• 真实解释就是黑暗能量”,普迪

    "The most plausible explanation is dark energy," Szapudi said.


  • 普迪斯塔那场比赛中替补登场,这也是首次埃米尔露面

    Julio Baptista came on as a late substitute in that game to make his first appearance at Emirates Stadium following his loan switch from Real Madrid.


  • 温格透露希望不久之后决定朱利奥-巴普迪未来现在皇马租借而来。

    Wenger also revealed he hoped to soon have a decision on the future of forward Julio Baptista, who is currently on-loan from Real Madrid.


  • 该科研组充分分析美国一家宠物食品公司(普迪纳)所进行为期15年试验结果之后,他们得了上述的肯定答案.

    They have come to that conclusion by drawing on data from a 15-year experiment conducted by Purina, an American dog-food company.


  • 渡船行驶于黑文和之间。

    The ferry sails from Newhaven to Dieppe.


  • 说:“汤森夫人,今天你身上的味道就像我妈妈过去的味道。”

    Teddy said, "Mrs. Thompson, today you smell just like my Mom used to."


  • 来,汤森夫人才知道,泰在他母亲去世之前其实是个非常好的孩子。

    Then Mrs. Thompson got to know that Teddy was actually a very good boy before the death of his mother.


  • 清晨宁静使·机会拍摄这种罕见的

    The early morning tranquillity provided Dileep Kumar with the opportunity to photograph this rare spotted eagle.


  • 参议员汤姆·达施勒宣布了这个一致意见支持克·哈特没有支持,希望一旦机会重新审阅这个预算,回心转意。

    Senator Tom Daschle also announced his support for the agreement; Dick Gephardt did not, but I was hoping he would come around once he had a chance to review it.


  • 仪式过后密苏里州克·哈特一起进行竞选宣传

    After the ceremony I flew to Missouri to campaign with Dick Gephardt.


  • 然而加特纳分析师布莱恩·写道个人升级开源内核解决方案付费版本开源软件一切的好处消失了

    However, Gartner analyst Brian Prentice writes that most of the advantages of open source software is lost when one upgrades to a paid edition of an open core solution.


  • 理论上喜欢这个主意实际上怀疑团队的能力,刚刚离开威士公司的汤很难适应硅谷天马行空、热爱试验文化

    Thompson loved the idea in theory but was skeptical that Bedier's team could pull it off. Thompson, who had recently left Visa, was hardly used to Silicon Valley's freewheeling, experimental culture.


  • 虽然仅仅玩笑话,蒂萨勒维奇解释关系非常好而且他十分敬重克的王者气质

    It was all in jest, though, as Tipsarevic explained that the two players are friendly and he has great respect for Roddick’s champion qualities.


  • 这部刻画了两个令人毛骨悚然的角色男孩

    This show features two very creepy characters, namely, chip the Black Boy and Teddy Eddie.


  • 这部刻画了两个令人毛骨悚然的角色男孩·

    This show features two very creepy characters, namely, chip the Black Boy and Teddy Eddie.


  • 出席会议加勒比海领导人中的位- - -巴巴多斯岛的大卫·伯利兹城的安鲍最近选举担任公职

    Two of the Caribbean leaders who took part in the meeting were recently elected to office, David Thompson of Barbados, and Dean Barrow of Belize.


  • 然而赛季开始之际,雷德·特纳用了上赛季的首发搭档杰梅恩·彼特·克劳奇,中介在第67分钟时候基恩替补上声。

    But when push came to shove, Redknapp struck with Jermain Defoe and Peter Crouch, his first-choice partnership from last season, and only introduced Keane as a 67 th minute substitute.


  • 夫人早在去年注意上了特,她注意到,特太合群,衣服脏又乱,身上还散发着味道(明显因为不经常洗澡)。还有,特有时使感到不舒服。

    Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed that he did not play well with the other children, that his clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath.


  • 他们尽力了,汤姆·达施勒克。格哈特已经尽力了,反对力量太强大了。

    They had tried, as had Tom Daschle and Dick Gephardt, but the opposition was too strong.


  • 邓宁斯又购置了地产,大约一英里距离外的一处废弃的乔治王朝时期地产——毕晓楼,杰克逊拜访了讨论翻修事宜。

    When the Dunnings bought a further property, Bishopstown House, a derelict Georgian estate a mile or so away, Jackson visited it and discussed the renovations with Paddy.


  • 青年林军将军埃斯梅退到热纳客舍门口把佩剑交给一个杀人不眨眼的骑兵,骑兵却杀那俘虏。

    Duhesme, the general of the Young Guard, hemmed in at the doorway of an inn at Genappe, surrendered his sword to a huzzar of death, who took the sword and slew the prisoner.


  • 如果上帝真的存在的话也是真地存心对付地人民”,居住在海底的新闻记者伽.巴亚在《泰晤士报》上写道

    If God exists, he’s really got it in for Haiti, ” Pooja Bhatia, a journalist who lives in Haiti, wrote in the Times.


  • 引起争议琼斯牧师的助手密西根州的尔朋受欢迎

    The message of controversial Pastor Terry Jones, and his associate Wayne Sapp, was not welcome in the town of Dearborn, Michigan.


  • 从一屋子可以走进地下另一怪异的屋子,里面挤满了重金属特、埃莫斯、都海兹等。

    Each room leads further down under ground to yet more strange rooms filled with death metal fans, Goths, emos, dopeheads and trendies.


  • 当时贝宝首席技术官斯科特·开始商业服务技术公司的总裁耶及其团队进行会谈。

    Scott Thompson, then PayPal's CTO, started meeting with Osama Bedier, vice President of merchant services technology, and his team.


  • 尤其咄咄逼人广告消费者产生攻击方靠不住且不顾一切地争夺买卖印象广告咨询专家·凯洛如是说。

    Particularly aggressive advertisements give the consumer the impression that the attacker is insecure and desperate for business, says Cindy Gallop, an advertising consultant.


  • 尤其咄咄逼人广告消费者产生攻击方靠不住且不顾一切地争夺买卖印象广告咨询专家·凯洛如是说。

    Particularly aggressive advertisements give the consumer the impression that the attacker is insecure and desperate for business, says Cindy Gallop, an advertising consultant.


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