• 托德·布里曾丹越南大象的合影。

    Todd Brizendine poses for a picture with an elephant in Vietnam.


  • 我们称之为广告了哭”,布里曾丹说道

    "We call it crying over dog commercials crying," Brizendine said.


  • 所以这里还有一个必要问题为什么托德·布里曾丹回家

    Ah. So here's a question you don't need to ask: Why is Todd Brizendine in no hurry to come home?


  • 当男孩内心摇摆定时,女性竭尽全力沉默里得到一个答复,布里曾丹

    A young girl will go to great lengths trying to get a response from a mime while a boy will not be nearly so determined, Brizendine said.


  • 男人可能有种不自在的感觉女人能读懂人的思想人内心的想法,布里曾丹

    Men can have the uncomfortable feeling that women are mind readers or psychics, Brizendine said.


  • 因为所有一切变了希望一切都有可预见性包括自己丈夫,“布里曾丹。”

    "And because everything else has changed, she needs everything else to be as predictable as possible, including the husband," Brizendine said.


  • 因为一切发生了变化,尽可能希望一切在她的预料掌握之中,包括丈夫”布里曾丹说道

    “And because everything else has changed, she needs everything else to be as predictable as possible, including the husband,” Brizendine said.


  • 几十年打理家庭之后,也许有着强烈的愿望自己拼搏,为事业打拼,布里曾丹这样解释道。

    She may also feel a strong desire to do more for herself, and her career, after decades of caretaking, explains Brizendine.


  • 女性可能将其超级敏感转变人际线索作为避免冲突途径,一种女性难以忍受状态根据布里曾丹的话

    Women may also have evolved extra-sensitivity to interpersonal cues as a way to avoid conflict, a state that can feel intolerable to women, according to Brizendine.


  • 大多数女性而言,他们的心情经期开始的12 -24小时达到低谷不是完全一厢情愿”布里曾丹说道。

    For most women, their mood reaches its worst 12-24 hours before their period starts. "it is not entirely an issue of free will," Brizendine stressed.


  • 历史演化过程中我们母性祖先个全职妈妈很罕见布里曾丹因为他们身边亲朋好友帮助养育儿女。

    Over the course of evolution, it was rare for our maternal ancestors to be full-time mothers, said Brizendine, because there was always kin-folk around to help with child rearing.


  • 黄体激素怀孕8个星期增加了30倍,它让大多数女性变得镇定自若布里曾丹“黄体激素是一个很好的安眠药。”

    Progesterone increases 30-fold in the first eight weeks of pregnancy, causing most women to become very sedated, Brizendine said. "Progesterone is a great sleeping pill."


  • 男人可能有种不自在的感觉女人能读懂人的思想人内心想法,布里曾丹女性的自觉更多她的生理本能,而高深莫测。

    Men can have the uncomfortable feeling that women are mind readers or psychics, Brizendine said. But women's intuition is likely more biological than mystical.


  • 加州大学神经精神病学专家布里曾丹解释说几十年养儿育之后,女人们可能产生强烈的渴望自己以及自己事业做些事情。

    She may also feel a strong desire to do more for herself, and her career, after decades of caretaking, explains neuropsychiatrist Louann Brizendine of the University of California.


  • 美国海军大臣理查德·兹格(RichardDanzig将其描述为“非爆炸性战争工具

    Former U.S. Navy Secretary Richard Danzig once described it as instruments of "nonexplosive warfare."


  • 奎尔都毫无忌惮地的这个问题进行攻击,尽管利用家庭关系加入国民警卫队,得以远离越南战场。

    Even Dan Quayle felt free to go after me on it, despite the fact that his family connections had gotten him into the National Guard and away from Vietnam.


  • 透露其名叫“海军前不久刚接受了新闻频道CNN采访透露,威尔法特告诉他他之所以从军就是为了不让那些家室人饱受离别之苦。

    That Marine, interviewed earlier this week by the news channel CNN and identified only as "Dan", said Wilfahrt had told him he wanted to be a soldier to protect someone with a family.


  • 布拉戈耶维奇当选州长之前是代表芝加哥北区的国会议员,该席位先前的主人是罗森考斯基,后者一样,电信欺诈罪。

    And before Mr Blagojevich became governor he represented Chicago's North Side in congress-a seat previously held by Dan Rostenkowski, who, like him, was convicted of wire fraud.


  • 据密报显示,舒汉告知美国驻华使馆,之前还辉瑞时候,团队花了年时间详细计划假冒药品团伙的打击行动。

    Shruhan told the Beijing embassy official that his group at Pfizer spent five years planning raids on counterfeit drug rings, the cable says.


  • 早期的一位传记作家描述,这个伟人步行15英里弗姆林(Dunfermline),身上仅仅着单融入沉思。

    The great man once walked 15 miles to Dunfermline wrapped only in his thoughts and his dressing gown, according to an early biographer.


  • 在接受荷兰电视节目StudioVoetbal采访时这位阿森纳射手透露:“飞往巴尔干半岛一位医生会面。”她埃因霍温(PS v Eindhoven)的中卫科·拉佐维奇(Danko Lazovic)治疗过。

    Speaking to Dutch television programme Studio Voetbal, the Arsenal striker revealed: "I will fly to the Balkans to meet with a female doctor who helped [PSV Eindhoven midfielder] Danko Lazovic."


  • 格拉位名叫普尼特。导游注意到泰姬陵围墙以及陵墓后墙有变色的地方。

    Puneet Dan, a tour guide in Agra, said he noticed the discoloration on the boundary wall of the Taj Mahal and on the back of the monument.


  • 又是一个人了,走过烧毁树木焦土那里试图龙,走遍了金字塔希望找到魁晰。

    Alone again, Dany went all the way around the pyramid in hopes of finding Quaithe, past the burned trees and scorched earth where her men had tried to capture Drogon.


  • 死时与之为的顽童主要悼丧者之列

    When Dan died, the wayward boys he had befriended were among the chief mourners.


  • 据说福莱佛士爵士选定此岛屿最佳转运港口而不是新加坡

    Stamford Raffles is believed to have considered Karimun island instead of Singapore island when looking for a settlement.


  • 本片获得2005年圣电影节人性关怀提名2007年圣斯电影节最佳处女作独立精神

    This film was awarded for Humanities Prize Sundance Film Category in 2005 and nominated for Independent Spirit Award for Best First Feature at Sundance film festival 2007.


  • 本片获得2005年圣电影节人性关怀提名2007年圣斯电影节最佳处女作独立精神

    This film was awarded for Humanities Prize Sundance Film Category in 2005 and nominated for Independent Spirit Award for Best First Feature at Sundance film festival 2007.


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