终获得奖牌

    In Athens Olympics, famous Chinese athlete Cheng Fei accessed to the final of this project, but ultimately failed to win a medal.


  • 阿森纳现在希望能够继2005年以后再次进入足总杯决赛一次他们决赛中点球大战中击败了曼联队最终捧杯。

    Arsenal will now be hoping that they can reach their first FA Cup Final since 2005, when they lifted the Cup after a penalty shoot out win against Manchester United.


  • 如果这两个经过一个赛季的常规赛最终NBA决赛相遇很多可以拿来比较来界定就会占上风很多。

    If both teams were to go through a regular season as is and meet in the NBA Finals, there are plenty of match-ups that can clearly define who would have the upper hand.


  • NBA决赛第7场比赛克利夫兰骑士93- 89险胜金州勇士队,最终获得2016年的总冠军

    The Cleveland Cavaliers have defeated the Golden State Warriors in a closely-fought game 7 of the NBA finals, taking the 2016 championship by a score of 93-89.


  • 周六阿森纳平局最终利物浦的追赶成了白费,曼联终结联赛悬念可以专心准备27号罗马举行的冠军杯决赛了。

    Saturday's draw with Arsenal finally saw off the lingering challenge of Liverpool, ending a tense title race and allowing the Reds' attentions to switch to facing La Liga's finest in Rome on 27 May.


  • 他们两个都出现1950年足总杯决赛中,最终阿森纳2 - 0战胜利物浦捧杯

    Both men appeared in the 1950 FA Cup final, Arsenal lifting the trophy after a 2-0 win over Liverpool.


  • 上周马刺队的比赛中科比挺身而出湖人最终100:92击败了马刺队,这也是2004年之后湖人队第一次率先挺进决赛

    Bryant was the ultimate closer last week when the Los Angeles Lakers beat San Antonio 100-92 to advance to their first NBA finals berth since 2004.


  • 2008年816日,男子双向飞碟决赛中,美国选手文森正在比赛,文森最终获得了金牌。

    Vincent Hancock of the United States competes during Mens Skeet Final of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Shooting event in Beijing, China, Aug. 16, 2008.


  • 2008年816日,男子双向飞碟决赛中,美国选手文森正在比赛,文森最终获得了金牌。

    Vincent Hancock of the United States competes during Mens Skeet Final of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Shooting event in Beijing, China, Aug. 16, 2008.


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