• 现代社会中,对于集体智慧价格应该一个很好的指标

    In modern society, price is probably a good proxy for such collective wisdom.


  • 即便是微弱社会影响降低群体智慧

    Even mild social influence can undermine the wisdom of crowd effect.


  • 我们社会现在正在忍受这种“哮喘”,那些自命通晓了智慧的人与故事历史生活本身挑起的场战争自然延续

    The asthma our society is now suffering from is a natural continuation of the war that intellectual arrogance once declared on the story, on history, and thus on life itself.


  • 如此特别,让丹尼尔觉得简直就是十九世纪肖像画也许就像一幅萨金特的作品——带着上流社会精致嘲讽气质智慧

    His face, so distinctive, struck her as that of a nineteenth-century portrait, a Sargent perhaps, an embodiment of sardonic wisdom and society, of aristocratic refinement.


  • 伊丽莎白十几的时候学会了拉丁语德语希腊语社会公认位有智慧女性

    Ellizabeth studied and learned Latin, German, and Greek during her teenage years and was later recognized as an intelligent woman by the society.


  • 根据进化心理学城市确实可以成为比较完美环境如果设计的比较好的话,他们就能满足我们无数复杂社会智慧

    According to evolutionary psychology, cities could in fact be our perfect environment because of the demands they make on our complex social brains, but only if they are well designed.


  • 更加强调社会互动社会过滤集体智慧

    It will place more emphasis on social interaction, social filtering, and collective intelligence.


  • 社会搜索或者称之为人力介入搜索方式运用人们自身知识和智慧提供答案

    Social or human-mediated search uses the intelligence of people to help provide an answer.


  • 尽管社会一直关心人的原始智慧聪明- 例如我们智商的迷恋 -现在越来越清楚的是,其实,我们的性格往往重要

    While society has long obsessed over raw smarts and intellect – just look at our fixation on IQ scores – it’s now becoming clear that our dispositions are often more important.


  • 伦敦皇家学会召开“地智慧生物探测及其科学社会影响”讨论会。德雷克博士在会上发言

    Dr Drake was speaking at a discussion meeting taking place at the Royal Society in London entitled "the Detection of Extraterrestrial Life and the Consequences for Science and Society".


  • 网络桌面社会化,更具杠杆作用集合了集体智慧

    The Webtop will be more social and will leverage and integrate collective intelligence


  • 如同健康人知识理性支配一样,正直社会必须要在这个社会里最具教养和学识的头脑,也就是那些智慧者”的控制之下

    As a just and healthy person is governed by knowledge and reason, a just society must be under the control of society's most cultivated and best informed minds, its "lovers of wisdom."


  • 社会计算另一个关键要素直接取自Web 2.0的基本前提集体智慧胜于个人智慧

    Another key element of social computing is taken straight from the backbone premise of Web 2.0: Collective intelligence is better than individual intelligence.


  • 一方面,我们不该存在这样推断,认为我们目前的社会智慧乐园唯一的障碍,只是意志力量缺乏公共资助不足。

    On the other hand, we cannot suppose that the only thing standing between us and an intellectual's paradise is a lack of will power or a dearth of public grants.


  • 这些充满智慧外国人整个社会带来了好处

    These bright foreigners bring benefits to the whole of society.


  • 教育成为智慧知识综合体方式为了使这个社会变得美好,更理智,更高尚,更公正

    Education being the synthesis of wisdom and knowledge, it's the means to strive for a more perfect, more aware more noble and more just society.


  • 这种智慧渐渐科学社会研究所证实。

    And this wisdom is increasingly supported by scientific and sociological research.


  • 我也知道最近哪里的这样一句话:我们信息社会已经让我们知识能力的价值得到了很大的提升,但是智慧几乎没有。

    I remember reading recently (I don't remember where) that our information society has placed a high premium on knowledge and ability, but a low premium on wisdom.


  • IMF尤其必须拿出智慧精心设计可以社会接受并且在经济上可行方案

    The IMF must be especially wise to craft socially acceptable and economically realistic programmes.


  • 虽然他们对犹太教犹太社会方面兴趣不大,但每个人开始关注犹太文化或其中绽放出来的智慧之花。

    All became interested in the cultural or intellectual aspects of Judaism, although not usually in the religious or communal side.


  • 复合材料厂今天取得一些成就得益于社会,得益于千千万万智慧结晶。

    Tarin composite plant some of the achievements today, thanks to the community, benefit from the wisdom of thousands of people.


  • JamesSurowiecki(索罗斯基)2004年写《群众智慧》(The Wisdom of Crowds)的时候,探讨股票市场其他社会心理学经典例子web 2.0”仍然新生事物

    When James Surowiecki wrote the Wisdom of Crowds in 2004, he explored the stock market and other classic social psychology examples, but "web 2.0" was still nascent.


  • 经过一些职业培训这些高中生能够成为他们领域脊梁柱我们社会贡献他们的智慧

    After some vocational training, these senior high school students can also become backbones in their own fields and contribute their wisdom to our society.


  • 灯谜有趣充满智慧的,成为深受社会阶层的喜爱。

    As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom, it has become popular among all social strata.


  • 以高瞻远瞩胸襟高屋建瓴智慧,以“惊人死不休”的精神创作出一幅幅关注社会、关注人类关注生命陕北系列作品

    His visionary mind, with farsighted wisdom, "the words do not startle" spirit, to create a web of social concern, concerned with human concern life in northern Shaanxi series.


  • 自然无为”到“”的思想都是防止自然、人与人社会之间矛盾冲突的一种智慧值得我们去深思。

    The "Way", "inactivity to nature" and "harmony" are great wisdoms that can prevent any conflicts between man and nature, and between persons, and between people and society, they are worth pondering.


  • 而且这些新的标准能够发展壮大,甚至大到超出我们想象。我们社会集体智慧,我们对于博格人(注:人类的进化者)的想象是迥然不同的。

    And, those standards can spread - can scale - they can scale in ways once unimaginable. The collective intelligence of our society, our version of the Borg, is really quite different.


  • 而且这些新的标准能够发展壮大,甚至大到超出我们想象。我们社会集体智慧,我们对于博格人(注:人类的进化者)的想象是迥然不同的。

    And, those standards can spread - can scale - they can scale in ways once unimaginable. The collective intelligence of our society, our version of the Borg, is really quite different.


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