• 桩买卖是为了向这位属于同一领域全球著名IT科学家表达敬意。”说道

    "I do the business to show my great respect for the world famous IT scientist who worked in the same field as me," said Chen.


  • 承认在任期间伪造过报销单据,他表示这些用于秘密任务”,用于个人利益

    Chen had admitted that he submitted falsified expense forms while in office but said the money was used for "secret missions" and not for personal benefit.


  • 尝试劝说放弃打造精心制作场景因为认为昂贵了,”可辛

    "I tried to talk him out of building such an elaborate set because I thought it was too expensive," Mr. Chan said.


  • 振聪除了名人风水顾问之外,还做过酒吧服务员、餐厅侍应生、推销员市场调研员以及出口老板

    As well as working as a celebrity feng shui consultant, Chen said he had been employed as a barman, waiter, salesman, market researcher and the owner of an export business.


  • 上师关于净土的国语演讲很多年前笔录,出书两回

    Two lectures in Mandarin by Guru Chen on Pureland were transcribed long years ago and published as a book twice in the past.


  • 个人身份丈夫姓名确认上以及其他学者之间发生歧义

    In his personal capacity and as the name recognition of her husband, Chen, Guo and other scholars have occurred between ambiguity.


  • 告诉记者读小学年级时就已发明第一科技产品。他参加过数不清的科技发明比赛

    Chen Yik Hei told reporter that he invented his first product when he was in Class three, and attended Numbers of inventive competitions for science and technology.


  • 观点也得到了北航毕业生23岁秋娟的肯定。一家私企解约协议

    This notion is echoed by Chen Qiujuan, a 23-year-old graduate of Beihang University, who voided her tripartite agreement with a private company.


  • 子君《 晴转多云》时这样表述:情绪似乎女人特征,好像从来都是在受到情绪的左右。

    Chen Zijun expresses in her painting Comical Life the idea that emotion is the unique characteristic of women.


  • 近代画家的专著《中国文人画之研究》及其他篇相关文章无疑我们现代研究文人画产生重要影响

    Modern painter Chen Shizeng's book Study of Chinese Literati Painting and several other articles undoubtedly have great impacts on our studies.


  • 本片导演玉珊作为电视制片人参与制作过多部极受欢迎偶像剧,包括《命中注定我》。初次执导电影的她十分善于勾起观众青葱岁月的回忆。

    First-time director Frankie Chen, who "found success as a television drama producer" of popular dramas such as Fated to Love You, is an expert at reminding viewers of their adolescent years.


  • 由于文献久晦,元代文章学观点颇为学界忽视

    Due to the lack of data, Chen Yizeng and his theories of prose are ignored by the academic circle.


  • 出版《侣白文集》和诗集歌词9部。

    He has published 9 books of poetry and lyrics including The Collected Works of Chen Lubai.


  • 北京浙江企业商会会长两次受邀考察酒店式公寓项目

    Beijing Zhejiang enterprises Chen Jun, vice President of Chamber of Commerce has twice been invited to visit the hotel-style apartment project.


  • 相反地,做过文波助手李姝睿却工作越发表现一种进入视觉世界决心

    To the contrary, LI Shurui, who was once the assistant of CHEN Wenbo, has increasingly exhibited in her works a determination to enter the "pure visual" world.


  • 直接切入主题:“2007 年代表百华采访过杜莹乐宗

    She went right into it saying, 'I interviewed Samantha and Gerald in 2007 for Bayhelix. In total we interviewed fifteen Bayhelixers at that time.


  • 本文就此问题中国传统工笔人物画洪绶人物画以及人物画,作具体分析。

    The thesis aims to analyze the Chinese traditional figure painting, the figure painting of Chen Hongshou and the figure painting of Zengjing.


  • 过去最高排名世界第66位,两次打进排名赛48强。经于2012年张家港举行的亚巡赛打进准决赛

    Chen previously rose as high as number 66 in the world rankings, twice reaching the last 48 stage of a full-ranking event and also making the semi-finals of the 2012 APTC1 event in Zhangjiagang.


  • 有人这样评价 練“无论哪个角度来讲,大惠央视所有频道所有栏目主持人中地位无人撼动。”

    Some people reckoned that: "As a compere, the place of ChenDahui's program in the channel of CCTV cannot be shook by anyone from any perspective."


  • 有人这样评价 練“无论哪个角度来讲,大惠央视所有频道所有栏目主持人中地位无人撼动。”

    Some people reckoned that: "As a compere, the place of ChenDahui's program in the channel of CCTV cannot be shook by anyone from any perspective."


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