• 美国法官进行裁决,裁定他们这个问题没有审判

    American judges ruled three times that they had no jurisdiction over the matter.


  • 知情人士表示银团讨论通过闽中新加坡证券交易所上市的结构化交易,将控制出售一个私人股本买家

    People familiar with the matter said the consortium had discussed selling control to a private equity buyer by a structured deal to list China Minzhong on Singapore's stock exchange.


  • 卡尔扎伊中央缺乏地区武装力量控制表示不满。

    Mr Karzai had quibbled about the lack of central control over the district forces.


  • 罗先中国提供日本海上港口使用自从19世纪中期中国满洲割让给俄国以来,港口一直拒绝中国使用。

    Rason offers a port on the Sea of Japan, something denied China since it ceded Outer Manchuria to Russia in the mid-19th century.


  • 保守党通过恢复1990年代资金持有制度给予普通开业医生更多发言这个制度中,许多开业医生可以拥有自己预算医院完成的非急需护理

    The Conservatives would give GPs much more of a say by reviving the 1990s system of fund-holding in which many GP practices had their own budgets for elective care done by hospitals.


  • 表示,许多餐饮酒店都将餐废油收购承包给了专人,收购方和餐饮企业建立比较稳定购销关系,外人不得插足。

    According to Zeng, many restaurants contract out their kitchen waste collection to private parties, a stable set-up in which there is no room for the entrance of an outside party.


  • 担任经济学教授电子工程师倪捷已经公司的管理交给了妻子以便自己更多精力放在行业游说上。

    A former economics professor and electrical engineer, Mr. Ni has given his wife the company REINS so he can focus more on industry lobbying.


  • 法国传统严格的隐私指出公众不能关注别人隐私,即使是新闻做过报道。

    French tradition, combined with the country's strong privacy laws, once dictated that the public interest stopped at the bedroom door-even when newsrooms were in the know.


  • 过去经销商通过运用美国的特许法律这类行动的代价变得极其昂贵,以阻止它们产生。

    In the past, they have used state franchise laws to make any such action prohibitively expensive.


  • 我们提到本,,Berle, and,Means,书中作者提到股东过于分散以至于他们公司失去了控制,但董事会长久地自我续存下去。

    We've talked about a book written by Berle and Means who said that shareholders are so dispersed that they have really no control over a company and boards of directors are self-perpetuating.


  • 金字塔解决日本二战尼桑集团创始人YoshisukeAikawa“资本家的困境”:如何不用放弃控制就能外部筹集资金

    Pyramids solve what Yoshisuke Aikawa, the founder of the Nissan group in pre-war Japan, once called the “capitalist’s quandary”: how to raise money from outsiders without ceding control.


  • 九十年代比尔·克林顿企图通过项目预算否决国会那里接管财政,反对,并分别14个小时演讲全部脱稿拖延议程

    Bill Clinton’s bid to seize the pursestrings from Congress in the 1990s with the line-item budget veto was opposed by Mr Byrd in 14 separate one-hour speeches, learned by heart, to slow up debate.


  • 发明词汇web 2.0”网络奥莱礼警告说:“我们正在走向争夺网络控制引发战争将阻碍网络成为个能被大家共同使用平台。”

    We’re heading into a war for the control of the weband against the web as an interoperable platform, ” warns Tim O’Reilly, the internet guru who coined the termweb 2.0”.


  • 控制着墨西哥部分太平洋海岸Mr Corone的死引发夺取Manzanillo港口控制的争斗。

    The demise of Mr Coronel, who controlled part of Mexico's Pacific coast, has sparked a battle for control of the port of Manzanillo.


  • 6月底伊拉克官员试图拍卖开采增加油田产量

    In late June, Iraqi officials attempted to auction rights to boost output at a number of fields that were already producing.


  • 这项试验开始之前美国食品药物管理局(US Food and Drug Administration)指出,考虑颁发这种疫苗的美国许可之前,需进行一些其他相关的研究

    Before the trial began, the US Food and Drug Administration said other studies would be needed before the vaccine could be considered for US licensing.


  • 网膜辨识比较是眼睛后方血管的模式,用来管制核武器操控,但是始终未能广泛应用,因为使用者眼球凑到透镜上。

    Used to control access to nuclear weapons, retina identification has never caught on with the public because it requires the users to put their eyeball right up against a lens.


  • 卡塔尔举办2006年亚运会等多项国际大型体育赛事,但获得世界杯主办成为这个石油富国的巨大成就。

    Qatar has played host to major sporting events including the Asian Games in 2006, but securing the World Cup would be a big coup for the gas-rich nation.


  • 萨利赫最后一刻拒绝签署一项允许和平退位换取豁免和平协议

    Three times Mr Saleh has at the last minute balked at signing a peace deal allowing for his peaceful exit in exchange for immunity.


  • 看见不讨好,服从最后在争夺支配斗争被杀

    Also he saw one dog, that would neither conciliate nor obey, finally killed in the struggle for mastery.


  • 轻忽,没有讲话文明文化,人们对此了解传闻过的文明和文化,它们将会世界上不同凡响地声音代言它们自身。

    Civilizations and cultures which had been ignored, which had no voice, which were not listened to, which were not known about, will have a different sort of representation in this world.


  • 是否拒绝把身为美国公民但身处美国境外子女监护移交美国法庭享有监护

    Have you ever withheld custody of a U. S. citizen child outside the United States from a person granted legal custody by a u.


  • 美国反对巴勒斯坦人的计划表示行使否决

    S., which has opposed the Palestinian plan and said it would use its veto power.


  • 美国反对巴勒斯坦人的计划表示行使否决

    S., which has opposed the Palestinian plan and said it would use its veto power.


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