• 虽然速冻40年代就已经发明出来,但直到十年电视开始流行,速冻餐变得普及起来。

    Although frozen dinners were invented in the '40s, their popularity didn't boom until televisions became popular a decade or so later.


  • 尽管速冻40年代发明的,但直到大约10年后电视普及了,速冻餐开始流行起来

    Although frozen dinners were invented in the 40s, their popularity didn't boom until televisions became popular a decade or so later.


  • 这种早餐会很快西雅图市流行开来,迅速全美各城市乡镇普及最终传到首都华盛顿

    These breakfasts soon sprouted up throughout Seattle, and quickly spread to cities and towns across America, eventually making their way to Washington.


  • 过去十年中伊朗逐步放松了音乐限制。在一些地方流行音乐逐渐普及

    Iran's musical restrictions have eased over the past decade and pop music has become increasingly common in some parts of society.


  • 时间里一些数码资源开始美国广为流行走向普及

    In a short space of time, a few digital resources have become something between enormously popular and pervasive in America.


  • DiBona指出,如果能有更多欢迎社交网站涌现企业内部社交网站变得流行标准会进一步普及

    DiBona noted that standards would be come more popular if more popular social networking sites crop up, or the internal ones run by enterprises grow more popular.


  • 或许Flurry报告给我们带来最大惊喜不是简单指出iPhoneiPhone应用如今多么普及流行而是指出了iPhone究竟把处于第二位的竞争对手领先多少

    Perhaps what's most surprising about Flurry's report isn't simply how prevalent and popular the iPhone and iPhone applications are today, but how far ahead they are of the nearest competitors.


  • 期间值得注意变化就是家用电脑普及流行一个平行的体系开始形成

    The one bright spot was the rapidly growing popularityand availability — of home computers, which began forming a parallel ecosystem.


  • 这种水平可移植性流行普及必需的。

    This high level of portability was integral to its popularity.


  • 亚洲也是如此顶级优质啤酒普及流行,却潜藏着另一个全球竞争中成为酿酒业巨头机会

    In Asia, too, premium beers have yet to catch on, presenting another potential opportunity for brewing's giants as they compete across the world.


  • 此外因为手机已经普及全球了,如果手机引起大脑肿瘤的话,我们应该看到全球大范围内流行大脑肿瘤。

    Moreover, if cellphones caused brain tumors, we should have seen a worldwide increase in brain tumors pandemic as the phones became ubiquitous.


  • 我们应该感激大卫阿滕波尔、罗伯特·温斯顿布莱恩寇斯其他流行作家以及电视节目主持人普及这些兴趣

    We should be grateful to David Attenborough, Robert Winston, Brian Cox and other popular writers and television presenters for generating such interest.


  • 随着瑜伽流行呼吸技巧也得到普及

    As yoga has become more popular across the world, the breathing techniques that go along with it have gained popularity as well.


  • 事实上即使它们流行时代里,这些退休金计划也没有普及,在80年代,只有大约三分之一业者加入了它们。

    These pensions never were as widespread in fact as they are in popular legend—when the number of such plans peaked in the 1980s, they covered only about one-third of the workforce.


  • 随着SACD日益普及目前流行电压高保真功放的性能相比电流模高保真声频功率放大器将会美好发展前景。

    As the SACD is increasingly popularized, the current mode power amplifier, compared with the prevalent voltage mode Hi-Fi power amplifier, will have a quick development and bright look in the future.


  • 张超中国流行乐队凤凰传奇成员,创作了《最民族风》。2011年,随着广场广泛普及,《最炫民族风》了。

    Zhang Chao, a member of Chinese pop band Phoenix Legend, composed the Coolest Ethic Trend and it went hot with the widespread popularity of square dancing in 2011.


  • 目前,随着宽带网络日益普及网络视频会议以及多媒体远程教育组播应用也随之网络中流行

    With the popularization of wideband network, many multicast applications such as online video conference and distance education are becoming more and more popular.


  • 但是英国医学杂志》报告警告我们,这种杂志分级普及流行正在扭曲着杂志的基本角色分级强迫它们越来越多的注意力放在引用不是读者身上

    But a report by the BMJ warns that the popularity of this ranking is distorting the fundamental character of journals, forcing them to focus more and more on citations and less on readers.


  • 电视使电影不如以往那么普及流行

    Television has robbed the cinema of its former popularity.


  • 流行佳作一些受到广泛普及销售量巨大的事物,例如电影

    Something, such as a film or book, that sustains widespread popularity and achieves enormous sales.


  • 群众体育流行是体育运动普及一种特殊类型虽然流行具有自发性,但全国城乡体育现状调查情况来看,社会传播有着十分紧密直接联系

    Though it has the nature of spontaneity, it has a very close and direct contact with the social dissemination according to the Survey of the Present Sports Condition of the nation.


  • 网络应用日益普及今天,“网络宣传”是目前流行网络媒体活动网站可以实现查看有关奥运的新闻动态功能

    The network becomes pervasive in today's "information network" is the most popular online media activities in the site you can view the Olympic-related news, features such dynamics.


  • 威斯康辛大学流行学家布兰登·森特沃尔研究已经表明战后谋杀案美国上升大致是在普及电视10年后开始的。

    Studies by Brandon Centerwall, an epidemiologist at the University of Wisconsin, have shown that the post war murder rise in the United States began roughly a decade after TV viewing became common.


  • 摘要如今网络普及以及各种社交工具日益流行公众舆论表达提供了广阔的平台

    Abstract: Nowadays, the wide spread of the Internet and social tools provides the public a broader platform to voice their opinions.


  • 第二移动网络普及,手机阅读流行,移动数字图书馆建设在高校势在必行

    Second, due to the growing popularity of digital reading via mobiles, the need of constructing a digital library that suits for this type of reading is urgent;


  • 80年代个人电脑开始普及之后计算机艺术流行起来。

    Computer art become popular in the 1980s when computers started to become more available to the public.


  • 80年代个人电脑开始普及之后计算机艺术流行起来。

    Computer art become popular in the 1980s when computers started to become more available to the public.


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