• 科学家声子交互作用称为效应

    Scientists call the interaction of light with phonons the Raman effect.


  • ,“就DNA效应物质内在特性一部分

    The Raman effect is part of the innate quality of matter—like DNA, ” he told me.


  • 使用自制威德效应测量仪测量铁镍合金丝的威德曼效应

    The Wiedemann effect of Fe-Ni alloy wires were measured by a self-made apparatus.


  • 光纤晶质玻璃原子为随机排列因此效应相当

    The random atomic arrangement in the amorphous glass of optical fibers keeps the Raman effect small.


  • 梯度效应我们提供更多样品纳米尺度的信息

    More information on the nanometer character of the sample can be got because of gradient-field Raman (GFR) of evanescent wave.


  • 效应实验近代物理实验一个重要实验,许多大专院校都开设

    Zeeman effect is an important experiment in modem physics and is offered as a required subject in a lot of colleges.


  • 运用灵敏度共焦显微系统研究多孔在纵向曼效应和光致发光性质。

    Raman and photoluminescence studies of porous silicon were performed using a highly sensitive confocal microprobe Raman system, which allows the z direction layer analysis of the sample surface.


  • 他们研究重点集中效应,也就是当经由原子震荡散射时,光波波长增加的过程

    In particular, they focused on the Raman effect, a process in which the wavelength of light lengthens after it scatters off atomic vibrations.


  • 本文激发态原子二次效应进行了讨论着重分析氢原子光谱计及二次蔡曼效应磁场条件。

    This paper discuss the QZE of atoms for highly excited states, particularly analyse the relation between Spectra of hydrogen-like atoms and magnetic field under consideration of the QZE.


  • 紫外光谱拥有较高灵敏度能够避开荧光干扰以及产生共振效应等优势引起了人们的普遍重视

    UV Raman spectroscopy has drawn extensive attention for its high sensitivity, avoiding of fluorescence interference and the UV resonance Raman effect.


  • 这份报告指出虽然博士八十年前就因发现“拉效应获得诺贝尔,然而时至今日印度使用、根据“拉曼效应原理制造的工具器械大部分都是进口的。

    The report also pointed out that while C.V.Raman won the Nobel Prize eighty years ago for the Raman Effect, most of the instruments available in India today using this principle are imported.


  • 这份报告指出虽然博士八十年前就因发现“拉曼效应获得诺贝尔,然而时至今日印度使用、根据“拉曼效应原理制造的工具器械,大部分都是进口的。

    The report also pointed out that while C. V. Raman won the Nobel Prize eighty years ago for the Raman Effect, most of the instruments available in India today using this principle are imported.


  • 光纤背向散射效应直接应用于光纤放大器分布式光纤拉温度传感器系统

    The backscattering effect of optical fiber has been applied to fiber Raman amplifier and distributed optical fiber Raman temperature sensors system.


  • 结果表明零温场论中的红外发散温度效应引起红外发散可以用描写过程同时消除。

    It turns out that both of the infrared divergence at the zero and finite temperature can be cancelled by the identical Feynman diagram of virtual processes.


  • 利用作为衬底,本文乳酸表面增强散射效应进行了研究

    The Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) effect from Calcium lactate (CL)on Ag mirror is studied in this paper.


  • 本文描述激光束功率限幅器被动技术一技术是基于后向的饱和效应

    We describe a completely passive technique based on backward Raman sato ration effect for the power of light beams.


  • 研究表明,色散缓变光纤中利用散射效应色散效应相互作用,可以获得更高压缩比的超短光脉。

    The enhanced compression of fundamental femtosecond solitons can be obtained by combined effects of negative third order dispersion and Raman self scattering in the fibers.


  • 受激喇散射光纤本身光学非线性效应

    SRS is a kind of nonlinear effect of fiber itself.


  • 对于重复宽较激光大气传输中,由于分子的储存效应,受散射较严重

    In the atmosphere, on propagation of High-Intensity lasers of high pulse repetition rate and narrow pulsewidth, the SRS will be serious because of molecular memory effects.


  • 考虑受激喇散射竞争效应,求得了简并四混频后参量振荡信号强度与泵浦输入强度关系。

    Considering the competing effect of Raman scattering, the dependence of intensity of parametric backward wave oscillation on the pumping intensity is obtained.


  • 斯托克斯·背向自发散射放大效应抑制单模光纤中的相干噪声改善了系统比。

    The coherent noise of single mode fiber is restrained by the amplification effect of anti Stokes Raman backscattering, and the signal noise ratio of sensor system is improved.


  • 纯银相比添加混合金银胶体系能够有效的增强碱性品红分子表面增强拉散射效应

    Compared with the pure silver colloids, it was found that the addition of gold colloids to silver sol could bring about the favorable effect on SERS behavior for adsorbed fuchsine basic.


  • 得到的主要结果两个:(1研究非磁性杂质散射效应时,建立了关于非磁性杂质散射的规则

    Our results are as follows:(1) The Feymann rules are obtained for the effects of nonmagnetic impurity scattering in theDDW state.


  • 近年来,利用晶体材料受激散射(SRS)效应建立的全固态激光器成为引人瞩目的亮点。

    In recent years, much attention has been paid to the designing and operation of all-solid-state Raman lasers based on the stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) of crystals.


  • 结果发现适当选取激光场的强度使阶拉线处于谐波位置时,由于相干效应,高阶拉谱得到抑制而高次谐波谱则得到加强

    It is shown that the hyper Raman lines disappear, the background noises are restrained and the high harmonics are enhanced due to the interference effect.


  • 不同实验条件下得到的多孔的拉光谱进行了分析,确认了多孔硅具有纳米结构特征材料肯定量子限制效应多孔硅致发光中的作用。

    The spectra analysis showed that porous silicon is the material with nano crystal structure, and photoluminescence of PS can be explained by the model of quantum restriction effect.


  • 基于非线性包络方程我们研究了平面非线性介质波导中的时空稳定性得到了有拉散射效应情形下不稳定性调制的增益谱表达式

    Spatiotemporal instability in the planar nonlinear dielectric waveguide is analyzed by nonlinear equation, and the expression of Modulation instability(MI) gain in Raman Scattering is obtained.


  • 色散延迟响应自陡三种重要效应

    The third-order dispersion, delayed Raman response and self-steepening are three most important high order effects.


  • 色散延迟响应自陡三种重要效应

    The third-order dispersion, delayed Raman response and self-steepening are three most important high order effects.


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