• 里卡多就是见过的在旅馆房间里到处窥探的那个人。

    Ricardo was the one she'd seen snooping around Kim's hotel room.


  • 公司蓄意诈取他们养老

    The company engaged in a deliberate effort to cheat them out of their pensions.


  • 英国艺术批评家拉斯说:“生活中没有什么错误荒唐行为,能够使我亲痛仇快。 我的快乐财富眼界理解力从未因此而减少分毫。

    "There is no fault nor folly of my life," says Mr. Ruskin, "that does not rise up against me, and take away my joy, and shorten my power of possession, of sight, of understanding.


  • 罗斯拥有副此画印刷复制品,将其赠送位于牛津的罗斯绘画学院

    Ruskin owned a print of it which he presented to the Ruskin School of Drawing at Oxford.


  • 北欧养老经理精算师工作段不短的时间,他们的这个特点总是我百思不得其解

    I've spent a fair bit of time working with pension managers and actuaries in northern Europe and have always been baffled by it.


  • 总之有八个人作证说,斯密他们观看接触过那些页片。

    In all, eight people testified that Smith let them see and touch the plates.


  • 听到一阵音乐伴奏房间传出来,紧接着传来马丁路德声音:‘山顶上……’你知道的,让人大吃一惊。

    You'd be hearing a music mix coming from his room and suddenly Martin Luther King, Jr.'s voice: 'I have been to the top of the mountain...' you know. Stunning.


  • 过去一年里,清算机构葡萄牙以及爱尔兰债券价格暴跌以后要求它们增加保证

    Over the past year the clearing house asked for more margin on Portuguese and Irish bonds after their prices fell sharply.


  • 团圆》是凭借《图雅婚礼》而获得2007年熊奖的王全安执导的,这部电影讲述了1949从上海台湾一个士兵的故事。

    "Tuan Yuan", directed by Wang Quan'an, who won the Golden Bear in 2007 for "Tuya's Marriage," is about a soldier who flees Shanghai in 1949 for Taiwan.


  • 安吉利迪斯向来都商业界眼中使用加州养老计划威逼他不喜欢公司老板们就范而且他一直用悲观眼光来看待华尔街。

    Mr Angelides was a perennial thorn in the side of business, using California’s state pension plan to browbeat bosses of firms he disapproved of, and he retains a dim view of Wall Street.


  • 我们创作团队此前尝试了很多种类的“达人”类选秀节目此前因为2007年的“英雄节目而为大众所知

    Our production team had tried many kinds of "Idol"-style selection shows in the past," said Jin, who was previously best-known for his 2007 show "My Hero".


  • 安吉利迪斯向来都商业界眼中使用加州养老计划威逼他不喜欢公司老板们就范而且他一直用悲观眼光来看待华尔街。

    Mr Angelides was a perennial thorn in the side of business, using California's state pension plan to browbeat bosses of firms he disapproved of, and he retains a dim view of Wall Street.


  • 基斯爸爸公园观看莺队比赛,那是他第一次莺队比赛。

    When Keith was nine years old his dad had taken him to his first Orioles game at Oriole Park.


  • 起来于是了城堡街上一家面包店顶上一个便宜旅馆夫街不远,有一回这个地方

    I wanted to conserve it too, so I looked up a cheap hotel over a bakery on the Rue du chateau, just off the Rue DE Vanves, a place that Eugene had pointed out to me once.


  • 尽管盖恩斯里克离开,但是觉得盖恩斯是不会那么好心,遵守那个承诺

    Although Gaines said that he would release Rick Kim knows Gaines won't make good on that promise.


  • 尽管盖恩斯里克离开但是觉得盖恩斯是不会那么好心,遵守那个承诺

    Although Gaines said that he would release Rick, Kim knows Gaines won't make good on that promise.


  • 作为一个年轻作家,塞林格有女人缘。他乌娜·奥尼尔约会(·奥尼尔女儿查理·卓别林未来妻子)。

    As a young writer, Mr. Salinger was something of a ladies' man and dated, among others, Oona o 'neill, the daughter of Eugene o 'neill and the future wife of Charlie Chaplin.


  • 善良美国人去世后他们的灵魂就升入巴黎。”19世纪波士顿智者托马斯•阿普尔这样说

    "WHEN good Americans die, they go to Paris," observed Thomas Gold Appleton, a Boston wit of the 19th century.


  • 周三芬兰也通过赞成救援扩充虽然芬兰威胁希腊救援计划抽身

    On Wednesday, Finland voted in favour of expanding the fund's powers despite earlier threats to pull out of a rescue plan for Greece.


  • 蟾蜍普遍存在哥斯达黎加蒙特保护区

    The golden toad was endemic to Costa Rica's Monte Verde preserve.


  • 一个暗流涌动时期掌管哈佛捐赠诸多捐赠基国家养老提供咨询。

    You managed Harvard's endowment during a turbulent time, and you advise several other endowments and state pension funds.


  • 家人律师团希望总检察长批准英国进行审讯

    McKinnon's family and legal team had hoped the director of public prosecutions would authorise a trial in the UK.


  • 支付所有护理保健费花去我们人多一半积蓄尽管估计可以从20退休下五十万英磅

    Paying for all this care has now used up more than half of our joint savings, although I have estimated saving the state about half a million pounds during my 20 years of caring in retirement.


  • 与人合伙兴办过一家风险投资公司掘得满满大桶

    He co-founded a venture-capital firm and made a whopping fortune.


  • 但是莫妮卡·莱温斯基丑闻沸沸扬扬时里奇潇洒地摆脱了困扰揭发

    But when the Monica Lewinsky scandal rolled around, Gingrich happily threw in his lot with the impeachers.


  • 洛克现年28岁立志成为登上7大洲所有最高峰探险者

    Peter Kinloch, 28, had been determined to complete the 7 Summits Challenge, in which explorers climb the highest peak of each continent.


  • 先生渴望央行的工作变得无聊;约翰·梅纳德凯恩斯则希望经济学家有可能变为谦逊技术人员就好像牙医

    Mr King once aspired to making central banking boring; John Maynard Keynes hoped economists might become humble technicians, like dentists.


  • 先生渴望央行的工作变得无聊;约翰·梅纳德凯恩斯则希望经济学家有可能变为谦逊技术人员就好像牙医

    Mr King once aspired to making central banking boring; John Maynard Keynes hoped economists might become humble technicians, like dentists.


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