• 写信给说,“想你点火者,点亮美丽、幽默、欢笑、音乐生命永生灯。”然而他们关系名义几乎是尽了。

    He wrote to her: "I want the lighter of my seven lamps of beauty, honour, laughter, music, love, life and immortality", but the relationship smouldered almost entirely on paper.


  • 尝试它们在脑后尽量思考一些创造性,而不是毁灭性事物,一些可以带来美丽欢乐的事物。

    I have tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to put them behind me, preferring to think of things that can be created, not destroyed, and that bring beauty and joy.


  • 罗浮敦群岛,我们到访下一个港口评选为挪威美丽地方

    Our next port of call in the Lofotens was once voted the most scenic place in Norway.


  • 见过美丽事物

    It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.


  • 第二上午我们全家这个美丽小教堂度过了最后一个礼拜天在这里我们护卫营地年轻优秀水兵海军陆战队队员及其家人一同做礼拜

    The next morning was our family's last Sunday in the beautiful chapel, where we had Shared many services with the fine young sailors and marines who staffed the camp and their families.


  • 男人尊重那些自食其力女人正如华尔街金融给一个想傍大款美丽女人留下的难忘忠告所示。

    Men respect women who make their own money, as one Wall Street man memorably reminded a beautiful young gold-digger.


  • 交易通到许多海岛耶和华如此推罗阿,你全然美丽的。

    And say unto Tyrus, o thou that art situate at the entry of the sea, which art a merchant of the people for many isles, Thus saith the Lord GOD; o Tyrus, thou hast said, I am of perfect beauty.


  • 有人告诉跑步选手,有男孩飓风走,遗体到二十天后一处湖泊发现也许就是跑步经过时感觉非常美丽的那个湖泊。

    One of the runners was told about a boy who was swept up in the tornado and found dead 20 days later in a lake. Probably a lake I ran past thinking "that's a lovely lake".


  • 说:“鉴于我们难以得到社会审美观的认同,应该有人站出来展现胖女孩的美丽就是这个。”

    "I think someone needs to stand out and demonstrate our beauty because it's not easy to be appreciated by society," said Zeng, "And I think I can be the one."


  • Kemp考虑命名为《美丽米兰姑娘》,又觉得听起来一种意大利美食名字,而不是艺术作品

    Kemp considered the title la Bella Milanese, but decided it sounded more like the name of an Italian gastronomic delight than a work of art.


  • 有时候青春消逝特殊方式-美丽的特殊方式,另一种内在或者说,青春凝固,将自己时间停止,永驻于展示美丽地方

    Sometimes, the passage of youth is a special kind of way - beautiful and special way, it has a inner beauty, or youth will be to solidify their own time to stop, have shown in beautiful place.


  • 这个娇小美丽女子生活泥浆塑料构成的窝棚内,如今自己的房子咖啡种植园

    A petite and beautiful lady who had once lived in a shack of mud and plastic now has her own house and coffee plantation.


  • 年中我们知识海洋中奋力拼搏,美丽校园里尽情玩耍一起度过段美好岁月

    Six years we have struggled in the sea of knowledge, play in the beautiful campus, spent together this wonderful time.


  • 基于同样理由相会过得令魂不守舍女人也是离开我让我痛不欲生的女人,这世上美丽的女人。

    It is just as reasonable to suppose I have also met the woman whose beauty stunned me most and whose loss wounded me most.


  • 福布斯》杂志邀请建筑师校园设计师评选出世界上最美丽大学校园。以下这些国内外大学便是他们心水

    Forbes asked a panel of architects and campus designers to nominate their picks for the best-looking campuses in the world. These are their top choices.


  • 画家觉得小时候见过美人鱼因为这条下水道美丽小河

    The artist thought that he has met the mermaid when he was a child because once it was a beautiful river here.


  • 他们确实研究了大量树冠死亡各种原因,并设计出一个能够更新摧毁美丽树林长久维持树木质量计划

    They really studied the causes of the massive tree canopy mortality rate, creating a plan to renew the beautifully forested area that was devastated and retain the quality of the trees over time.


  • 依旧是那个朴实的形象,秃顶少许美丽白发薄薄的嘴唇尖尖下巴带着眼镜记得认为不够

    An earnest expression, balding but with some beautiful white hair, thin lips, a sharp chin, glasses... I remember thinking you were not handsome enough for me.


  • 是否见过这样美丽五彩广阔美好的天空

    Have you ever seen the sky so beautiful, colorful, wide and wonderful.


  • 去过苏格兰是个美丽国度

    I have been to Scotland, which is a beautiful country.


  • 多少过拥有璀璨青春爱慕你的美丽,真心或是假意。

    How many loved your moments of glad grace, and loved your beauty with love false or true.


  • 多少过拥有璀璨青春爱慕你的美丽,真心或是假意。

    How many loved your moments of glad grace, and loved your beauty with love false or true.


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