• 他们希望饮用牛奶更为健康饮品。

    They want drinks they believe are better for their health than cow's milk.


  • 自己能量多用更为健康追求上吧。

    Let it go. Use your energy for more healthy pursuits.


  • 可能性比较大的解释聪明人选择更为健康生活方式

    One possible explanation for this is that intelligent people make better choices about how to conduct their lives.


  • 美国重返更为健康公共财政必然取决于美国经济强劲复苏

    But a move back to healthier US public finances depends, inescapably, on a strong recovery in the US economy.


  • 莫斯更为健康早餐几乎可以肯定是有助于上课时的机敏程度的。

    Moss said the healthier breakfast probably aided classtime alertness.


  • Iserloh的选择更为健康马苏里拉奶酪据说溶化后色泽很漂亮

    Iserloh's go-to choice for a healthier cheese is part-skim mozzarella, which she says melts beautifully.


  • 虽然代价高昂,却换来城市里不断增多的绿地居民更为健康生活环境

    The costly result is a growing greenness in the cities and a healthier environment for all the civilians who live there.


  • 郁郁寡欢对自己伤害最大不如勇敢地放下。将自己的能量多用更为健康追求上吧。

    Holding resentment does more damage to you than anyone else. Let it go. Use your energy for more healthy pursuits.


  • 他们愿意支付高的价格而得到更为健康家庭,更健康的孩子有一个充满活力生活品质。

    They are willing to pay a little more for a healthier home, healthier children and a more vibrant life.


  • 消费者继续选择更为健康谷类食品,包括瞄准特殊群体如刚出生的婴儿,刺激诱惑他们味觉专家

    Shoppers will continue to opt for more healthy whole grains, including exotic types aimed at tempting the jaded palates of baby boomers, experts say.


  • 知名医疗慈善组织表示如果女性遵循更为健康生活方式,那么英国百分之四十以上乳腺癌就可以得以预防。

    More than four out of 10 cases of breast cancer in the UK could be prevented if women adopted healthier lifestyles, according to a leading medical charity.


  • 一直以来,公司努力公众说明类鞋子代表更为健康的站立行走方式,证实它们可以有效治疗伤痛

    The company has been focusing on showing the shoes represent a healthier way to stand and walk, and in proving they can be used effectively for rehabilitation of pain or injuries.


  • 这家快餐连锁增加了更为健康饮食选择包括沙拉燕麦但是批评家指出,米饭中仍含有过多脂肪盐份和糖。

    The restaurant chain has added healthier options to its menu, including salads and oatmeal, but critics argue there is still too much fat, salt and sugar in its meals.


  • 但是至少经常性思考一下这样问题一种更为健康状态,也帮助我们更好的确定医疗事业研究目标方向。

    Yet it is healthy to ask such questions, at least sometimes, for ourselves and to correctly define the goals of medical policy and research.


  • 八月发表爱因斯坦项目研究结果提出一个问题:高寿者的长寿是否他们相较于其他人更为健康生活习惯有关

    An Einstein study published in August asked whether the SuperAgers, over the course of their lives, had better health habits than the general population.


  • 沙拉吧放在离收银台更近的地方,将水果放在一个彩色的碗中,这些微小的改变都会孩子学校食堂选择更为健康食物。

    Register and putting fruits in a colorful bowl, get kids to buy more healthy choices at the school cafeteria. Karen Hopkin reports.


  • 读者BloNdAtHrt78:“自备午餐不仅更为健康选择能为下一大笔花在其他地方。

    Reader BloNdAtHrt78 says: "Packing your lunch is not only a healthier choice, but also saves you a good amount of money that could be spent elsewhere.


  • 目前,当务之急就是两国建立一个更为健康宏观经济关系,毕竟美国最大债务国,而中国美国最大债权国

    The priority, however, should be a healthier macroeconomic relationship between the world's biggest sovereign borrower and America's largest creditor.


  • 考虑大量并未因为减肥改善新陈代谢情形,所有肥胖人员都能够通过体重减轻有所获益例如相对更为健康的生活方式

    Given the numerous nonmetabolic benefits of weight loss, all obese individuals certainly have something to gain from a modest reduction in body weight as achieved by a healthier lifestyle.


  • 由于优惠券短缺,将炸鸡投放市场行为引起公共关系混乱但是新的更为健康产品帮助肯德基扭转了在美国销售颓势

    The launch of its grilled chicken meal was a pr mess due to a coupon shortage, but the new, healthier product helped turn around KFC's declining U.S. sales.


  • 选择任何新鲜水果选择一瓶塑料包装的水果饮料明智得多的。而且普通的或者止渴更为健康的方式

    Any piece of fresh fruit is a wiser health choice than a fruit drink that comes in a paper or plastic container, and drinking plain tea or water is a much healthier way to quench one's thirst.


  • 他们发现如果人们条件在家工作压缩工作时间,那么他们就可以选择更为健康生活方式,锻炼身体的机会增多。睡眠也会更好

    They found that if people have the ability to work from home and to compress work weeks, they are more likely to make healthier lifestyle choices, to exercise more and to sleep better.


  • 那些服用维生素药物的女性显示出了更为健康生活方式,比起不服药物的女性,她们中不吸烟更少,她们摄入更少的脂肪锻炼更多。

    Those who took supplements showed a range of healthy lifestyle factors, and were more likely than non-supplement users to be non-smokers, eat low-fat diets and exercise.


  • 拉尔森博士说比如面对配偶离开人世人们感受到希望悲伤交织在一起的复杂情绪,那么一般来说,他们就可以拿出更为健康应对策略。

    And when people are able to feel mixed emotions, such as hope and sadness, they tend to have healthier coping strategies, such as when a spouse passes away, according to Dr. Larsen.


  • 拉尔森博士说比如面对配偶离开人世人们感受到希望悲伤交织在一起的复杂情绪,那么一般来说,他们就可以拿出更为健康应对策略。

    And when people are able to feel mixed emotions, such as hope and sadness, they tend to have healthier coping strategies, such as when a spouse passes away, according to Dr. Larsen.


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