• 讨论容易地进行下去了,目的大家舒服大,强化Netflix文化思想,围绕服务于内容进行运转

    The talk flows easily, but the goal is bigger than making everyone comfortable; he's reinforcing the idea that Netflix culture revolves around serving up content.


  • 历史显示选择条道路国家找到融入国际大家享有的安全和机会

    History shows that nations that pursue this path find greater security and opportunity as an integrated member of the international community.


  • 对关系到我们所有问题保持讨论重要我们大家产生的价值

    It is important to keep discussing issues that concern us all - there can by no more valuable role for our family of nations.


  • 我们大家都在这次房贷危机付出代价如果我们一危机继续深化我们所有人都付出大代价,”奥巴马

    "All of us are paying a price for this home mortgage crisis, and all of us will pay an even steeper price if we allow this crisis to continue to deepen," Obama said.


  • 通过大家栖息地银行,如果开发商导致沼泽地枯竭,他支付得起在另外一个地方修复比之前的沼泽地。

    Through habitat banking, as this is known, a developer who drains a hectare of marshland can pay to restore a bigger area elsewhere.


  • 以下谨为大家总结克莱斯勒今年之所以能够大获成功几个关键因素,以及未来取得大成功的关键所在

    Here are some of the keys to Chrysler's current successand a key to more s opportunities that lie ahead.


  • 通过发起刚刚Petii提到那些跨学科项目鼓励我们大家远、追求梦想,解决真正迫切世界问题

    President Hennessy has inspired all of us to stretch further , dream bigger and really take on significant world problems by as Petti was describing some of the interdisciplinary initiatives.


  • 至于混合动力车比如福特Escape是一加仑油耗只能支撑大约34英里大家伙。

    And bigger hybrids, such as the Ford Escape, still clock in at around 34 miles per gallon.


  • 我们想让大家致富访谈如是说。 访谈时身处一栋层楼房,这栋楼房他七十年代入住,比起村民们偏好豪华房屋,相对朴素

    We wanted people to get rich, " Wu said during an interview in the two-story house he's lived in since the 1970s, a modest home compared to the larger, lavish ones his villagers prefer.


  • 没有特定业务大家而是找到一个成功机会,你准备大量时间大量研究

    No one particular business is for everyone, but to find one that will give you a greater chance of success, you should be prepared to devote a significant amount of time and research.


  • 建议大家高中生活里努力学习锻炼强壮的身体只有这种方式才能取得的成就和收获一个未来

    I suggest you studying hard and building a strong body during your high school lives. Only in this way can you achieve more and have a better future.


  • 希望大家勇气毅力慈济的菩萨道。

    We hope everyone can have more courage and perseverance to walk the Tzu Chi path.


  • 大家一样开始健身,我大势已去二头肌大,甚至强硬,我很幸运良好手臂遗传学

    Like everybody else, when I started bodybuilding, I waned bigger biceps, even tough I am blessed with good arm genetics.


  • 大家系统多样的群体之中维持秩序统一复杂、困难任务

    To maintain order and unity in groups larger and less homogeneous than extended family systems is a complex and difficult task.


  • 我们智能手机挤满技术大家想要表示意味着移除一些组件电池速度处理器腾出空间

    Our smartphones are packed with technologies and we all want more, which meant removing some components to make way for bigger batteries and faster processors, he said.


  • 这个功能我们以后介绍突变时候,作用,但是想要大家,现在就开始思考

    It's going to make a lot more sense later on when we introduce mutation into our language, but I want you to start thinking of it that way.


  • 希望大家取得一个良好学习成绩取得进步

    I hope that everyone can obtain a good academic record, and make a greater improvement!


  • 显然,爱心刘海并不是个日常发型程度上是大家一时兴起拿卷发器找乐趣但是这些妹子们的新发型看起来确实不错

    Apparently it's not an 'everyday' style, more a viral attempt to have some fun with curling tongs, but these women look great with their fringes styled.


  • 想要成功建立真正的伙伴关系大家必须抛开一己之私,致力于追求大的利益

    To form a genuine partnership, everyone has to be prepared to put aside their focus on individual concerns to work towards a greater good.


  • 大家结果也会信心

    Everyone has much greater confidence in the outcomes.


  • 搜索引擎优化看似简单做起来并不简单事情大家不要为了一时的小便宜而造成损失

    Searching engine to optimize is to look be like do not simple business simply, everybody does not cause bigger loss to have an insatiable desire for temporarily petty gain.


  • 祝福大家下学期学习大的收获

    Wish you greater gains in your study in next term!


  • 大家知道金融危机很大的影响范围经济领域几乎每个国家无法逃脱

    As everyone knows, the Financial Crisis has great influence on a larger range of economy fields, and almost every country could not escape from it.


  • 大家知道金融危机很大的影响范围经济领域几乎每个国家无法逃脱

    As everyone knows, the Financial Crisis has great influence on a larger range of economy fields, and almost every country could not escape from it.


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