• 南安普顿大学可持续能源研究小组设计新型涡轮叶片选址方面进展良好

    Work on designs for the new turbine blades and sites are well advanced at the University of Southampton's sustainable energy research group.


  • 而旁边南安普顿大学的校区正在地基

    Nearby foundations are being dug for Southampton University.


  • 比方说,南汉普顿大学将会提供建筑学文凭

    The University of Southampton, for instance, will only offer degrees in engineering.


  • 这项研究格拉斯哥大学南安普顿大学共同完成。

    The study was carried out by Glasgow and Southampton universities.


  • 英国南安普顿大学科学家们正对这些废品进行观测

    At the University of Southampton, scientists are watching this waste.


  • 大学经济学管理艾滋病社会研究小组

    She directs the AIDS and Society Research Unit at the University of Cape Town School of Economics.


  • 南安普顿大学研究生院多数课程需要雅思6.5或者同等成绩。

    For most of our postgraduate courses, you will require a score of 6.5 IELTS or equivalent.


  • 赵劲松英国南安普顿大学博士上海交通大学凯原法学院教授

    Prof. Zhao Jinsong, KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, PhD in Maritime Collision and Liability, University of Southampton, British.


  • 就任亚利桑那州立大学教授之职任教于新安普顿大学夏威夷大学

    He taught at the University of New Hampshire and University of Hawaii before taking the endowed professorship at the Arizona State University.


  • 英国罗汉普顿大学研究人员将近1100名男女健康状况睡眠习惯进行了调查。

    Roehampton University researchers quizzed almost 1, 100 men and women about their health and sleeping habits.


  • 根据南安普顿大学研究者认为,这种结合热和技术削减能源消费排放关键

    Combined heat and power technology could be key to cutting energy consumption and carbon emissions, according to researchers from Southampton University.


  • 随后罗汉普顿大学研究剧场表演,并获得皇家霍洛威大学戏剧导演专业的硕士学位。

    G. Dip. in Drama in Education. Then he studied Theatre and Performance Studies in Roehampton University.


  • 来自英国拥有南安普顿大学英语荣誉学位长期居住中国丰富英语培训职场社交英语经验。

    From the UK, have an honours degree in English from Southampton University, lived in Nanjing for 3 years. A qualified teacher of English as a foreigh language.


  • 南安普顿大学研究者发现耳朵对于每个来说都独一无二个地方,有点和每个人的指纹都是特定独一的类似。

    Researchers at the University of Southampton have found that ears have one-of-a-kind features unique to each person, much the way that fingerprints are unique to an individual.


  • 最近佛吉尼亚普顿大学开学典礼上巴马表达了这样的观点,今天网络信息环境侵袭我们全身”。

    During a recent commencement address at Hampton University in Virginia, Barack Obama described the way today's internet-powered media environment "bombards us with all kinds of content."


  • 英国南安普顿大学可再生能源研究小组成员Luke Blunden对这种方式的潮汐发电前途抱有相当乐观的态度。

    Luke Blunden, a researcher at the Sustainable Energy research Group at the UK's University of Southampton, is optimistic about tidal power's prospects.


  • 根据项目带头人之一来自南安大学尼克·詹宁斯的意思,下一步工作将进一步检验人类代理之间互动。

    The next step, according to Nick Jennings of the University of Southampton, who is one of the project's leaders, is to examine more closely the interaction between people and agents.


  • 美国维吉尼亚州普顿大学詹姆斯·拉塞尔没有参与这次研究增加紫外光可能会分解高层大气中的分子

    Increased UV light may break down water molecules in the upper atmosphere, reducing cloud formation, says James Russell of Hampton University in Virginia, who was not involved in the study.


  • 这项新西兰奥塔哥大学坎特伯雷大学以及南安普顿大学进行研究,发表在《澳大利亚和新西兰公共卫生杂志》上。

    The study, carried out with the Universities of Otago and Canterbury in New Zealand and the University of Southampton, was published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health.


  • 的的确确海床中自然溢出原油泄漏运输过程中产生原油要多得多来自南安普顿大学SimonBoxall到。

    Indeed, much more oil seeps from the sea bed around the world naturally than from spills and shipping, says Simon Boxall from the University of Southampton.


  • 按照英国·普顿大学说法,只猫咕噜可以和“割草机,一个电吹风甚至一英里之外准备降落波音747飞机”发出的声音相比。

    According to Northampton College in England, the cat's purr compares to "a lawn mower, hair dryer and even Boeing 747 coming in to land from a mile away."


  • 真正要关切质疑,”詹姆斯·拉塞尔。 他是大学大气科学家,也是美国航天局正在进行中的卫星飞行任务研究云团首席研究员

    That’s a real concern and question, ” said James Russell, an atmospheric scientist at Hampton University and the principal investigator of an ongoing NASA satellite mission to study the clouds.


  • 南安普顿大学研究人员对8000多名志愿者进行了长达20跟踪调查。 结果发现,30岁之前一直以素食为主的调查对象在10岁时的智商平均高出五分。

    The researchers, from the University of Southampton, tracked the fortunes of more than 8, 000 volunteers for 20 years.


  • 从前担任警员,为伍尔弗汉大学人群秩序控制方面专家彼得•沃丁(Peter Waddington)马丁塑料子弹警察为防暴子弹)持怀疑态度。

    Both he and Peter Waddington, a former policeman and now an authority on crowd control at Wolverhampton University, are sceptical about plastic bullets (or baton rounds as the police call them).


  • 来自德拉大学一体化电力研究中心的主任威利•普顿认为,解决方法近海风电场串联一起。

    The answer might be to connect a chain of offshore wind farms. That’s according to Willett Kempton, director of the Center for Carbon-Free Power Integration at the University of Delaware.


  • 来自德拉大学一体化电力研究中心的主任威利•普顿认为,解决方法近海风电场串联一起。

    The answer might be to connect a chain of offshore wind farms. That’s according to Willett Kempton, director of the Center for Carbon-Free Power Integration at the University of Delaware.


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