• 智能卡‧智能城市智能生活」为主题参与城市最佳实践展览

    Taking part in the Urban Best Practices Area Exhibition under the theme Smart Card‧Smart City‧Smart Life;


  • 依靠先进技术已经成为国内智能手机市场领头羊三星电子使LTE智能手机的消费者享受真正智能生活

    Using the advanced technologies it has as the leader of the domestic smartphone market, Samsung Electronics will enable consumers to enjoy a truly smart life with the LTE smartphone.


  • 缺乏接触可能意味着智能生活技术文明内在并不稳定并且早在他们能够相互发送自己存在的讯息之前自我毁灭了。

    The lack of contact would suggest that intelligent life and technological civilisations may be inherently unstable, and destroy themselves before they can signal their existence to one another.


  • 智能体验高科技智能生活无论何时何地,可以通过软件控制家电视频监控做到无线生活无限享受

    Boyun micro intelligent, high-tech intelligent life experience! No matter when and where, you can control appliance and video surveillance through software, do wireless life, enjoy unlimited!


  • 智能采用高科技领先技术体验高科技智能生活无论何时何地生活安全无忧,做到无限生活,无限享受

    Micro intelligent, using high-tech leading technology, high-tech intelligent life experience, no matter when and where, let your life safety, no worries, unlimited life, enjoy unlimited!


  • 我们可以看到人工智能已经我们生活很多方面都产生影响

    We can observe that artificial intelligence has already made an impact on our lives in many ways.


  • 有人认为不久将来人工智能发展我们生活产生积极的影响

    Some people believe that the developments of artificial intelligence will have a positive impact on our lives in the near future.


  • 虽然起来有点遥远,但生活这样一个智能城市可能想象得要

    Although it might sound a lttle far from you, living in a "smart" city like this could happen sooner than you think.


  • 电影电视中,人工智能通常被描绘成一种颠覆我们生活方式邪恶事物

    In the movies and on television, artificial intelligence is typically depicted as something sinister that will upend our way of life.


  • 现在时候清醒地认识建造智能建筑城市住宅极大地改善我们未来几年生活质量

    It's time to wake up to the fact that making smart buildings, cities and homes will dramatically improve our quality of life in the years ahead.


  • 今天我们生活一个可以智能手机使用 GPS系统数字地图其他导航应用程序的世界

    Today we live in a world where GPS systems, digital maps, and other navigation apps are available on our smart phones.


  • 不久我们目前智能手机生活方式也将扩展我们创造自己智能家居生活方式。

    Soon, our current smartphone lifestyle will expand to create our own smart home lifestyle too.


  • 随着智能手机的广泛应用,越来越多人怀疑手机对于我们生活工作的影响

    As smartphones have multiplied, so have questions about their impact on how we live and how we work.


  • 智能手机可能会另一种方式改变我们生活工作方式:通过人类心理行为洞察从而支持智能社会科学

    Here's another way in which smartphones might transform the way we live and work: by offering insights into human psychology and behavior and, thus, supporting smarter social science.


  • 今天我们生活世界中,全球定位系统数字地图其他导航应用程序可以智能手机上使用。

    Today we live in a world where GPS systems, digital maps, and other navigation apps are available on our smartphones.


  • 如今随着先进技术快速发展越来越多的人工智能产品广泛应用于日常生活中。

    Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced technology, more and more AI products are widely used in everyday life.


  • 智能让我们的生活更加艰难和糟糕。

    AI makes our lives harder and worse.


  • 使他们不这样做,至少他们将永远知道,他们可以在没有电脑、电力和智能手机的情况下生活——即使只有几天!

    Even if they don't, at least they will always know that they can live without computers, electricity, and smartphones—even if it is only for a few days!


  • 手机已经成为我们日常生活中必不可少的一部分。

    Smart phones have become an essential part of our daily lives.


  • 们很快就会在我们的生活中发现更多人工智能技术的踪影,比如检票、核对价格、核验人脸和手指信息。

    People will soon find more AI technologies in our lives, such as checking the tickets, the price, people's faces and fingers.


  • 是每个人都想去体验没有像智能手机和电子书等现代发明的生活

    Not everyone wants to go and experience life without modern inventions like smartphones and e-books.


  • 人工智能机器人能够我们日常生活许多方面我们提供帮助,家务告知我们天气状况还有帮助孩子作业等。

    AI robot can be of assistance to many aspects of our daily life such as doing housework, informing us of the weather and helping children do their homework.


  • 而今,这座城市希望成为各种智能城市技术的“生活实验室”,这些技术不仅包括供水交通系统涉及绿色建筑清洁能源城市管理

    Now the city wants to become aliving laboratory” for smart urban technologies of all kindsnot just water and transport systems but green buildings, clean energy and city management too.


  • 而今,这座城市希望成为各种智能城市技术生活实验室”,这些技术不仅包括供水交通系统涉及绿色建筑清洁能源城市管理

    Now the city wants to become a "living laboratory" for smart urban technologies of all kinds-not just water and transport systems but green buildings, clean energy and city management too.


  • 智能衣服很快能够帮助穿衣处理现代生活压力

    Smart clothes could soon be helping their wearers cope with the stresses of modern life.


  • 一部分问题在于,当今科技还没有足够智能判断什么时候可以惊扰人们生活------重要的是,判断什么时候适可而止。

    Part of the problem is that today's technologies lack the intelligence to determine when to interrupt people—and, more importantly, when to leave them be.


  • 里面部分是因为现在的拉紧裤腰带生活有部分原因是他们抢购平板电脑智能手机了。

    That is partly because people have tightened their belts, but also because they are snapping up tablets and smartphones.


  • 2015年智能交互系统将会成为我们手机生活中心

    Smart ecosystems will sit at the centre of our mobile lives by 2015, says Heikki Norta, head of the company's lifestyle products business unit.


  • 就是说手机还是密密麻麻Android手机世界里突出而且如果喜欢Facebook喜欢生活这个社交网络之中,就应该选择智能手机

    That said, it stands out in a sea of Android phones that are hard to distinguish and if you love Facebook and want to live inside the social network, this is the smart phone for you.


  • 就是说手机还是密密麻麻Android手机世界里突出而且如果喜欢Facebook喜欢生活这个社交网络之中,就应该选择智能手机

    That said, it stands out in a sea of Android phones that are hard to distinguish and if you love Facebook and want to live inside the social network, this is the smart phone for you.


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