• 从一屋子可以走进地下另一怪异的屋子,里面挤满了重金属特、埃莫斯、都普海兰迪等。

    Each room leads further down under ground to yet more strange rooms filled with death metal fans, Goths, emos, dopeheads and trendies.


  • 们问怎样才能去蓝洞,一个在卡里岛的著名洞。

    They asked how they could go to the Blue Grotto, a well-known sea cave in Capri.


  • 出席会议加勒比领导人中的位- - -巴巴多斯岛的大卫·伯利兹城的迪安鲍最近选举担任公职

    Two of the Caribbean leaders who took part in the meeting were recently elected to office, David Thompson of Barbados, and Dean Barrow of Belize.


  • 一封1937年电报发信人已经模糊不清了:史蒂夫霍华德·众多笔名中的一个这位低调的商人迷恋着女士

    The sender of this 1937 telegram is unclear: Stephen was one of many pseudonyms used by Howard Hughes, the reclusive businessman who courted Ms. Hepburn.


  • 纽约州顿布鲁克国家实验室相对重离子对撞机创建的反物质粒子

    The antimatter particle was created at the Relativistic Heavy ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, n.y..


  • 纽约市立图书馆比利·罗斯电影陈列柜可以找到许多当年凯瑟琳那·的影迷们发给电报

    At the Billy Rose Theater Division of the New York Public Library, would-be Cyranos can peruse notes and telegrams Katharine Hepburn received from her many admirers.


  • 致力于研究这种蜗牛斯科·利斯研究所的生物学家们,正在探究生物光的特性怎样应用于光学生物工程学领域。

    The Scripps Marine biologists who studied the snail are now investigating how its luminescent properties could be applied to the fields of optics or bioengineering.


  • 出生于法属加勒比瓜德罗图拉姆表示,这个展览说明了种族主义思想一直持续至今“对和我们不同的人的恐惧”产生的背景

    Thuram, who was born on the French Caribbean island Guadaloupe, said the exhibition explained the background of racist ideas and "fear of the 'other'" which persisted today.


  • 名列第二家族由于该家族的深圳制药公司五月份在深圳榜上有名

    Number two on the list is li li and family thanks to their company Shenzhen Hepalink Pharmaceutical co which listed in Shenzhen in May.


  • 这部改编自刘易斯·卡洛尔经典童话故事蒂姆·波顿导演影片中,主演瑟薇分别饰演帽子先生和白色皇后

    Depp plays the Mad Hatter and Hathaway is the White Queen in director Tim Burton's movie, inspired by the classic Lewis Carroll tale.


  • 深圳成功登场高盛创造巨大的利润,至少体现纸面上。

    Shenzhen Hepalink’s successful debut on the stock exchange has also created a huge profit — at least on paper — for Goldman Sachs.


  • 最近巴塞罗那对阵利特杜克队的比赛一个巨大的文化差异的体现。

    The recent Barcelona versus Hadjuk Split game was a great cultural clash.


  • 这项经济学家·考里所做调查主要基于英国家庭专门调查”1万2千男性女性

    The research, by the economist Helene Couprie, is based on a sample of more than 12, 000 men and women in the British Household Panel Survey.


  • 这里显示勒拿河三角洲,是美国地球资源卫星7号2000年拍摄的彩色图片覆盖了捷夫Laptev Sea)超过一万一千平方英里的区域。

    The Lena’s delta, shown here in a false-color image taken by the Landsat 7 satellite in 2000, covers more than 11,000 square miles on the Laptev Sea.


  • 刚刚守护在一个死者的床边,”丝特·白兰回答说,“是温斯洛总督床边,袍子的尺寸,现在我正往家里。”

    "I have been watching at a death-bed," answered Hester Prynne - "at Governor Winthrop's death-bed, and have taken his measure for a robe, and am now going homeward to my dwelling."


  • 根据同事细胞》(Cell)期刊上发表的报告,因为与Medivation辉瑞制药实验性阿斯症治疗药物Dimebon 成份相似这种化合物有可能提供更多改善该药药效方法

    The compound is similar to Medivation Inc and Pfizer Inc's experimental Alzheimer's drug, Dimebon, and may provide ways to improve its effects, Pieper and colleagues reported in the journal Cell.


  • 小说背景苏联接管波罗诸国的1939-40年间,而今年又是《莫洛托夫-里宾特洛条约》(即《苏德互不侵犯条约》)签订70周年纪念,因此这本小说是火热。

    It is mainly set during the Soviet takeover of the Baltics in 1939-40, so this year's anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact makes it highly topical.


  • 工艺不能达到埃克塞特所以·瑟姆上执行伯爵夫人继任者受益代表功能

    Sea craft could no longer reach Exeter, so Topsham performed this function on its behalf with the Countess and her successors benefiting.


  • 南安团队认为阿尔默病中,免疫系统超越作为保护人体作用开始造成损害,就如其在自身免疫性疾病中起的作用一样

    The Southampton team believes that in Alzheimer's, the immune system goes beyond its role as protector of the body and starts causing damage, like it does in an autoimmune disease.


  • 格洛起先林中,在马人们对此不满之后格把搬到了霍格莫徳附近山洞

    Grawp lived in the Forbidden Forest at first and then, after the centaurs got upset, Hagrid moved him to a cave near Hogsmeade.


  • 尽管塔拉里斯”设计初衷是为了获取X大奖,然而爵实验室空间系统部主任西马斯。拓称,“塔拉里斯”可以用来探索行星火星,也有可能是其他的小行星

    Although Talaris is designed to try to win the X Prize, it could also be used to explore planets like Mars—and possibly asteroids too, according to Seamus Tuohy, Draper's director of space systems.


  • 布鲁克实验室跨学科能源研究科学中心,位于纽约州的阿

    The New Interdisciplinary Science Building for Energy Research at Brookhaven Lab, in Upton, New York.


  • 安东尼·戴维斯、考辛斯尼古拉·约基奇以及克里·斯塔斯·波尔津吉斯组成大个子队;托马斯、戈登·沃德、约翰·沃尔以及德文·布克代表后卫们参赛。

    Anthony Davis, Cousins, Nikola Jokic and Kristaps Porzingis will represent the bigs while Thomas, Gordon Hayward, John Wall and Devin Booker will hold it down for the guards.


  • 哈利赫敏一起禁林中格洛(604- 618)。

    It is Harry and Hermione together who accompany Hagrid to the Forest to meet Grawp (604-618).


  • 企业真诚恭候广大国内外客户前来考察指导

    Hepburn enterprises more sincerely waiting for the general domestic and foreign clients to come to visit and guidance.


  • 布利入口处屹立着阿森纳主教练雕像。

    A bust of former Arsenal manager Herbert Chapman stands in the splendid marble hall entrance of Arsenal's stadium.


  • 一切音声出无尽妙言辞,尽于未来一切功德

    With seas of diverse voices and non-exhaustive eulogy, throughout all the future Kalpas, would I praise the seas of profound merits and virtues of the Buddha.


  • 一切音声出无尽妙言辞,尽于未来一切功德

    With seas of diverse voices and non-exhaustive eulogy, throughout all the future Kalpas, would I praise the seas of profound merits and virtues of the Buddha.


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