• 我们考虑,也需要考虑这些

    We need to consider these, too, when we think of the vision.


  • 沉迷于产品如何实现,会忘记现实

    You can't be married to your vision of how a product is going to work out, such that you forget about current reality.


  • 当年我们拥有一个梦想苹果公司一起设立了

    When we had a dream and when we built our vision with apple.


  • 思考未来景时这些来自各个行业的专家都传达大量令人沮丧的事实预测

    In pondering scenarios for the coming years, these various specialists have produced a flood of gloomy details and prognoses.


  • 山峰岩壁植被覆盖重仙阁掩映绿树之中,标识,观需要细心寻找

    The mountains and cliffs are covered by plants, and the Nine Immortal Houses are covered in the green trees. There is a sign board, and you need to look carefully when appreciating the scene.


  • 可是试图语言来再现这一场景时却支离上千个抵触印象有些有些得加强

    But when you attempt to reconstruct it in words, you will find that it breaks into a thousand conflicting impressions. Some must be subdued; others emphasized;


  • 话题谈到2008年销量愿景时经销商普遍信贷市场表示担心,警告次贷市场可能外溢损害需求

    When conversation turned to prospects for 2008, however, the salesmen voiced concern about credit markets and warned that problems in the subprime market could spill over and hurt demand.


  • 所以,在我们需要真实全面直观表现,具备进去功能的360漫游技术无疑最好选择。

    Therefore, we need real, comprehensive, intuitive performance of a scence, to go into the function with a 360-degree panorama rendering technique is undoubtedly the best choice.


  • 我们未来有了清晰,我们就可以更加容易地专注于每一项重要的任务不是回复份邮件语音信箱。

    When we have a clear vision of what we want the future to look like, it's a lot easier to stay on task and not get caught up in answering the next email or voicemail.


  • 展示那些“小把戏还会拿自己残疾开玩笑。当周围开始逐渐开发定义自己的人生愿景时,尼克独特的幽默感、毅力信念鼓舞他们

    He meets challenges with his special blend of humor, perseverance and faith always encouraging those around him to examine their perspective as they develop and define their vision .


  • 就是见证这家公司未来之一原型设备:产品创意包括在线完成我们所有计算要求以及随地浏览满足我们突发奇想所需的资讯

    It's a prototype device that exemplifies one of the company's visions for the future: the idea that we can do nearly all our computing online, accessing information anywhere on a whim.


  • 聆听伴侣诉说心声可以学会承认自己焦虑,使自己冷静下来,不会迷失自己本来美好的

    When listening to your partner's reality, you can learn to tolerate your own anxiety, calm yourself, and not lose sight of what is true from your perspective.


  • 乔布斯1996重回苹果公司提出个人技术之间互动已经有了10经验后盾

    By the time Jobs returned to Apple in 1996, his personal vision of how individuals could interact with technology was backed by 10 years of experience.


  • 而且库特兹并非驻足岸边赏在划着单人小艇穿越激流石滩,于湍急白浪间见到一切的。

    And he was seeing them not from dry land but from the midst of churning whitewater, as he paddled his kayak through the rapids and the rocks.


  • 54岁瑞典摄影家汉斯·斯特兰德只“渴望成名”的北极熊出来兴奋的游客摆姿势抢拍下了这一()。

    During a cruise through Svalbard in the Arctic, 54-year-old Swedish photographer Hans Strand snapped the fame-hungry bear as he came out to pose for the excited crowd (see photo).


  • 存在一个民族性目标人们便自我的狭隘中走向更宽广的愿转而去关心他人

    Whenever there is a national target, individuals shift from self-centeredness to focusing on the larger goal and on others, ” said Okasha.


  • 成功始于共同的无论是企业CEO、生产经理,还是部门主管他们员工解释为什么全新道路带来成功,都必须认同这个共同的愿

    Success must begin with a vision that CEOs, plant managers, and department heads across the company can share as they explain to their staff why the new way will be successful.


  • 有人黄昏遇见那些荒凉空地里,最深密树丛里,好象什么似的,地上挖

    He was encountered towards evening in the most deserted clearings, in the wildest thickets; and he had the appearance of being in search of something, and sometimes he was digging holes.


  • 如果这样反馈越来越多并且符合原则不妨认真考虑一下。

    If that same piece of feedback keeps coming up AND it fits within the guidelines of your vision, then you should consider it more seriously.


  • 确认一个所有特性完成这个可以发布了。

    When the stakeholders confirm that all the feature sets for a vision are completed, the vision is ready for release.


  • 设计他们未来终极建立起未来的摩天大楼,大师们习惯性关注当前的事情。

    Pros habitually focus on the present while creating their ultimate vision for, and landscape of, the future.


  • 实际剧场中,可以看到幕布一幕开始被拉开,在结束被合上,工可以剧本的下一幕改变

    In a live theatre, you can see the curtain going up at the beginning of each act and down at the end, which allows the stage hands to change the scenery for the upcoming stage of the play.


  • 国王型创始人不仅很难他人分享公司的控制权而且现实与其不一致他们表现固执己见

    King founders find it difficult to share control and can be very stubborn when facts on the ground challenge their vision.


  • 国王型创始人不仅很难他人分享公司的控制权而且现实与其不一致他们表现固执己见

    King founders find it difficult to share control and can be very stubborn when facts on the ground challenge their vision.


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