• 一切欢乐调都融和最后的歌中。

    Let all the strains of joy mingle in my last song.


  • 正在韩国已经生活。这个她留下了最后务必请

    She does not live with a Korean singer anymore. This is a song of the lasts that she had left. Please listen by all means.


  • 一首安妮·莫莉的开始响起的是《把最后一支舞留给》。

    An Anne Murray song began to play. "Save The Last Dance for Me" she sang.


  • 张唱片同样存在相当分量慵懒的浪漫气质,这位加拿大唱片的最后一首的和声中唱道“今夜起来”,尽管不得不加上“只是一会儿”的呼应。

    There is also a fair degree of ennui of a romantic nature. "Tonight will be fine," the Canadian crooner sings on the chorus of the closing track, though he has to add the rejoinder:"for a while.


  • 他感谢各位参赛者,并且描述了起初对于人们为“女性红酒”的迷惑。最后声称现在明白了名称的含义。

    Thanking the contestants and describing his initial perplexity at Margaux being called a "feminine wine," Pontalier claimed he now finally understood the appellation.


  • 最后一首不会来掌声,甚至反而很可能毁掉你的名声。

    Your swan song will win you no applause and will likely taint your reputation. Take the high road.


  • 最后一回合决赛9月20雅典沃立美尼上演。

    A final round will be held on Lake Vouliagmeni in Athens on September 20.


  • “给最后一首。”说,“了以后,我会非常孤独的。”

    "Sing me one last song," he whispered; "I shall feel very lonely when you are gone."


  • 张唱片同样存在相当分量慵懒浪漫气质,这位加拿大唱片最后一首的和声中唱道“今夜起来”,尽管他不得不加上“只是一会儿”的呼应。

    There is also a fair degree of ennui of a romantic nature. "Tonight will be fine, " the Canadian crooner sings on the chorus of the closing track, though he has to add the rejoinder:"for a while."


  • 知更鸟、红翼部分光秃潮湿田野里轻吟出银铃般的旋律,犹如冬天最后雪花簌簌地飘向大地。

    The faint silvery 1)warblings heard over the partially bare and moist fields from the 2)bluebird, the 3)song sparrow, and the 4)redwing, as if the last flakes of winter tinkled as they fell!


  • 银幕台词他们最后一首。他们不了解我们想想。要是我们这么就是最后一首

    Lines on screen: They say it's the last song. They don't know us, you see. It's only the last song if we let it be.


  • 最后他们不停鼓掌直到约翰尼清清喉咙一首为止

    At the end they would not stop applauding until Johnny cleared his throat to sing another song.


  • 可以最后一首吗?好的

    Can I sing a last song, please? OK.


  • 就像专辑最后一首,也是自己的作品,《西门少年》里的那样她而言,最重要自己音乐最初的激情

    Like she raps in her new song, Xi MenYouth, written by Li and the last song on the new album, Li says that what matters to her is her original passion for music.


  • 最后了一首得到了热烈的掌声,张桌子上喝了酒。

    So I finished with a song, I got a big hand and I drank at a few tables.


  • 过了许久许久棵橡树找到枝箭依旧完整;那支起头最后,我发现它在朋友心中

    Long, long afterward, in an oak I found the arrow, still unbroke; And the song, from beginning to end, I found again in the heart of a friend.


  • 感伤性最后清楚地相同方法下来只有真的的时候。

    Be listening the most sentimental song, Go the same way down finally clearly, Only when you are really my love.


  • 我们张专辑中最喜欢的一首,也是最后写出

    Our favorite song on the record and the last song we wrote.


  • 最后是“宾夕法尼亚敬酒”。校迷们空中土司面包

    During the last line of the song, "Here's a toast to dear old Penn," fans toss toast into the air.


  • 投入好多好多时间汗水,所以最后一首步下舞台时,我眼泪一瞬间决堤了

    I put in so much so much time and sweat in it that when I stepped down the stage after the last song, the tears just kept falling and falling.


  • 同时船长逐渐自己鼓动情绪来,最后玩起了我们知道的那面前桌子——安静

    In the meantime, the captain gradually brightened up at his own music, and at last flapped his hand upon the table before him in a way we all knew to mean silence.


  • 完成学习已经很深了,我们操场一边走一边讨论今天所学计划最后复习的,我们自创的搞笑。 。

    It was already deep night after I finished my study, we walked on the playground , discussed what I had learnt today, made plan for the later review, sung funnysongs that we created ourselves.


  • 最后四首无论艺术创作角度还是女高音声乐作品写作技巧上看,都可以堪称是西方声乐宝库中的精华。

    Either from the Angle of artistic song creation or of writing technique in female treble vocal music work, it is only indicated that it is the essence of the western vocal music treasure.


  • 最后四首这个特殊历史时期下,德国后期浪漫派最后代表人物——理查?施特劳斯最后一组声乐作品

    Vier Letzte Lieder is the last vocal works of Richard Strauss who is the last key representative figure of Germany Latter Music.


  • 最后音符消失了时候,放到了角落里

    The gun was now pointed toward the floor. When the final notes of the song died away, Pappy placed the gun in a corner.


  • 最后一点既然暂时靠翻唱别人的混饭吃就不要它们上去原版没什么两样,勇于赋予它们的个人特色。

    Finally, since you have to play cover song for the time being, don't play them exactly like the record. Don't be afraid to give them your sound.


  • 张专辑最后完成因为最近时候发生的。

    "That was the last song that I wrote on the record," she told me, "because it happened most recently."


  • 张专辑最后完成因为最近时候发生的。

    "That was the last song that I wrote on the record," she told me, "because it happened most recently."


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