• 伊娃证明看见赫楼梯上枪。

    Eva testified to having seen Herndon with his gun on the stairs.


  • 成为一名完全成熟导演之前,担任影片公民》的剪辑师。

    Before becoming a full-blown director, he worked as the film editor on Citizen Kane.


  • 里克做过奈杰尔•霍服装师

    Rickman worked as a dresser to Nigel Hawthorne.


  • 17世纪英国诗人讽刺作家律师牧师约翰•多说过座孤岛

    No man is an island,” the 17th-century English poet, satirist, lawyer and priest John Donne once said.


  • 和爱娃·布劳及其姐妹格丽特·布劳一起坐在敞篷车意大利”。

    One time we went off to Italy together with Eva Braun and her sister Gretel in an open-topped car.


  • 格兰德写信给最初那位名叫黄思远(音)的联系人要求补偿宗虚假生意中时间金钱的开销。

    England wrote his original contact, who went by the name Huang Siyuan, asking to be reimbursed for the time and money he wasted on the bogus alpaca sales.


  • 从小就开始苏格兰中部的黑水晶山脉姆山脉)滑雪甚至记得暖壶回家作为纪念

    He began skiing as a child in the Cairngorm mountains, in central Scotland, and even remembers taking home a Thermos flask of snow as a souvenir.


  • 今年年初表示CFTC考虑对投机设定新的限制最近对此表示怀疑

    Early this year Mr Dunn said the CFTC should consider new speculative limits, but he has recently voiced doubts.


  • 第四女性声称非工作期间也猥亵,但她没有收到任何解决协议,而凯否认自己任何不恰当的行为。

    A fourth woman who has alleged that Mr Cain groped her was not an employee at the time and did not receive any settlement. Mr Cain denies that he did anything inappropriate.


  • 1981年,我们石灰石开采环境影响情况做过调查,这份调查作为高级法院案件的证物。

    We were invited to do the study of the environmental impact of limestone mining in Doon Valley in 1981 which eventually became the basis of a Supreme Court case.


  • 2002年,加利福尼亚州圣莫尼卡约翰·癌症研究所科学家认为最终找到一个免疫系统对抗皮肤癌方法

    In 2002 scientists at the John Wayne cancer Institute in Santa Monica, Calif., thought they had finally figured out a way to turn the immune system against the skin cancer.


  • 谦卑始终如一,嘱咐人们将骨灰撒向英国伊斯海湾——那个他马克思一家愉快渡假的地方。

    Self-effacing to the last, he had his ashes scattered off England’s coast at Eastbourne—the scene of happy holidays with the Marxes.


  • 2006年,受伤年后家乡心上人- - -芮妮克莱缔结连理,在被派往伊拉克期间两度求婚

    In 2006, two years after he was wounded, Ty wed his hometown sweetheart, Renee Kline, to whom he had proposed between his two deployments to Iraq.


  • 佐治亚州共和党人·韦斯特摩兰共同发起过一项议案,要求国会山上悬挂条文,科尔伯特仅仅说出是哪十诫便令其彻底崩溃。

    Mr Colbert floored Lynn Westmoreland, a Republican from Georgia who co-sponsored a bill to have the Ten Commandments displayed in the Capitol, simply by asking him to name the Ten Commandments.


  • 谦卑始终如一,嘱咐人们将骨灰撒向英国伊斯海湾——那个他马克思一家愉快渡假的地方。

    Self-effacing to the last, he had his ashes scattered off England's coast at Eastbourne—the scene of happy holidays with the Marxes.


  • 尽管里克离开,但是金姆觉得盖斯是不会那么好心,遵守那个承诺

    Although Gaines said that he would release Rick Kim knows Gaines won't make good on that promise.


  • 尽管里克离开但是金姆觉得盖斯是不会那么好心,遵守那个承诺

    Although Gaines said that he would release Rick, Kim knows Gaines won't make good on that promise.


  • 澳大利亚财长斯旺督促银行不要借贷花费高过央行增长并称联邦的行动愤世嫉俗现金”。

    Treasurer Wayne Swan has urged banks not to boost borrowing costs by more than central bank increases, calling CBA's move acynical cash grab.


  • 与包括西区柯克兄弟在内的许多知名导演合作过;也多位明星合作,罗伯特雷福德劳伦·巴尔考和伊丽莎白泰勒

    He worked with many great directors, from Alfred Hitchcock to the Coen brothers, and with major stars like Robert Redford, Lauren Bacall and Elizabeth Taylor.


  • 阿莱·斯市的组织者们早去年尝试著创造新的纪录他们当时比赛只持续了24小时16,比原纪录少了44分钟。

    Alliance organizers tried for a record last year, but their 24-hour, 16-minute game fell short of the record by 44 minutes.


  • 有多善良,多贪婪”洛克菲勒传记作者切尔诺说到

    His good side was every bit as good as his bad side was bad, ” the Rockefeller biographer, Ron Chernow, has said.


  • 德国联邦情报局专家埃里希·施密特-伊发现了这份文件。 他发表过不少有关情报机构著作文章

    The files were discovered by BND expert Erich Schmidt-Eenboom, author of several books and papers on the spy agency.


  • 声称,·海姆亲口他承认,自己遭受一种疾病的困扰,此种疾病驱使着周期性杀害女性毁坏她们的尸体。

    Feigenbaum had confessed, he said, to suffering from a disease which periodically drove him to murder and mutilate women.


  • 上帝偏爱秋天这种看法得到了许多的赞同,约翰·多热情地说过,“天堂总是秋天。”

    The suspicion that even God is partial to autumn has overwhelmed others, including John Donne, who enthused: “In Heaven, it is always Autumn.”


  • 乔治·科(George Crane)说过:“可以开阔心胸但它可能开阔无法承载信念。”

    George Crane once said, “You can have such an open mind that it is too porous to hold a conviction.”


  • 内政部长罗纳尔多·普诺(Ronaldo Puno)警告安帕图家族除非他们中午交出安帕图,否则可能遭到武装袭击

    The interior secretary, Ronaldo Puno, said he had warned the family they risked a military attack unless they handed over Ampatuan by midday.


  • 内政部长罗纳尔多·普诺(Ronaldo Puno)警告安帕图家族除非他们中午交出安帕图,否则可能遭到武装袭击

    The interior secretary, Ronaldo Puno, said he had warned the family they risked a military attack unless they handed over Ampatuan by midday.


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