• 建议晴朗天气里每隔两个小时涂抹防晒霜

    It is suggested that sunscreen be applied every one to two hours in a sunny day.


  • 拂晓时晴空万预示温暖晴朗天气

    The day dawned bright and clear, with the promise of warm, sunny weather.


  • 例如晴朗天气里气压通常很高空气静止的,而且经常含有灰尘

    For example, in fair weather, the air pressure is generally high, the air is still, and often full of dust.


  • 几个月天气通常温暖晴朗的,所以记得一些防晒用品,尤其炎热日子

    The weather is usually warm and sunny during these months so remember to bring some sun protection, especially on hot days.


  • 接下来几天,结古镇天气以大风晴朗为主,开展救援提供了有利条件

    The town would see strong winds and sunny weather in the coming days, providing favorable conditions for rescue operation.


  • 层雾似乎使月光悬浮起来,让那层雾晴朗天气里显得具有弥漫性

    It seemed to hold the moonlight in suspension, rendering it more pervasive than in clear air.


  • 需要专业的照片多云天气无云的晴朗天气适合拍照因为云彩可以使太阳光线变得很柔和。

    You don't need it to capture a great photo. Cloudy days are better for photos than bright sunny days because the clouds diffuse the sun's light.


  • 多云天气无云的晴朗天气适合拍照因为云彩可以使太阳光线变得很柔和。

    Cloudy days are better for photos than bright sunny days because the clouds diffuse the sun's light.


  • 热带气旋集结本港东南700至1000,本港天气通常晴朗酷热黄昏时却可能有局部地区性雷暴。

    When a tropical cyclone is about 700 to 1 000 kilometres south-east of Hong Kong, the weather is usually fine and exceptionally hot, but isolated thunderstorms sometimes occur in the evenings.


  • 一位工程师FM信号旁边又增加AM频道,在晴朗天气欧洲那么地方可以听到他们的广播。

    An engineer added an AM channel alongside the FM signal so that the station can be heard, on clear days, in places as far away as Europe.


  • 实际上也好错也罢(借用巧舌如簧辩论家的话),夏季天气晴朗日子安琪尔与其说在大小教堂听人讲道,不如说是在大自然接受教训。

    Angel, in fact, rightly or wrongly (to adopt the safe phrase of evasive controversialists), preferred sermons in stones to sermons in churches and chapels on fine summer days.


  • 接下来几天,结古镇天气以大风晴朗为主,这开展救援提供了有利条件

    Thee town would see strong winds and sunny weather in the coming days, providing favorable conditions for rescue operation.


  • 天气晴朗日子可以看见路牌或者6远处第一山丘最后一座山丘顶端的阳光余辉。

    On a clear winter day you can see the stop sign or tail lights at the top of the last hill from the top of the first hill 6 miles away.


  • ,马虎约了五个朋友一起昆山游玩。那天天空晴朗,万无云。正是爬山的好天气

    One day, Ma Hu and his five friends went to the Kun Shan Mountain for traveling. The sky was clear and they started to climb.


  • 天气晴朗楼梯角也感觉到阳光温暖

    The weather was very clear, even the stairs inside the hidden corners can feel the warmth of the sun.


  • 副热带高压影响,上海昨天天气良好天空晴朗微风习习,湿度在45%,能见度在12到15公

    With the strong subtropical high pressure continuing, Shanghai had good weather yesterday, the last day of the World Expo, with sunny skies and gentle breezes, humidity around 45 percent.


  • 森林很多动物今天天气晴朗,小动物举行运动会。

    There are many animals in the forest. Today is a fine day. Animals are having a sport meeting.


  • 二楼楼梯可以直接通向建筑屋顶,天气晴朗的时候,可以看到东南方向43威尼斯

    A second staircase leads to the flat-roof from where, during clear days, it is possible to glimpse Venice, 43 kilometers South-East.


  • 今天早上,天气晴朗,阳光明媚,碧空乌云

    The weather this morning is sunny with bright sunshine and a cloudless blue sky.


  • 喜欢晴朗天气里一起朋友出去野餐风筝。

    On sunny days I like to go out to the park with my best friends for a picnic and some kite flying.


  • 白昼变得异常短暂,晴朗天气里可以看见黄昏慢慢拉长影子,下午5点便是黑夜。

    Days are getting unexpectably short. In sunny days you can see twilight secrectly stretching the shadows. Darkness falls at 5:00 pm.


  • 一个晴朗天气里,有一对七十余的老夫妇走进律师事物

    One fine day, an old couple around the age of 70, walks into a lawyer's office.


  • 天气晴朗海上一片宁静晴空万阳光温暖明媚

    The sea was calm and quiet, the sky blue and clear, and the sun warm and bright.


  • 公园指数适宜天气晴朗选择合适地点还是较适宜放风筝的。

    The park index comparatively is suitable the weather sunny, Wan Liwu cloud, but the wind is slightly small, chooses where convenient, or comparatively is suitable flies the kite.


  • 哈维祝贺杰弗最好合作伙伴一起从医就跟晴朗天气里高尔夫球一样开心

    Harvey: To Jeffrey, the best partner I ever had-practicing medicine with you is almost as much fun as playing golf on a good day.


  • 台阶目前北京最长、质量最好登山台阶,天气晴朗日子人们在这举行健身活动登山比赛,一展活力,别有情趣。

    These are known the longest and best mountain-climbing stone steps in Beijing. In sunny days, it is really fun for people to do fitness or hold climbing race here.


  • 九月一天天气凉爽晴朗正是赛跑的好日子。参加项10.5越野赛跑,才最初;整个赛程要穿越若干陡峭耗体力山坡

    It was an early September day, cool and bright and just right for running, and I was in the first few miles of a 10-mile race over a course through steep, exhausting hills.


  • 九月一天天气凉爽晴朗正是赛跑的好日子。参加项10.5越野赛跑,才最初;整个赛程要穿越若干陡峭耗体力山坡

    It was an early September day, cool and bright and just right for running, and I was in the first few miles of a 10-mile race over a course through steep, exhausting hills.


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