• 平和——不要被琐事或者那些普遍难以避免事故所困扰。

    Tranquility - be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.


  • 白俄罗斯一些科学家声称他们已经监测到事故发生以来先天畸形案例增加舆论普遍认为由于报道力度加强所导致的。

    Some scientists in Belarus claim to have detected a rise in birth defects since the accident, although the general consensus is that this is an artifact of better reporting.


  • 另外飞行事故大都发生机场装备水平飞行员素质普遍地方,像苏联,非洲等。

    Moreover accidents are more likely in the countries of the former Soviet Union and Africa where maintenance standards and pilot quality may be lower than in most places.


  • 这份报告包含盟军事故报告普遍存在的信息

    The report included the information that now is common to incident reports in which Western forces fire.


  • 溺水事故几乎所有国家普遍存在的问题,具体情况有所不同。

    A: Drowning is prevalent in almost all countries, but under different circumstances.


  • 得克萨斯事故风波批评公司领导层作风官僚很少倾听各方声音”,当时得到了公司基层员工普遍支持

    He won widespread support in the company's lower ranks in the wake of the Texas City disaster when he criticised BP for "a leadership style that is too directive and doesn't listen sufficiently well".


  • 调查发现高校大学生体育活动中仍有伤害事故发生普遍

    The survey shows that injury accidents take place now and then, so are quite common when college students take part in sports activities.


  • 致命道路事故巴基斯坦普遍的,公众运输驾驶员通常是训练不足并且时间工作

    Fatal road accidents are common in Pakistan, where public transport drivers are often poorly trained and work long hours.


  • 研究人员研究了月相,因为业内普遍认为满月增加事故数量急诊量

    The researchers also looked at the phases of the moon because it's widely believed that a full moon can increase the number of accidents and emergency room visits.


  • 大客车碰撞安全性问题是近几年来人们普遍关注的问题,而客车的翻滚碰撞事故伤亡率较高的一种情况

    Collision safety of bus has been paid much attention in recent years, roll-over collision is one of the highest casualty ratio condition in traffic accidents.


  • 断路器跳合闸线圈烧毁事故变电站综合自动化系统运行普遍的现象。

    Circuit breaker tripping coil burning is a relatively frequent accident for the operation of substation comprehensive automation system.


  • 阀门油库普遍使用设备之一同时又是油库事故多发部位

    Valve is one of the commonly used facilities but accident - frequently - occurring parts in oil depot.


  • 统计船舶碰撞事故50%以上航情况下发生因此如何提高安全航海普遍关心的问题。

    According to statistics, 50 % of all collision accidents are taken place in fog. Therefore, how to improve the navigation safety in fog has attracted the common concerning of navigation circle.


  • 原则适用一般曲折槽式保险机构设计,对于引信瞎火事故分析具有普遍指导意义

    It is suitable in the design of general fuze zig-zag devices and has a guiding significance when analysing accidents caused by misfiring of fuzes.


  • 农民工普遍从事建筑矿山化工高风险作业事故职业病发生率均较高

    Generally migrant workers engage in construction, mining, chemical and other types of hard, dirty, tired of high-risk operations, have a higher incidence of accidents and occupational diseases.


  • 目前发生在山西一场极其严重事故引起普遍关注

    Currently, there is a widespread concern that an extremely serious mine accident occurred in Shanxi province.


  • 另一个公众普遍关注劳动条件方面的问题事故工伤发生的频率

    Another public aspect of working conditions is the frequency of industrial accidents and work-related injuries.


  • 大量调研资料证明,越级跳闸事故(以下简称越跳)我国煤矿高压供电系统目前普遍存在严重问题

    Based on investigation of large amount of data, it is found that currently inadequate tripping failure of high tension power supply is a serious problem that exists universally in Chinese coal mine.


  • 医疗事故引发医疗纠纷赔偿问题,严重地困扰医院医务人员,也越来越受到社会普遍关注

    At present, the issue of compensation in a medical accident, which is bothering both the hospital and its staff now, received more and more social attention.


  • 目前给水管网普遍存在供水压力不均管网漏损量大事故频繁、供水水质达标题目

    At present, widespread network of pipes to the uneven water pressure, large pipeline leakage, burst pipes have been frequent incidents, water quality standards are not issues, and so on.


  • 生产过程通过采用适当的技术辨识这些危化品危险并且事故发生消除危害各界人士普遍关心事情

    In the process of production, through using appropriate technology, to identify the risk of dope, and to eliminate its harm before the accident, people are generally concerned about the problem.


  • 另一位检查员鲍勃·约翰斯顿称道,目前个人安装操作事例越来越普遍,此事故正是一个人操作的后果

    Another inspector, Bob Johnston, says the accident shows the consequences of a growing practice of single-man installation.


  • 对于2011年福岛核事故来讲,外界普遍预计现场员工癌率将提高1%,并且周围居民患癌率也将略有增加

    For the Fukushima disaster of 2011, the consensus estimate is a 1% increase in cancer for employees who worked at the site and an undetectable increase for the plant's neighbors.


  • 分析了安全普遍复杂性模糊性以及安全事故的可转化性;

    The universality, complexity and fuzziness of safety as well as the transferability between safety and accident are analyzed.


  • 因此采取有效的检测手段对桩基进行检测,避免工程事故的发生,当今工程界普遍关注的问题。

    So it is important to detect the pile's quality with effective means to avoid engineering accident.


  • 论述我国大型汽轮发电机近年来发生的性质严重影响较大一定程度上带有普遍运行故障事故

    This paper discusses some sever, influential and to a certain extents universality operational failures and faults on large turbo-generators.


  • 然而现行海事信息系统事故判定功能普遍弱,而且专门针对海事事故进行判定的系统之又少。

    However, it is weak for the judgment system of the existing maritime information systems, and there are few specific judgment systems for maritime accidents.


  • 指出了个体私营汽车加油站普遍存在着的安全事故隐患,同时也加强个体私营加油站的安全管理保障个体私营加油站的安全运营提出了若干建议

    Some hidden troubles largely existing in private automobile gasoline filling station are points out, and some advice to enhance safety management and ensure safe working is suggested.


  • 如何减少事故发生起数、减轻事故严重程度,成为人们普遍关注的问题之一。

    How to decrease traffic crashes and lessen their severity levels has attracted more and more attention.


  • 如何减少事故发生起数、减轻事故严重程度,成为人们普遍关注的问题之一。

    How to decrease traffic crashes and lessen their severity levels has attracted more and more attention.


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