• 科学家构想了一种在晶体结构中的铁氧体磁棒阵列通道通道可以通过控制磁场打开关闭

    The scientists envision an array of ferrite rods in a magnetic photonic crystal structure that forms a gateway. The gateway could be opened and closed by controlling the magnetic fields.


  • 科学家构想了一种在晶体结构中的铁氧体磁棒阵列通道,通道可以通过控制磁场打开关闭

    The scientists envision an array of ferrite rods in a magnetic photonic crystal structure that forms a gateway.The gateway could be opened and closed by controlling the magnetic fields.


  • 波导芯片表面可以控制信号多晶硅一种形态许多微小的、不同晶体硅簇在一起

    Waveguides are ridges on the surface of a chip that can direct optical signals; polysilicon is a type of silicon that consists of tiny, distinct crystals of silicon clumped together.


  • 这种控制晶体形状肌肉(睫状肌),长期处于收缩状态

    The focusing muscle (ciliary muscle), which controls the shape of the lens, is thus in a constant state of contraction.


  • 传统晶体使用一个叫做“栅极金属电极控制电子平面基片上沟道中的流动

    Conventional transistors use a metal electrode, called the gate, to control the flow of electrons through a planar channel in the silicon substrate.


  • 他们展示了绿量子点制成的实验量子显示屏,由一个特殊晶体阵列进行供电控制

    They demonstrated an experimental quantum-dot display made of strips of red, green and blue dots on an array of special transistors that powered and controlled them.


  • 扩增控制火石、医疗水晶能量水晶发出各种晶体光束

    It amplified and controlled the various crystal beams sent from the fire, healing and energy crystals.


  • 这个公司已经很长时间控制消费者电子产品领域第一便携式晶体收音机随身听到PlayStation,但是现在已身陷困境

    The company that long dominated the field of consumer electronics, from the first pocket transistor radio to the Walkman and the PlayStation, is in trouble.


  • 磷化材料的特性取决于可否控制晶体结构

    Phosphating products have unique characteristics based upon controlled crystal structures.


  • 缓凝剂二水石膏晶表面吸附,使晶体生长受阻,成为水化控制过程

    The adsorption of retarders on the surface of nuclei newly produced inhibits the crystal growth of dihydrate and accordingly controls the hydration process of gypsum.


  • 晶体完全饱和电路打开关闭然后用于控制个电路的工作,或者信息存储一个电路。

    The transistor, when fully saturated, could turn a circuit on or off, and then could be used to control an electrical circuit or store information in an electrical circuit.


  • 大功率晶体逆变器——电动机驱动系统中,不但可用电动机电流波形相位幅值频率进行精细控制而且快速地检测出故障电流。

    In a drive system of power transistor inverter-motor, not only can it be used in fine control of motor current waveform, phase, amplitude and frequency, but can also be used to sense, fault current.


  • 分析了晶体产生开裂原因采用严格控制生长参数方法予以解决

    The reasons of cleavage in the crystal is analyzed and solved by strict control of growth parameters.


  • 结果表明聚合物对于控制晶体取向生长关键性作用

    The results show that the polymer play a key role in controlling the orientation growth of crystals.


  • 模型计算实验数据比较表明,湍流传质模型扩散传质控制晶体生长过程可靠的。

    The comparison of the calculated values for the model with the experimental data indicated that this model is reliable for diffusion controlled crystal growth.


  • 电子控制单元包括转速传感器控制开关晶体用来断开接通初级电路

    Electronic control unit. Contains a switching transistor controlled by a speed sensor and is used to open and close the primary circuit.


  • 自动直径控制(adc)技术直拉法晶体生长设备一项关键技术。

    Automatic diameter control (ADC) is a key technique for the CZ crystal growth equipment.


  • 均匀作用下二维非稳态晶体生长控制方程进行了分析证明了原定问题的解稳定

    The stability about the solution of the original problem is proved by analyzing a two-dimensional time-dependent control equation for crystal growth in a uniform convection field.


  • 现代LED生产商通过精确控制晶体中的比例,来制造蓝色的光亮。

    Modern LED makers accomplish this by using precise ratios of indium, gallium, aluminum, and nitrogen for the crystal layer, which results in a bluish color.


  • 声光晶体行波场驱动,声场频率系统反馈讯号控制

    The frequency of the sound wave is controlled by the feedback signal of the system.


  • 论文提出了一个远距离传输标准时间信号参考锁定本地晶体振荡器的锁相控制系统实现方案

    In this paper, a solution of a control system, which USES the standard time signal as the system reference to lock the local VCXO, is proposed.


  • 研究了岩盐卤水添加剂烷基磺酰存在下氯化钠晶体快速生长控制机理

    The fast growth controlling mechanism of NaCl macrocrystals in rock sa lt brine added with alkyl sulfonyl chloride is studied.


  • 玻璃基础玻璃控制行为制成晶体玻璃均匀分布的一新型无机非金属材料

    Glass-ceramics material which is composed of uniform distribution glass phase and minicrystal phase, can be prepared by the parent glass via controlling the behavior of crystallization.


  • 由于光子晶体能够控制在其中传播,所以应用已经成为光电子领域研究热点

    Because photonic crystal can control the flow of photons, its applications has become the research focus of optoelectronics.


  • 本文论述晶体生长控制中使用称重法的基本原理

    This paper presents the basic principles of control techniques of crystal growth.


  • 晶体分布参数S介于10 -7 ~ 10 -3间,显示岩浆晶体基本上自由浮动晶体运动受流体的运动控制

    The crystals distribution parameter s values range from 10 ~ (-3) to 10 ~ (-7), indicating that the crystals were floating in magma and controlled by the movement of liquid.


  • 本文提出空穴注入控制型横向绝缘栅双极晶体管(CILIGBT),有效控制高压下阳极区空穴注入,提高器件的抗闩性能

    Controlled hole injection LIGBT (CI LIGBT) is proposed in the paper, which can effectively control the hole injection with high anode voltage, and its latch up free characteristics can be improved.


  • 它使用压电晶体人体动转换为电压,用此信号控制起搏频率的变化。

    The model uses piezocrystal as a sensor to transfer the body mo-ving into electric signal and to control the rate.


  • 光子晶体十几年来倍受世人关注一个新兴研究领域,光子带晶体使人们可以有效地控制操纵光子。

    Photonic crystals is a new study field which is strongly attended in the recent tens 'years. Using photonic band gap crystals the photon can be controlled and manipulated effectively.


  • 研究了四钼铵(AQM )晶体生长速率反应历程控制步骤

    The rate of crystal growth, reaction mechanism and control step of AQM were studied.


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