• 压电晶体发生弯曲时能够产生电流并且已有很多用途——燃气烧烤火器就是其中之一

    Piezoelectric crystals produce an electric current when bent and have many USES - the igniter on a gas barbecue grill being one of them.


  • 一个解决电流泄漏想法晶体管的设计变为维结构

    One idea for dealing with leaks is to change that by moving transistor design into three dimensions.


  • 依靠轻微得改变晶体结构利用电流的改变,当晶体改变时,颜色也会相应改变

    By changing the structure of such a crystal slightly, using an electric charge, the colour of the light reflected by that crystal will change too.


  • 通过单个晶体中的电极多个鳍片进行连接能够使这种驱动电流增强的晶体管获得更高性能

    By connecting one set of electrodes to multiple "fins" in a single transistor, the company can make transistors that operate with a greater drive current-a plus for high-performance operation.


  • 这种混合半导体晶体中,来自半导体管过大电流损坏器件

    And when the mixture is used for semiconducting, as in a transistor, the excess current from the conducting nanotubes will short the device.


  • 改变输入电压能降低屏障增加晶体电流正如加入使化学反应加速一样。

    Changes in the input voltage lower the barrier and increase current flow in transistors, just as adding an enzyme to a chemical reaction speeds it up.


  • 所有电流(所有的集成电路中)实际上局限靠近半导体晶体非常区域内。

    All of the currents (in virtually all integrated circuits) are confined to a very thin region near one face of a semiconductor crystal.


  • 某些晶体材料用作绝缘端子连结,若其施加机械应力就会产生压电电流

    Piezoelectric currents are generated when mechanical stress is applied to certain crystalline materials when used for insulated terminals and interconnecting hardware.


  • 电流通过特定部分液晶溶液造成晶体排列起来阻挡光线的通过。

    Current passed through specific portions of the liquid crystal solution causes the crystals to align, blocking the passage of light.


  • 大功率晶体逆变器——电动机驱动系统中,不但可用电动机电流波形相位幅值频率进行精细控制而且快速地检测出故障电流

    In a drive system of power transistor inverter-motor, not only can it be used in fine control of motor current waveform, phase, amplitude and frequency, but can also be used to sense, fault current.


  • 计算表明临界电流极强地依赖两个晶体相对取向,并某些特殊的相对取向变为零。

    The critical current depends strongly on the relative orientations among the two crystals and the junctions, vanishing in some special relative orientations.


  • 拥有更低峰值电流场效应晶体管漏源极开通电压800伏特谐振设计展示出传导电磁干扰降低优势

    The 800v quasi resonant design with lower current peak and lower drain-source voltage during turning on of the MOSFET demonstrates advantages in conducted EMI spectra regarding the primary side.


  • 电流模拟晶体管特性时极其有用

    Current sources are most useful in modeling the behavior of transistors.


  • 于是只要我们能让晶体发射极电流保持恒定,它就能保持发射极电流为恒定

    Therefore, if we have a way of holding emitter current constant through a transistor, the transistor will work to regulate collector current at a constant value.


  • 芯片判决电路采用SCFL(源级耦合晶体管逻辑)的D触发器结构根据矢量叠加原理设计,采用差动电流放大器构成可调器。

    The decision circuit of the chip is applied with a DFF using SCFL structure and its tuned phase shifter with differential current amplifiers according to the principle of vector addition.


  • 数值分析方法讨论了中性陷阱超薄场效应晶体管(MOSFET隧穿电流影响

    The effect of neutral trap on tunneling current in ultrathin MOSFETs is investigated by numerical analysis.


  • 最大限度地减少相对昂贵组件(控制器接口控制器、电流隔离晶体)可以显著降低系统总体成本

    Minimizing the number of relatively costly components, such as microcontrollers, interface controllers, galvanic isolators, and crystals, can significantly reduce total system cost.


  • 这种结构可以构成横向晶体管,共发射极电流增益2 ~4倍。

    Such MSM structure can also be formed into a transverse phototransistor with its common-emitter current gain from 2 to '4.


  • 将其晶体发射极电流方程结合得到不同偏置晶体热点温度

    And together with the transistor current equations, the hot spots temperature of a transistor under different bias is obtained.


  • 公司科研人员他们晶体半导体管与硅晶体半导体管电流速度一样制造成本得多产生热量也大为减少

    Company scientists say their amorphous transistors are just as fast as silicon crystal transistors. But they cost much less to make. they produce less heat.


  • 电路集成运算放大器多端输出晶体电流构成

    The circuit is constructed by a operational amplifier and bipolar transistor current mirrors with multiple outputs.


  • 晶体材料没有晶体那样纯原子空隙,因而限制电流流动

    This material is not as silicon crystals. It has tiny spaces between the atoms that limit the flow of electrical current.


  • 半导体可以使用其他材料制成,(晶体材料制成的半导体管)成本低、但是通过电流较少

    Transistors can be made with other materials. They are less costly, and produce less heat. But they also permit less electricity to pass through.


  • 利用电子补偿方法,采用运算放大器晶体研制成了高精度变比电流互感器误差补偿装置

    Based on electronic compensation, the error compensation device used in high precision and small ratio current transformers is developed with operational amplifiers and transistors.


  • 描述改善静电感应晶体SIT电流特性方法

    Methods for improving the high current performance of static induction transistor (SIT) are presented.


  • 固化元件固体物料操纵电流电子元件例如晶体。 收藏。

    Solid state component: Electronic components which use solid materials for current manipulation. e. g. Transistors.


  • 长期以来,解决微波功率晶体电流集中问题通用做法使用发射极镇流电阻以及PTC,CTR热敏电阻无源器件

    For a long time, a common and popular method to solve current convergence problem of microwave power transistor is using emitter ballasting resistor, such as PTC, CTR thermistor, passive devices etc.


  • 长期以来,解决微波功率晶体电流集中问题通用做法使用发射极镇流电阻以及PTC,CTR热敏电阻无源器件

    For a long time, a common and popular method to solve current convergence problem of microwave power transistor is using emitter ballasting resistor, such as PTC, CTR thermistor, passive devices etc.


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